Looking for a guild that likes to pvp, and take it easy. Eredons Terrace

Looking for a guild that likes to pvp, and take it easy. Eredons Terrace

in Guilds

Posted by: Zetoe.1327


So yeah, I’m quite skilled in pvp, or so I’d like to believe. I play mostly supportive roles, mostly. Most fun is had on my support guardian.

I’d like a guild I can run tournaments with, PvE, WvW, whatever.

Looks like the server name cut off up there: Eredons Terrace.

Looking for a guild that likes to pvp, and take it easy. Eredons Terrace

in Guilds

Posted by: blur.7918


Easy decision: www.lionsarch.org

You just have to leave ET for Dragonbrand; which is a fairly easy choice, to my mind!

Lion’s Arch Irregulars

Looking for a guild that likes to pvp, and take it easy. Eredons Terrace

in Guilds

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


Hey Zetoe,

Please check your PM!

The Royal Guard – http://theroyalguardclan.enjin.com
Isle of Janthir

Looking for a guild that likes to pvp, and take it easy. Eredons Terrace

in Guilds

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


Hi Zetoe,

Heavenly Apocalyptic Horizon on DarkHaven would be happy to take you, We are a new guild and looking to grow fast and strong as a team.
Check us out on these links:
and on:

Feel free to contact me on either of those or via PM on the forums here. Hope you find the right guild for you in any case.
- Llyrx

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com