Dark Powers [DP] on Crystal Desert Dun/PVX

Dark Powers [DP] on Crystal Desert Dun/PVX

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709



Dark Powers is a new guild started by friends who play games. We’re in our 30s. We seek to build a guild of like-minded players who enjoy playing all aspects of GW2 but want to focus on Dungeons. Is it what you want?

Our goals:

  • Setup daily dungeon runs. Hopefully with a sound schedule CST afternoons/evenings to start. (this includes Fractals and all instanced PVE)
  • Provide leadership and attract leaders.
  • Create a hub for meeting others.
  • Camaraderie.

Our charter:

  • Respect toward one another as guildfellows but also to strangers.
  • No lying, cheating or scamming
  • Adult maturity
  • Speak English (bad or good doesn’t matter)

Our aspirations:
Eventually (if the guild is a success) I’d like to branch over into focusing on other forms of gameplay, namely SPVP/TPVP/WvW. I myself mix in a lot of PVP play but that’s because I’ve been playing alone for a while now. The focus of Bloodhaven is dungeons but we aim to support every members need or desire.

Our contacts:
Please send letter in-game to Vinnlander. Or, contact me directly through a whisper using the same name. I do like to talk with new members or those interested to get an idea of the kind of person you are. We’re much more interested in attitude than in skill level of play. After all, stupidity can be fixed but ignorance can not. I think its especially important that even the most skilled player should be open to new ideas.

I absolutely encourage all question asking. Please, if you have any questions post them here (it will keep the post bumped) or as stated above contact me, Vinnlander.

In closing I’d like to say thank you for taking the time to read this. All players from any server are welcome provided the above ledger meets your criteria. Give us a shot and a chance. I think Dark Powers will be something great for all of us.

Good journey,

(edited by Dracula.1709)

Dark Powers [DP] on Crystal Desert Dun/PVX

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709



Bloodhaven has merged with Dark Powers. Everything above stays the same, except for the name. Recruitment is still open.