Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


It is funny that their guild tag is RUN. What other guild tag gets a lot of hate just because of their name? RUIN. One letter off!

Back to this thread. So people are mad that they are leaving? But these same people claim they weren’t good . Why are you upset or care enough to post on the forums if that is true? They are voluntarily moving to a server that has less of a population during their playing time than the one they are currently on. They are the wussies? I don’t get it.

SoS seems like it could be a very strong server if more NA players joined. So ironic because everyone is complaining about nightcapping. This server has the opposite. It gets primetime capped

They transferred mid-day to a server we are in direct competition with. Before their transfer, they were camping GoM bl and refusing to fight, basically so they could then transfer and take any gains GoM made back for SoS. They’ve also had spies in WvW reporting TC movements to SoS after the transfer. We aren’t upset that they have left. We’re outraged at their total lack of integrity, at the way they blatantly exploited game mechanics, at the disgusting two-faced bs they’ve been spewing (because while Cayden is all sweet and non-confrontational here, in TC /team chat he’s arrogant and beligerent.)

And yes, we’re just a bit frustrated that you’re accepting this pariah into your world “with open arms.” It’s your loss, our gain. Consider yourselves warned.

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: TurtleMuncher.9750


Personally, I welcome you guys to Sea of Sorrows ! Seems like there is a bunch of rumors and trashtalking going on here but I encourage the SoS guys to not make hasty judgments regarding Defiance and see for yourselves what they truly are. After all, even though the allegations are coming from TC guys which may know Defiance more so than us, it may just be that there are existing drama. Anyways, just don’t judge so soon!

Also, for NA guilds that are interested, look up the queue size image for SoS on the first page of this thread. Its perfect for large NA guilds that want to field ALL their members at the same time & borderlands and make something happen (if you can ninja the slots before the “full” pops up again)!

Also, PINK is really good lol

Random guy in SoS


Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


The way I see it, they are moving to a server with less WvW population during their playing times than the one they were on. That should be commended because 99% of MMOers don’t do that. They rather flock to servers with 24 hour queues.

Pretty Girls wear PINK.

(edited by Ljiona.9142)

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

Indeed, I would -love- SoS to become stronger. When I did forgo sleep one night, fighting their primetime crew was a blast. I learned a lot. It’s sad that they are getting infiltrated by RUN.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Leriff.8362


Having never once interacted with this guild, all I know about them is how they’ve conducted themselves in this thread, how they conduct themselves in chat and what the general population of TC thinks about them. None of this really boasts good character.

So, I suppose good luck to you. I am unsure whether it is good or not that you are leaving, and I don’t really care. But, here’s a tip for better public relations.

It is obvious that people aren’t “sad” to see you leave. Dismissing complaints as “these people are trolls”, instead of assuring people that that is not how your guild operates is not the best method in which to inspire confidence in the people you have left, or the people you are joining.

“They’re just emotional to see us go!” is not the proper thing to say, and it just makes you look like a kitten. From the talk in chat, and on this forum, most people are actually happy to have you gone. (Also, bragging about the PvPers you stole doesn’t help your case, either.)

Instead, state things like: “We apologize to those we did not get along with.” and “We leave with the assurance that we enjoyed the time we spent on Tarnished Coast, and the friends we made there.” This inspires the people you are going to, and makes you seem like a friendly and loving guild.

TL;DR: Your social conduct is deplorable. Good luck on your new server.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


I don’t think anyone on TC hates SoS outside of a general sense of competition.

Heck no! They’ve been one of the best opponents yet! I’ve always lamented that the time zone differentials never quite allowed us to clash the way we ought to have.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: sil.4160


I’m so confused with this thread. Didn’t RUN just went back to TC after saying they will be coming to SOS? So all this angst against SOS is misdirected. This is really an internal bickering between TC members

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: sceptus.9415


Huh? I’m fighting against SoS right now with [RUN] as their tag. Please refrain from posting falsehoods just to cause confusion.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

RUN had another thread about coming back to TC after some experiment in SoS. Sceptus, it wasn’t a falsehood. Just more confusion from RUN’s server flip-flopping.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: sceptus.9415


Hrmmm. I was seriously fighting RUN members just minutes ago. ;/ Make a choice and STICK with it guys.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: whiran.1473


Just to add more confusion and bump RUN’s thread for them:

RUN is currently, as best I can tell, on -both- TC and SoS as of Tuesday, Oct 2nd, 2012.

I would imagine that they are trying to get SoS to win so I’m not sure what to make of that. I don’t fully get the logic of entering battlegrounds when they are transferring over to another server but I suppose it’s part of testing the waters?

I wish RUN all the best on SoS and I hope SoS enjoys their stay. My own experience with RUN was watching one of their people (leader they claimed) in Lion’s Arch chat trying to convince other people to leave TC. I hadn’t ever seen them before in the borderlands but, then again, most of the time (probably two thirds of the time) I play in Eternal.

I don’t think anyone had any serious problems with RUN (although it seems that there may have been clashes in /team in the borderlands they say they were in which is strange for TC since such things are extremely rare to the point of being almost non-existent) as such but the manner in which they are semi-departing and trying to ‘talk’ others into leaving with them is… well, it is what it is.

Good luck RUN! I hope you have a good run of it on SoS.

Don’t cry for help and keep the WvW running.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


I’m so confused with this thread. Didn’t RUN just went back to TC after saying they will be coming to SOS? So all this angst against SOS is misdirected. This is really an internal bickering between TC members

Well, they (Defiance, that is) were trying to recruit Oceanics for TC and then decided to jump to SoS and said a lot of nasty words that basically reduce my post to nothing but the word kitten about twenty times with a few adjectives. To say nothing of Cayden sort of making a spectacle of himself.

I don’t think anyone’s directing angst towards SoS. I’d like to think that most people posting here like Sea of Sorrows. I do, anyway. And I do think it’s sort of a shame how a few people from Defiance are representing their guild in the public sphere (ie. not well). I thought plenty of them were nice folk and smart players. Don’t want to paint with a wide brush anymore than I thought that people finger pointing at GoM for that one exploiter were making the right call.

That said, I’m guess more of the anger is less that their leaving but they’re sort of trying to make it seem like they were an invaluable part of TC. If SoS does really well in the next match, I’m sure they’ll attribute it to themselves. I mean, someone from the SoSU had to come in go: “Slow down, we didn’t take you in yet.”, so…y’know, you see that from a group that’d already pushed itself on one server, make a big fuss and burned bridges, and you just hope that it works out.

But on the inside, you cringe a little. I want it to work out for you SoS folks. I just…don’t really know if it will. Hope that made sense.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


Someone link this thread where RUN is talking about coming back to TC. We’re having a good laugh over this in vent.

Also, behold one of TC’s mysterious “The Sovereign Gaming” guildmates.

Off topic: Om nom nom golems.

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

Defiance shot some people over to SoS today to take a look around and give a good fight during peak times lol. We made sure that we were on the same zone as the Defiance on TC. Good times.

The resulting conclusion was that Tarnished Coast has US and Euro Timezones covered and only needs Oceanic. SoS is lacking Euro and US which will leave gaps where they will lose everything even if they get US guilds.

The other conclusion was that even though we have 200 members and are very experienced we would need at least 3 200 person guilds to make a real difference because at US Times servers are expected to be queued everywhere or GTFO.

This left us to the conclusion that SoS should send some people to TC so that we can move up in the ranks as the only gap we have is what you can provide.

It wasn’t a thread they started, just how the guy starting this thread was talking about how RUN was trying to recruit people from SoS to TC originally. Thing is, their guild ticked off too many people in TC and found it was simply easier to leave and find another ‘home.’

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: sceptus.9415


Sea of Sorrows is one of my favorite servers. If I wasn’t a die-hard TC member it would be my second choice. I’m totally serious. I remember such great fights in beta.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


TSG has been awesome since they have come over to TC. They are extremely well organized and have done a fantastic job. They are one of the reasons that a primarily NA server is now beating the snot out of an Oceanic server during the Oceanic servers prime time hours.

More are coming… I think you’re riding the wave the wrong way.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Paniolo.3297


Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: lolitsage.2185


I don’t see why you guys are still talking about this if you apparently don’t care about them levaving. That wasn’t the original topic of discussion. We’ve heard TCs impression of then and we’re clear on what to look out for. So just leave them be and we’ll see what comes from them moving.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Paniolo.3297


I would imagine they are happy this guy left their server. But they probably want to make sure everyone is aware of the reputation he’s gained

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: mcl.9240


The way I see it, they are moving to a server with less WvW population during their playing times than the one they were on. That should be commended because 99% of MMOers don’t do that. They rather flock to servers with 24 hour queues.

Pretty Girls wear PINK.

Actually, the reason I suspect is behind their move: RUN likes…no, RUN insists on being in charge when they’re in WvWvW, even if they don’t really have any strategy to speak of. They tend to get belligerent towards anyone who dares to disagree with them, suggest other, perhaps better approaches, or leads a major push without them or their blessing.

They’ve been on several servers so far, and have been unable to get their way, so they saw SoS, a server with an extremely small NA population, as their last, best chance to be big fish in a little pond. They get to go to SoS and throw their weight around, because there’s really nobody playing during the times they’re on to take issue with anything they say. When and if others join SoS, RUN will be the established NA daytime presence, and will be in a position to insist on obedience, something they seem to desperately want on the servers they’ve been on so far, but which nobody has been foolish enough to give them.

Fare well, RUN. Oh, and get the rest of your members out of TC’s WvWvW, since you’ve “left”. You’re just shining a blazing spotlight on your true colors with what you’re up to there.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Jeul.1068


What a lot of people don’t realize here is that the reason everyone is posting rude goodbyes to this jerk is because a good amount of us bit our tongue for the 2 days he was relevant.

That’s why you’re seeing so many people latching on to the burning at the stake – he ticked off a TON of people on TC. It wasn’t him leaving that made them mad, it was him being there. You’re not seeing the sigh of relief we have now, not having to deal with the perpetual drama. We can choose to look at it from afar – like here.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zoula.5139


They had another post where they were talking about a scouting mission going over to SoS and then coming back. But since then they decided to all head out to SoS. That’s probably where all the confusion is coming from.

Zoula Frostmane
<Bloodgale Vanguard>

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Gizmo.8921


OCX guild supports this gesture and also welcomes any NA/SA/Canadian Guilds that would be present during the day time and early hours of SoS.

Sea of Sorrows

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


As someone who was only very recently considering completely leaving TC, exclusively just to get rid of RUN (a dilemma eventually solved with a few well placed /blocks on some of their top members), I must say, despite this thread being really fun to read - TC people, enough is enough.

Most of us know, either from first hand experiences, or second hand accounts, that RUN are either very unpopular (in borderlands, with people who had to endure their antics and their rude behavior constantly), or virtually unknown (in battlegrounds, where nobody even heard of them).

That, and pretty much all that needed to be said was already said here. There is no need to badmouth them any further, as it kind of makes it look like anybody in TC actually cares about them, or in the more extreme cases - makes them even look like a victim of a sort.

People in SoS are - for most part I believe - adults. They can easily take care of themselves on their own. They don’t need to be "saved". So let it go. RUN will do for a few days the usual they were doing on TC, in no time SoS will be hating them the same as TC did. They will deal with it. Some new /blocks will be placed, and on the opposite side - some people who find their very particular style appealing, will find some new friends. Nobody will die because of it.

All that matters now is that RUN is finally gone from TC, and that is a time for celebration, not for pointless flames.

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Atticus Creed.4062

Atticus Creed.4062

It’s good to see a guild willing to make a step in the right direction for the better of the game. If SoS has a few more NA guilds they might have a chance of being competitive. It’s kinda sad to see how many people have flocked to HoD rather than making a home on a server that with added numbers would have a real chance.

I’m on ET & we do well with the numbers we have but are in need of more players to fill that void between Oceanics going to bed & Americans waking up. Ideally European guilds. I think that with better coverage we really would give HoD one hell of a fight.

[Res] The Prestige

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Krustydog.1043


All I know is I moved to SoS and joined RUN today and the wvw was AWESOME tonight. RUN has its kitten together as does TC. The battles were epic. I am quite pleased to be in RUN and on SoS.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


Presently, Defiance is camping the road outside of Cliffside in GoM bl trying to gank stragglers while SoS sits at +70. Funny stuff.

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


run has been doing fine on SoS. No one hates them. We welcome them with open arms.

Shuffle a few more NA guilds over here and we might actually have a decent matchup

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Pelican.3840


Best bloated guild badge farming I’ve had since RUIN and GOON. Excellent move.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dwok Immortalus.2763

Dwok Immortalus.2763

This thread makes me sad.

They transferred mid-day to a server we are in direct competition with. Before their transfer, they were camping GoM bl and refusing to fight, basically so they could then transfer and take any gains GoM made back for SoS. They’ve also had spies in WvW reporting TC movements to SoS after the transfer. We aren’t upset that they have left. We’re outraged at their total lack of integrity, at the way they blatantly exploited game mechanics, at the disgusting two-faced bs they’ve been spewing (because while Cayden is all sweet and non-confrontational here, in TC /team chat he’s arrogant and beligerent.)

You are trying to attribute to maliciousness what is easily explained by confusion. Like several of our guild members, I didn’t learn about the switch until I logged in and tried to rally with my guildies (based on Teamspeak), only to end up fighting them. Then I spent the next 10 minutes trying to figure out what happened while at the portal keep.

The way I see it, they are moving to a server with less WvW population during their playing times than the one they were on. That should be commended because 99% of MMOers don’t do that. They rather flock to servers with 24 hour queues.

Pretty Girls wear PINK.

Actually, the reason I suspect is behind their move: RUN likes…no, RUN insists on being in charge when they’re in WvWvW, even if they don’t really have any strategy to speak of. They tend to get belligerent towards anyone who dares to disagree with them, suggest other, perhaps better approaches, or leads a major push without them or their blessing.

This one confuses, and makes me sad. We work heavily with any guild that wants to, and have multiple times respected command and aid requests from other guilds and commanders.

Dwok, the Undying
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Cayden.4587


I am glad that it seems as though the negativity is dropping off. Obviously this is a video game and people have emotions but this thread included absolutely ZERO drama or flaming and was made to attempt to recruit other NA guilds to join us on SoS.

There was no comment of TC guilds or how we view them and the like. It is unfortunate that a small group of people from TC (from what we can tell all from one guild) feel the need to come here and express their emotions with negative interaction. Is it true that there was a negative interaction between Defiance and one guild on TC? Yes. Does that matter when we are leaving? Not to us but apparently to them.

No one is here talking bad about you and the decision to move was already made and we are leaving. There is very little reason for the negativity to continue. I hope that we can move by it and simply see each other on the battlefield.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

(edited by Cayden.4587)

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Aleaf.8174



They transferred mid-day to a server we are in direct competition with. Before their transfer, they were camping GoM bl and refusing to fight, basically so they could then transfer and take any gains GoM made back for SoS. They’ve also had spies in WvW reporting TC movements to SoS after the transfer. We aren’t upset that they have left. We’re outraged at their total lack of integrity, at the way they blatantly exploited game mechanics, at the disgusting two-faced bs they’ve been spewing (because while Cayden is all sweet and non-confrontational here, in TC /team chat he’s arrogant and beligerent.)
And yes, we’re just a bit frustrated that you’re accepting this pariah into your world “with open arms.” It’s your loss, our gain. Consider yourselves warned.

Gonna have to call BS on this. As an NA player, I haven’t seen any “spying” on SoS in the Team chat reports. We barely have the numbers let alone spy connections during the day.

Why does TC win during the day? Cuz as an Oceanic server, we have no NA people.
What happens when we get a decent amount of people? We send TC running like the other night when we were outmanned 3v1 and pushed to our gate yet we got a small group out, took golanta and jerrifers while fighting off your zerg and successfully capping everything back in our area.

Now I’m all for smack talk but keep the insults and finger pointing to a minimum. Does Defiance have a past? Prolly. Do we care on SoS? Nope. We need BODIES. If we can get bodies we can easily paint a different picture. Like TC bodies. Everywhere.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dwok Immortalus.2763

Dwok Immortalus.2763

I’m really going to miss Toast.

That said, in the three hours I got to play last night, the SoS native players were amazingly receptive to us, and quite kind. I can see it being enjoyable.

Dwok, the Undying
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


Good luck Defiance! I personally enjoyed playing with you guys on TC and did consider joining the team. In my experience you embraced the server, even dabbled with some light RP, and overall were mature and friendly.

One request, please continue to stay on SoS; coming and going with mass recruiting can be very disruptive to any WvW community. TC will be fine but obviously it is not ideal for any server.

Night capping: It is a part of the game, and we accept it. However, one does not have to stretch far to see that it is an unfair advantage unless you are matched with two other oceanic servers. I suppose that is the nature of WvW, where there are numbers there is strength. The best solution would be for GW2 to open several oceanic servers… a possibility.

The other interesting thing to note with joining an oceanic heavy server is that if you are evenly matched with a Top 5 non-oceanic server you will get severely railed during American evenings. The scoreboard would suggest it is a close match however. That is why I’m sticking here, well that and my wife is heavy into RP…

Best of luck and we look forward to the added competition!

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dwok Immortalus.2763

Dwok Immortalus.2763

even dabbled with some light RP

Haha, I tried a few times myself, but we couldn’t get it to stick. We do however call Akadios “the Templar” thanks to some RP in the /team chat last week.

Dwok, the Undying
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: DrFunk.7680


This Cayden guy sounds like that akadios.
Im from TC, we were doing just fine before RUN came along.
They do play fairly well strategically, but they demoralize anyone
thats not in their alliance.
Anytime us Aussies came on at RUN time, we’d basically just leave
again after 20 mins of this clown.
I don’t know about every RUN member but atleast Akadios,
and about 10 others are just pathetic.
One of the leaders even instructed their members not to res fallen
non RUN allies.
Good riddance.

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Dwok Immortalus.2763

Dwok Immortalus.2763

This Cayden guy sounds like that akadios.
Im from TC, we were doing just fine before RUN came along.
They do play fairly well strategically, but they demoralize anyone
thats not in their alliance.
Anytime us Aussies came on at RUN time, we’d basically just leave
again after 20 mins of this clown.
I don’t know about every RUN member but atleast Akadios,
and about 10 others are just pathetic.
One of the leaders even instructed their members not to res fallen
non RUN allies.
Good riddance.

Cayden is Akadios, i believe.
As far as this ‘not res’ thing, i have never seen this occur except in cases where the person is simply not reachable, or if we have reason to believe they are a WvW bot.

Dwok, the Undying
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


SoS is making a run at a bunch of NA guilds. Come join our ranks and do something productive instead of waiting in queues!

Come be our saviors!

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Psy.6153


Well it seems that RUN have jumped ship and left to SoR, after convincing several guilds to come to SOS they leave them all high and dry because the world didnt fall into their laps within 4 days on the server.

Stay clear of this guild, theyre special thats for sure and their leader (if you can call him that) is dragging people around like puppets looking for his glory with no regard for anyone or anything.

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Shaojack.3871


Hello all.
There was a move, but to kind of get out in the open what happened a little the move to SoR was a vote by the guild, Akadios was all about building up the SoS server NA population. However over 70% of the guild wished to leave. We voted, we moved.
I was actually at the head of this move somewhat, I personally do not like server hopping, however for most of us it was simply a bad match.
Definitely will miss Kjuston, Ramp and TG.
See ya guys on the field.

- Brojack

Brojack (80 Thief) / Shaojack(80 Warrior) / Shaokuma(80 Guardian) / Shaojax(80 Ranger)

Sanctum of Rall