Looking for smallish fun guild
I know we’re not on your server, but maybe check out The Totally Dead, on Ehmry Bay.
We’re a smallish guild that does a lot of WvWvW and some dungeons. We’re building up, learning the game but we have fun always. We’re serious in that we have mumble, we discourage trolling and swearing, and encourage openness and progress.
Our website is thetotallydead.enjin.com and you can just PM me here or ingame at Hafnium Dunewarrior for more info or an invite. Thanks
[U][B]About CGU[/B][/U] :
CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.
[B][U]Ways To Contact Us[/U][/B] :
Website : www.cgunited.net
Ventrilo : IP – cgunited.maxfrag.net Port – 3883
E-mail : cgunitedgaming@gmail.com
Also Try : YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Steam
[U][B]What CGU offers[/B][/U] :
- A Ventrilo Server
- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer’s
- In-game Events
- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer
[U][B]What do we ask from you[/B][/U] :
- Be active for our weekly meetings
- 15+ years of age
- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
[U][B]How to apply [/B][/U]:
Come on our Ventrilo server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)
Ventrilo : IP – cgunited.maxfrag.net Port – 3883