Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Temporarily locking for clean up

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone.

In the interest of allowing the discussion to continue , we’re going to re-open this thread.

Please refrain from going off topic, posting in a rude or non constructive way or other non forum accepted behaviour.

Thanks for your understanding

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khalaza.9851


when i succeded, there was 6 charr(me included) and 2 norm, nobody made any sort of comment, we all tried a couples of times and failed alot – like everyone learning the puzzle (that’s the game) at some point we were 3 running for the top and we looked like a bunch of cubs jumping on each other’s head. I found it really fun. only 2 of us broke the glass but that third poor guy didnt whine ~ he learned charr can’t straight jump that kitten pole from the rock.

and that’s the real deal : u can look videos all u want, every race have their own collision, and just caus that human did it that way, doesnt mean the azura can reach. you need to find what works for you, and that includes failing from trial and error.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Pfff, I manned it out and carried on with my JP’s. I did it on norns, asura, charr, human. I only had to do the charr once, first try, got left. The only problem was with asura and that isn’t because of being view blocked because in the end, I will reach the lead and most of the people I have gone against eventually slow down, it was just the weird stair to broken window jump on asura that kept me redoing it.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Luigio.3265


protip: boots are soulbound but you can get them with another caracter, then transmute them onto the boots your wearing on your norn now, problem solved

however , truth be told , i hold zero simpathy for people that purposedly made their characters bigger than a semi truck for whatever reason, be it to piss people off by blocking npcs, or simply wave their kitten around lions arch, the fact remains, 95% of the howitzer tank sized toons out there look downright RIDICULOUS … looking at you male norn player with a maxed size slider…

(edited by Luigio.3265)

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Myrdreth.6829


Whenever I am in a group with many charrs and/or norn players I just leave the clock tower and enter again…et voila, I am in a different group without charrs and norn characters(or with just 1-2 of them)

It’s not the fault of those players and we shouldn’t insult them. They only want to play too like everyone else with their favorite character. Just reenter the tower to get a different group of players. Most of the time I am lucky when I do that and I land in a group with only humans and Asura.

And I really appreciate the fact that most of the norn and charr players unequip their armor and weapons. That’s really nice and thoughtful of them. They try their best to not bother others. I am thankful and not annoyed by them. I am just annoyed at ArenaNet for not thinking about that problem. It’s not the fault of the players.

Maybe I was just lucky until now because I only met nice players online :) The other players are the reason why I haven’t thrown my computer out of the window yet xD They are all so funny and nice that failing the clock tower hasn’t made me go crazy. They calm me down and make me laugh :)
Thanks everyone! <3
(yes, even the charrs and norn player! :P)

(edited by Myrdreth.6829)

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


It’s quite sad that this puzzle has resorted into people hating on each other because of the race they decided to play. That really should never have had to be a factor.

Personally, I saw a few complain about Norn/Charr. And saw a few Norn/Charr complain about bad camera.

I think just the amount of stress majority of people are experiencing isn’t helping the situation. Failing consistently they have to complain at some point. And the fact of not seeing your character is probably the most common.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Archeon.7693


I said this while doing the JP and I’ll say it again, the Charr and Norn had little to no effect on me (I play Sylvari, don’t know if that matters). In the puzzle you need to be looking a fair bit further ahead than the head of that guy’s avatar, and if they’re far enough ahead of you to block your view of where you’re going then odds are you’re going too slowly anyway…

I’m going to go as far as to say that people are using it as an excuse for failing, purely because I was once in a instance of the puzzle with no Charr or Norn and, without these to complain about, people turned to things like “too many people here, I can’t see”. It’s a tough puzzle, I finally got it yesterday but failed a lot on the way – I’m just aware enough to say that I screwed up every time I failed, and I had great fun trying again and improving.

I can see why people get stressed, I can even accept that some are distracted by all the other jumping characters, but none of it is excuse enough for trying to push other players out of content they are just as entitled to play as the rest of us.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Astro Bear.6305

Astro Bear.6305

Thank you for making this thread. This game has had a great community that helps each other, but this event is making this game more like the WoW community, I know it’s hard guys but come on no need to rage at someone for playing what they like to play.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


This actually makes me wish I’d have made my Norn warrior bigger. Annoying rude people who blame and insult others for their choice of character race is kinda “poetic justice”.
This should be harshly punished in game by the GMs. I for one will make sure I will report any verbal abuse I witness in the clock tower event.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Unknown.2796


At first when the event started I did feel it was a bit hard not seeing the path with all the large races around (I am playing the smallest of Asura). I did not complete it but it was in the middle of the night 1 to 3AM and my reaction time was a bit off so I decided to stop. Now that I was fully awake it took me as little as 2 attempts to reach the clock tower, since I knew the path up to half way already anyway.

I can see it be frustrating for less dedicated/more casual players but it’s really not the larger races being the problem. People just try to find a reason for their failure of not being able to finish the puzzle.

The key to success is practice, if you know when and where to jump you’ll most likely breeze through this puzzle.

~ Unknown (world smallest Asura)

Location, location, location.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

when i did it as my charr this morning i loudly proclaimed (upon entering the puzzle – which lacked any norn/charr at the time) that ‘ALL YOUR SCREENSPACE BELONGS TO ME NOW! >=D’
– i also told a charr he was a bad dog and told him to be an outside dog… it was supposed to be a joke though… since its obviously not their fault… but could see how it couldve been construed that way xD

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irven.1329


let’s be practical and honest;
the event the tower was epic fail in relation to models of different characters, skills and pre-start event
I had to try 50 times to get complete due to dificudade to see the path because of norns / charr extramente great, but worst of all are ranger summoning spirits a few seconds before starting the event … that purpose?

ArenaNet has not taken proper precautions about it, and it would be something really EASY to predict and correct and make the current theme;

enter the waiting room of the tower, automatically transform players into a skeleton without green skills or any other creature that has the ability to jump.

ready solved problem.
without people complaining of charr, norns, size, models, or verbal aggressions

I apologize for my bad English.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


“let’s be practical and honest;
the event the tower was epic fail in relation to models of different characters, skills and pre-start event”
Let’s be honest… you didn’t try that event hard, did you? Skills don’t matter at all for the clock tower, everything is disabled.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


At first I was very annoyed with norns and charrs, but once I started getting better I realized that they don’t matter much. You can take the beginning clumped part real slow, and just go a bit faster after that. After that 90% of people will drop off and you will have no more vision issues. The people who complain are the people just starting who fall off at the part right after the building collapses most of the time (which is unfortunately most). It’s not fair to norns/charrs to harass them every round, considering it can take 10 hours to beat this puzzle (10 hours of harassment… ouch).

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irven.1329


I believe without showing pictures to prove facts spent by Liar;

well, s photo during the event with “Summoned Spirite VERY LARGE” covering most of the characters;

ps: it was not hard to find people doing it AGAIN during the event: