[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Amraz.1589


Focus: WvW
Style: Hardcore
VoIP: TeamSpeak
Website: www.ugmrz.com
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Prime Time: 7:00pm – 1:00am EST

Guild Philosophy
For some, the overall enjoyment of the online gaming experience is amplified by the company they keep, to the point where it trumps the game’s content itself. Unlimited is dedicated to building a community around the quality of players we invite, rather than the need to be the most or best “anything”. That’s not to say that our practices do not include a competitive edge, on the contrary, Unlimited is called home by members with seasoned gaming backgrounds in organized PvP and PvE. However, skill can be taught, personality is harder to mold. Unlimited members are players who seek to explore the extent of their ability and perform beyond them. Steady progression and skill improvement are important, parallel to community relations. A well-defined direction and an organized leadership that utilizes community feedback pushes Unlimited forward. Unlimited is motivated by a natural drive that excels its members to top tiered achievement, rather than the “need” most hardcore guilds have. Before the game’s release, we claimed to see ourselves in the top tiered PvP ranks of Guild Wars 2. We are there.

Unlimited members are players who seek to explore the extent of their ability and perform beyond them. Steady progression and skill improvement are important, parallel to community relations. Being skillful at something should not be a license to put others down, rather to be a leader among peers to help steer them toward the same achievement you have reached.

Guild Expectations – Our full code of conduct can be found here. Some key points:
* Be active and participate
* Be mature, be friendly, remain open-minded, and excel in a progressive environment that aims for PvP excellence.
* Love the Challenge
* Value and respect fellow players – We want people who enjoy the company of others and consider “game friends” an important piece to their online gaming experience.
* Play within all ethical guidelines of gaming set forth by common sense and the Guild Wars 2 EULA

Breaking Borders – Server Unity
We are not “The stuck-up Elite”. Unlimited will strive to improve the gaming experience of its members as well as the overall server community. WvWvW offers a wonderful opportunity for guilds to combine their PvP efforts and we will take every moment we can to work on our relations with the server to ensure that we are all successful. Unlimited is often seen via map chat in WvW inviting anyone to take part in collaborative PvP.

NA-Based…But Not Just NA
Unlimited is an NA-based guild, but we are not home to just North Americans. Our doors have never been closed to those outside the North American region. Our intention is to expand our bracket of time with international players, and North American players who play during the set times that someone from the GMT time zones will be participating. To be very clear, this is not an international side to Unlimited. On the contrary we are looking to only continue to expand our horizons. The international population has and will continue to mesh just the same into our community, our family, as anyone from North America would. We are strongly opposed to segregation within our ranks, thus those who join us from across the seas will take up arms with us under one banner, “Unlimited”.

For The Capable…But Time Restricted
With our foundation set, Unlimited has expanded our recruitment focus so that we can invite additional members who are capable of standing at arms with us, but lack the time commitment that we expect from our core. Unlimited will not now, nor ever, compromise its intentions of quality of quantity, nor will we allow growth to the point of members becoming numbers. However, we do realize the potential for members with limited availability to become more available over time, and vice versa for our current members. We continue to closely monitor our numbers and group cohesiveness to ensure that members of this rank do not feel over-underwhelmed as they mix into the fine core we have.

Are you interested?
Take a look at us, join us on our forum/teakspeak and get to know us. Find out why Unlimited is not only a guild that will intrigue you and want to follow, but one that you’ll want to play with in Guild Wars 2.

Website: Unlimited – Home
Teamspeak 3: ugmrz.com

Have questions?
Visit our website and ask away on our forum, hop into Teamspeak and meet members, or drop an email to our leaders: leaders@ugmrz.com

You can also chat with leadership in-game:
GM: Amraz Xelzo
WvW Leader: Kaena Godsfire

Thanks for reading.

(edited by Amraz.1589)

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: axel.3965


Take a look at us, join us on our forum/teakspeak and get to know us. Find out why Unlimited is not only a guild that will intrigue you and want to follow, but one that you’ll want to play with in Guild Wars 2.

I joined Unlimited back in April, and this is exactly why. I took them up on their offer to hang out. It took me only a few days to realize that this was the right guild for me. Something I encourage everyone to do. Join our TS, make some friends, make sure we are right for YOU, then submit an application. One of the best guilds I’ve ever had in my 17 years of MMO experience.

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Taintertots.2798


Been a part of Unlimited for over 7 months now, and I have enjoyed every second of it. All the members of unlimited are foremost, amazing people, but also exceptionable players. We know when to have a good time, and when to get serious and dominate in WvW.

Iv’e been playing MMOs since DAoC, and this has been one of the best guilds I have had the privilege to be a part of. However, don’t take my word for it. Hope on our website, chat with us on the forums and team speak, and get to know us. I promise, you will not regret it!

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Kitono.9152


I have been a part of unlimited since April. No other group of gamers have such a skilled set of gamers. I am proud to say that the only people who have been close to or succeeded in beating me in fights are my fellow guild mates. I knew ULTD was the right place for me by the questions they asked in the interview and the high pvp experience expectations that the small tight knit family shares commonly. We are unlimited.

Nighthound – Thief

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Arakel.5789


I’ve been playing MMOs since Everquest, and I’ve applied to a number of guilds which don’t live up to the way they’ve billed themselves.

I came across the Unlimited recruitment blurb. I thought it would be a good fit for me, but I retained a healthy dose of MMO scepticism, honed by so many guilds which just didn’t live up to their own advertising.

Unlimited is not one of those guilds.

If you’re looking for a guild with a WvW focus, who know when to “turn it on” and when to relax, you should give Unlimited serious consideration. Highly organized in PVP, highly social outside of it, and without the kitten drama seen in so many hardcore, focused guilds.

I, for one, am proud to call the guild my GW2 home.

PS: Go Henge!

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


I’ve watched the guild grow with Amraz since November of 2011 and I can say you will be hard pressed to find a closer community with the fire and drive needed to be a contender in WvW.

We are Unlimited.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Battlemarz.1827


As a DAoC veteran for many years, WvW is what brought me to GW2 and is my main focus while playing. Because of this I was looking for a guild and alliance that would be able to compete at a high level in the battlegrounds and borderlands. Unlimited offered this WvW competitiveness I was looking for as well as a smaller sized community. I found it a great fit, being able to know everyone in the guild and play with them all on a weekly basis, while also being part of an alliance that allows our smaller guild to contribute and do well in WvW. The guild is a great combination of fun times, kittentery, and serious business once we get into WvW.

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Armory.4739


Update: Unlimited has a new home and is expanding!

Guild: Unlimited
Focus: WvW
Style: Hardcore
VoIP: TeamSpeak
Website: www.ugmrz.com
Server: Fort Aspendwood
Prime Time: 7:00pm – 1:00am EST

Due to the retirement of the Titan Alliance, Unlimited has chosen to transfer servers to Fort Aspenwood where the WvW queues are much more manageable. We are looking for new recruits who are active, talented, and dedicated to join us immediately to continue WvW domination from our new home.

Launch has come and gone and Unlimited has made its mark on the Guild Wars 2 community. As we continue our success in WvW, we find ourselves being hunted on the battlefield by more and more foes every day. For that very reason we are starting our post launch recruitment efforts. We are looking for people who are hard working and dedicated to domination in WvW, while maintaining a close knit, mature gaming community.

From Unlimited, you can expect a friendly environment that knows when it’s time to get down to business. Expect to be part of a finely tuned machine with excellent coordination that knows how to win.

If you have what it takes to be part of something amazing, come by and check us out. Read through our charter here and we invite you to join us in Teamspeak and get a feel for our community.
Website: Unlimited – Home
Teamspeak 3: ugmrz.com

If you have questions feel free to check out the forums or hop on Teamspeak and ask a member. You can also look for our Recruitment Lieutenants in game:

On our first night on Fort Aspenwood we decided to retake Garrison with a minimal number of people. Here is how it ended:


(edited by Armory.4739)

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Malzahar.9416


Unlimited is settling in quite nicely in new home of Fort Aspenwood. If anyone has some free time tonight and would like to jump into some WvW or knock out farming hop on to our TS3: ugmrz.com (no password). See the post above for details on joining Unlimited.

Bamfcoco – Guardian
Lieutenant of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: infectiousbyte.7058


I have been a member of Unlimited from the 1st day of GW2 launch. I am glad to have found a great place to call home. Every member of Unlimited is important to the guild. Everyone contributes in some capacity to make it a strong and very knowledgeable guild that makes it stand above many others. We have members in the guild that I would consider experts in every class. But with that being said they always have an open ear listening to new thoughts others share to try and make their profession better. We are a strong minded WvW guild before anything else but in order to be strong in WvW some PVE is needed for money, crafting, gear. Our focus is WvW, but PVE is also played for a change of pace. There have been moments when I have needed help on a quest, an upgrade to a weapon or just questions about the game itself. As a new guy I wondered how it would be perceived needing help, or if I would hear crickets in the background. I can honestly say in seeking help I never felt it uncomfortable or the wrong thing to do. Members have acted and gone beyond expectations to help with enthusiasm and care about what I have needed. In short we strive to help members whom help themselves be a better effective player. Many WvW players know “ques” have been a difficult thing to deal with. We dont even get half our members in sometimes when its prime time. With the members that do represent, we make sure we work effectively together. Listen to the orders of our raid leaders, usually resulting in winning battles against enemies larger than ours. I dont know what others look for in a guild but these are some of the things I found important and wanted to share. I am happy to be a member of Unlimited and look forward to our future in the game as a united strong force.