Act 3 Event Timing

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Clearly some people don’t know what “primetime” means. 12:00 PM PST is not primetime in the US. It is primetime in Europe.

Thing is, whilst 7pm GMT is indeed considered “primetime” that doesn’t make it the most convenient time. People often end up spending a lot of time during Sunday evening / night getting their family ready for the coming working / school week.

But rather than host the event at a more convenient time, Anet think that just because Sunday night is considered “primetime” then everything is fine and dandy.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Didn’t they say it was not about primetime, but rather about peak worldwide concurrency, which is precisely at 1900GMT?

I’ve heard that excuse used before in other games. And it didn’t wash then either.

Sunday at noon PT will mean that potentially there is a lot of the US playerbase in the game. Therefore it is possible that the US population in the game could possibly offsetting any shortfall in European playerbase at that particular moment in time (due to the fact that the same time in the EU is the beginning of Sunday night, which is often taken up with “family time”).

Now, had they decided to have the event at noon GMT instead, then the opposite could possibly occur (assuming the same number of EU players are playing the game in comparison to US players).

But from what they are saying that isn’t the case. They seem to be essentially admitting that US players + all other zones at noon PT > EU players + all other zones at noon GMT.

In short: they ARE in fact catering more for US players than any other part of their playerbase, purely because the US population is “weighting” the figures. The fact that doing so at that time inconveniences a large portion of players who AREN’T in the “majority”, appears to be irrelevant to them.

In my opinion, this whole “official response” is just smoke and mirrors. Just as it is when other MMO devs play the “worldwide concurrency” card. The real reason is probably much more simplistic: they can’t be assed getting up during the night (4am) to host the event so that EU players get to see it at noon GMT. Of course, they cannot admit that directly because players would REALLY be annoyed.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vim.7318


I thought this event was just some visual scripted event which you can watch on youtube, is there actually going to be anything interactive?

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Perhaps in the end it may turn out that, in order to prevent people from “being spoilt by youtube vids” they host the event globally at noon PT, but because people cannot attend at that time in their respective timezones, they end up checking it out on youtube style websites.

The irony would be amusing to say the least.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


I’m from Asia and the event will happen here at 3am Monday. I’m a working person, I have a family and mouths to feed as well. So if we’re talking about being busy and real life pressures, I got them. Yet, I can confidently say I’ll still make it to this event. Do I think it’s the best time? No, but I’m not complaining…why would I complain if I like the game? Events like these are just bonuses. I will attend the event to show my appreciation for the game even if it means going of my way…that’s my mentality. It’s like attending someone’s birthday party, if that person is important to you, you will attend his party regardless of your busy schedule, you’ll make time. If I like a game enough, I’ll make time for it. I don’t see why people complain and complain…these are very manageable tasks. Act first then talk later.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: sAdam.5876


I cannot comprehend why you are getting so worked up. Beginning of act 3 won’t contribute to any title. I don’t remember where is that dev response but I read it something like two days ago.
I most likely would be unable to attend and it is a shame but maybe other events would be hosted for other timezones as well.
I love idea of one time event, it would give some feeling of uniqueness for that attending. If it will be played right it can be something great for few instead of sth good for many. I can live with not being among them but cheers for lucky ones

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


I’m from Asia and the event will happen here at 3am Monday. I’m a working person, I have a family and mouths to feed as well. So if we’re talking about being busy and real life pressures, I got them. Yet, I can confidently say I’ll still make it to this event. Do I think it’s the best time? No, but I’m not complaining…why would I complain if I like the game? Events like these are just bonuses. I will attend the event to show my appreciation for the game even if it means going of my way…that’s my mentality. It’s like attending someone’s birthday party, if that person is important to you, you will attend his party regardless of your busy schedule, you’ll make time. If I like a game enough, I’ll make time for it. I don’t see why people complain and complain…these are very manageable tasks. Act first then talk later.

What is considerable “manageable” and reasonable is completely subjective. But with that said, there are trends which suggest the varying degrees of what is generally considered reasonable. So one cannot really pass judgement on what others should / should not be complaining about.

Besides, if they were given the option, I doubt that a great many would consider 3am to be reasonable by any stretch.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Warrax.5967


Ok, I understand people on Asian servers being upset by this. I don’t understand EU servers being upset. Noon PST doesn’t that make it like…8pm there? Isn’t 6-9 pm like, prime time for gaming?

3am on monday – prime time for gaming?

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Echelon.5384


To all the people who are all “GW1 events were sooo much better” the game is still up and running and I think it wants you back.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I have to agree with the people pointing out out that there are U.S. and Euro Servers ONLY. People who purchased the game KNEW this in advance – you can not possibly fault Anet for timing events based on SERVER TIME.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lasur Arkinshade.4107

Lasur Arkinshade.4107

Please stop complaining. Some things just can’t be run on cycles, and this will most likely be one of them. You can’t make the same permanent change to the world more than once, and if you did, it’d cheapen it.

I understand that some people can’t make it and that sucks, but please, please, stop throwing temper tantrums and realise that you don’t always get your own way, and nor should you.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Echelon.5384


Please stop complaining. Some things just can’t be run on cycles, and this will most likely be one of them. You can’t make the same permanent change to the world more than once, and if you did, it’d cheapen it.

I understand that some people can’t make it and that sucks, but please, please, stop throwing temper tantrums and realise that you don’t always get your own way, and nor should you.

Amen. I remember staying up till 3am for the BWE3 closing event, which was a one time thing and I’m sure it was a perfect time for the oceanic players…

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Reevac.1748


Apparently people can’t read or refuse to read. It’s been stated why it’s at the time it is. If people bothered reading some threads instead of making a new one every time, they have found out there is NO REWARD either.