[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: phoenix.3487


I joined this guild shortly before Guild Wars 2 was released and it has been a wonderful experience. There are always many people active in TeamSpeak, lots a dungeon runs going, WvW most nights, and even people interested in doing sPvP. If you are looking for not only a good guild but a great community, I recommend looking to LaZy.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


Lost Shore content is great to experience, but going through a new dungeon with guild mates. Figuring out their mechanics for the first time and laughing are way to victory, priceless.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Rufio.6541


After being here for five years and spending a lot of time in game with everyone, I can honestly say that Guild Wars two is the bets experience I have had with LaZy, and in any other game to date. The time, thought, and organization that goes into make this guild into a community is something I can promise you won’t find anywhere else.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


registered on website but the links in my email wont work… anyways im very interested in joining this guild. It is what im looking for in a guild, my ingame name is Monster Monster… im a fresh 80 mesmer… i like WvW and spvp… but also enjoy PVE.. i would like to get into running dungeons
( i have yet to run any for some reason)… get back with me… later

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


good now registered from my phone… looking forward to talking to you guys

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: THORz.2098


Lazy FTW!

Great guild, great people, always an excellent play!!!

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: eckscedryn.6891


Great guild with lots of activity. Recently was in a group for the new dungeon as soon as it was available and we made it through, of course with some experimentation in some areas; spent a good amount of time in WvW capturing far more than I thought possible with only 20 to 30 peeps; had a blast in teamspeak doing the final event of Lost Shores. Can’t imagine not being in this guild. I can’t even play solo too long without wanting to hop into teamspeak…. it’s just so crazy and fun. Well worth checking out if you’re looking for a guild.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Highvoltage.7946


i would but im to lazy to fill out an app

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


Happy Holidays From our LaZy Family to Yours!

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: ailendale.7820


Not only is LaZy a guild full of friendly people, but when you run a dungeon it’s never a dull time. Running Fractals this evening we couldn’t settle for just a quick easy run through, it wouldn’t be LaZy style without a little flare. Knowing what to do, we prepared for a fight like no other with the Dredge suit in our sights. Not only were we in for an epic 2 hour long battle, but a battle with the boss resetting on us and numerous dodging of flying molten bombs, that culled our forces down to a mere 2-3 a few times. Through it all we laughed as some of us started losing clothing to the sheer amount of unlucky dying, the screams and cries of anguish in Teamspeak as one of our members Brooke began cursing at the boss in tongues.

When we finally downed our boss we all cheered for joy, and collected our greens and were on our way. It might have sounded like a bad dungeon time from us dying a lot to something we’d killed numerous times beforehand, but it was one of the best times so far in GW2. We all left with a smile and tears coming out of our eyes from laughing so hard.

If you’re looking for a guild that can get things done and sometimes goof off and have an overall great time no matter what is going on, then we might just be for you.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Lotar.2831


It’s not just a GW2 guild but a community of players who are want something more. It’s about having a great time with people who you want to be with.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: yajuu.3987


Hail LaZy. =P…

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: ultimate.3160


Great group of people, joined then after seeing some many good coments and i can tell they were true!

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


[ LaZy ] NATION is a competitive and successful gaming community wherever it operates
Hardcore in our approach; we play every game to its fullest with the determination to compete and win.
We are casual and open in our environment and friendships.
Our players focus on quality: being the best they can be in any game they play.
Our gaming styles include RvR-WvW, PvE, and PvP
We are home to the most technically advanced players and the more casual players.
We understand the demands of real-life and the restrictions adults face in having “game time”.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Malagen.6803


Great community, focused on all aspects of the game. Come aand see for yourself at lazyimperium.com

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Absolutezero.5741


Hey, just registered to your site. Hoping to apply. Free bump for a guild that looks great.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Lotar.2831


LaZy Nation…. Tastes Great and Less Filling. We have it all when it comes to great gaming.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Rielos.2469


LaZy is a great guild! Good people, fun times, lots of WvW, and generally all-around helpful and fun. You should check us out and become part of the awesomeness that is LaZy Nation!

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


The IMPERIUM of [ LaZy ] NATION (a North American-based Global MMO Gaming Community) was founded in July, 2006, and over the course of a year became the largest adult-only global gaming community within Guild Wars: 3,000 members gaming together in a community free of racism, sexism, adult-ageism, etc.. Our values are based upon respect for the individual. Within the community, our Code of Conduct ensures that we maintain a drama-free zone for adults who wish to escape real-life and simply game. It’s about gaming, making friends and accomplishing your goals in the game you play. We are primarily an adult-community, 17+ for membership. We are not here to discuss real-world events, politics, religion – we are here to game. We respect everyone’s opinions – even if they differ with our own – but our focus is to play games and have fun. Since it’s creation over 10,000 Gamers have made [ LaZy ] their guild at one time or another.

(edited by Airwolf.4251)

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Mortal Bow Of God.1568

Mortal Bow Of God.1568

What can i say……… Been with LaZy for almost 6 yrs. From GW1 to Aion and to GW2 now. Have never been in a better community that actually is nice, thoughtful and respectful of everyone and everything. The joys of organized abuse on opposing Guilds, Factions and now Servers in WvW is a blast. I prefer that over the random running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off (and yes i’ve seen one in real life its messed up).

LaZy will always be there even when the game isn’t which is the characteristic i love the most.

Go LaZy Go!!!!


[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Captain Towers.9518

Captain Towers.9518

Been with LaZy back in GW1 and loving Life with them again in GW2. It’s a great Organized Community of Quality People. Love WvW with Guildees along with the other great Members on Cystal Desert Family. We continue to grow and encourage more communication between the guilds especially in WvW. We are Top Tier Guild in Quality and look forward to opening our doors for other like minded people.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Cutekhaos.5489


I have been gaming since I took my first breath, and MMO gaming for the last seven years. I have seen it and heard it all but when I applied to LaZy I figured on being in a guild with some really nice and good people. As a female gamer finding a group that treats you as an equal is rare. This is my family and I welcome you to experience the world that is LaZy. Remember nothing worth having is easily gained.

Ishtar Cute Khaos – Warrior : Trollmancer Khaos – Necro
Beastgate: GoF – Trolling you makes me happy.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


LaZy gives you that same feeling that you had when a bunch of friends came over to play SNES, way back when. It’s a community of wonderful people who game together.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


[ LaZy ] NATION is a competitive and successful gaming community wherever it operates

Hardcore in our approach; we play every game to its fullest with the determination to compete and win.
We are casual and open in our environment and friendships.
Our players focus on quality: being the best they can be in any game they play.
Our gaming styles include RvR-WvW, PvE, and PvP
We are home to the most technically advanced players and the more casual players.
We understand the demands of real-life and the restrictions adults face in having “game time”.[/quote]

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Cutekhaos.5489


We are a come all be all guild, wanna WvW or PvE or dare I say it sPvP then we are the home for you!

Ishtar Cute Khaos – Warrior : Trollmancer Khaos – Necro
Beastgate: GoF – Trolling you makes me happy.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


Happy Holidays From our LaZy Family to Yours!

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


[LaZy]’s The LightBringer Build — check it out on our channel:

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Airwolf.4251


The IMPERIUM of [ LaZy ] NATION (a North American-based Global MMO Gaming Community) was founded in July, 2006, and over the course of a year became the largest adult-only global gaming community within Guild Wars: 3,000 members gaming together in a community free of racism, sexism, adult-ageism, etc.. Our values are based upon respect for the individual. Within the community, our Code of Conduct ensures that we maintain a drama-free zone for adults who wish to escape real-life and simply game. It’s about gaming, making friends and accomplishing your goals in the game you play. We are primarily an adult-community, 17+ for membership. We are not here to discuss real-world events, politics, religion – we are here to game. We respect everyone’s opinions – even if they differ with our own – but our focus is to play games and have fun. Since it’s creation over 10,000 Gamers have made [ LaZy ] their guild at one time or another.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Unveiled Illusion.8576

Unveiled Illusion.8576

Come Check us out at www.LaZyimperium.com