Abaddon fractal considered in future
Petty nonsense?
Completely ignoring the whole point of the vote is a bit more than “petty nonsense”.
Why should people ever think ArenaNet would every listen to the community again if they pulled something like this?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
That’s a pretty cool idea. Instead of revamping the fight from GW1, we could have a fractal which relives his original banishment
Well they did make it quite clear during the election that the Fractal WOULD be about the original Fall. Not the battle in Nightfall.
Now you’re just making me even more annoyed at all the Kiel supporters :S
Petty nonsense?
Completely ignoring the whole point of the vote is a bit more than “petty nonsense”.
Those people got their candidate, the WP costs, and the Thaumanova reactor fractal was released first.
Fractal is hardly the whole point of the vote. Many people didn’t even care about the fractal.
Politicians sometimes implement policies suggested by their past opponents.
And more importantly, you are a terrible person: you want to make the situation zero-sum because you blow the significance of an in-game vote way out of proportion.
How about compromise, and not winner-takes-all?
Why should people ever think ArenaNet would every listen to the community again if they pulled something like this?
For one, they actively solicit feedback on the forums, such as what I am offering right now. And I’ve seen them take positive action on feedback provided over the past year.
Would they not be listening to the Abaddon voters by implementing the fractal at a later time? The minority doesn’t just cease to exist because the vote went one way, “community” is not a monolithic thing, it is a group of individuals.
(edited by voidwater.2064)
I still can’t believe anyone would actually believe that the abaddon fractal would be any good, or contain any lore. It’d be a half hour thing where the sea turns into the desert after imprisoning him. I mean if anet want’s to make it, by all means, nothing is stopping them, but they have not proven that they can handle gw1 lore or events with care
They already have all troubles in the world dealing with the ascalon catacombs transformation and the ascalonian fractal as well… I’d prefer they fix those before we even speak about adding new fractals where you played tranformed.
Well, seems the Thaumanova reactor also transforms players, into Inquest.
Nearly 50% of the playerbase voted Evon Gnashblade though. It seems silly for a company to isolate such a large amount of players.
You know, every time I want to say “you don’t know for sure Scarlet is involved”, I end up losing that bet. I really hope Scarlet is not involved this time around.
-Eats own words-
You were right Kain Francois, you were right and I was wrong. I’m so sad right now. Why did it have to be Scarlet again?! We were just joking about it, we didn’t mean it!
Can we please have an update that doesn’t involve Miss Later Taters?
No scratch that, I want the writing of War in Kryta to return. That was some of the best writing we’ve ever seen in Guild Wars. It was exciting, and there were believable villains that felt real and menacing. Can we please go back to that?
Also, I am now in full agreement with everyone that said we should be glad they didn’t touch Abaddon. They would have included Scarlet in that too, for sure.
Well it does make sense that Scarlet is involved in this very situation, seeing as she actually DID work with the Inquest and got thrown out. Which must likely happened because of this situation.
Having her in the Abaddon Fractal would however not make any sense whatsoever, seeing as that took place over thousand years before the Sylvari even existed.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
While I would like the Abbadon fractal a more correct way to say it would be “I would like the Abbadon fractal without Scarlet.”
Having her in the Abaddon Fractal would however not make any sense whatsoever, seeing as that took place over thousand years before the Sylvari even existed.
Next thing you know, turns out, Scarlet is actually Abbadon – and he/she is doing all of this because he/she is kitten ed. How is Abbadon not dead? Easy: “Scarlet did it.” Alternatively she is a Margonite and is out seeking revenge because of us dispatching Abbadon. The fractal doesn’t necessarily have to be one that far in the past; it could have been us preventing Scarlet from resurrecting Abbadon or something. Another way to get her into the fractal would have been to retcon the whole Abbadon fiasco (it was done with the Krait).
There are no two ways about it – no matter how silly it seems that she would be involved the reality is she would have been jammed into it somehow.
In scenarios like this remember: the lore isn’t important, Scarlet Briar and the Sylvari are.
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.