After much debate, I decided to bring this small fact to light as I tend to be; A. An honest person and B. don’t like wool being pulled over ones’ eyes.
First (on a side note), and to clear up MF easily. Does MF apply to chests? NO, never has, never will. Why? “Magic find is an attribute that increases a player’s chance to receive rare loot from drops” (quote wiki) “Chest rewards” are NOT “loot” nor “drops”, simple.
Now to the more pressing issue, relative to my ideals. In some small way we can relate Anet to our employer and we are employees; getting paid for our work (gold). Now, the derivation from a typical employment scheme; is that we are also spending our “hard earned” money, soley with our employer. Sure, we are earning this money, masked in the concept of hobby or fun; however the employment “Circle” is still required.
Our (employee) main disadvantage, then, is we do NOT have an independent third party to establish a minimum pay (loot). Our Pay is decided, in total, by our employer. Now in history this has not proved to work well. Some would argue even; that some corrections didn’t help either. E.G. a workers union or gamers union in this case. The employer will always want less pay (loot), while the employee will always want more pay (loot). Again, without a third objective party; it is likely NEITHER party will adopt an ethically correct payscale; that agrees with both parties.
I wanted to show the above, because we all have a value and a voice and a valid perception; Not just the employer. We have as much authority, as a whole, as does the Dev’s themselves. Just like with work, if you have no employee’s; you make no money / product. Don’t let wool be pulled over your eyes in yet another arena of your life experience.
Finally then a point I feel was missed completely. Let’s take a look at the Mad King Labyrinth; and the Loot table settings when it was released. There were a few threads about all the great items that “magically” were dropping from this chest. Some wondered if Anet had holiday spirit and added more loot chance. Others thought it was an exploit. Still others wondered if it was a bug that needed fixed.
NO one saw what it REALLY is and I’m not sure why. This patch was developed and finished (sure bug check on test) before the game’s release. Herein lies the reason then, for loot. The loot tables for this chest were set to MATCH those of ALL chests “as per release”. There was no holiday cheer, no bug to be fixed. This merely had the loot set as it was, when the game came out. Many of those who were in HS or got to 80 early, know that exotics dropped quite regularly before “changing”. So, simply here, “they forgot to nerf the holiday tables.”
I’ve pointed this all out as I feel awareness is a good part of being able to understand things. I also wanted to show what is being termed “nerfing”; could in fact be likened to a “payroll reduction” on our employers part. It’s a lot easier to digest a “nerf” when it is not up to you; however, it is not a nerf, but a pay reduction.
So what we all got to “see” with our own eyes at the Lab, is not a bug; but how much our pay has be CUT since the game was released. I had expected many to make this correlation as the cut we’ve had is horrifying. I suppose, I hope this helps with perception to those that see this.
To fellow employees (players) we have a voice and a say.
To The employer. “forgive them, for they know not what they do”
Sincerely, Mrkraken