Mega confusion over the events(Anet please give a response)

Mega confusion over the events(Anet please give a response)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zep.1879


I will keep my question simple

Act 4 starts today at 16.00 gmt as announced by Anet and ends tomorrow evening around 19.00

My basic question is the following :

Knowing already that the dungeon(madness) is going to be removed to follow the act storylines does that mean that as soon as act 4 finishes ALL activities will be terminated aswell?(tower,labyrinth and the two games)

Asking mainly because all items at Black lion will still be available up to the 5th..

Thanks in advance and please clear this confusion as to know how long we still got to finish the tower achievement lol

Mega confusion over the events(Anet please give a response)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


next game build will be on the 1st November, so they’ll probably take the stuff from the chests then, as well as ending halloween

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Mega confusion over the events(Anet please give a response)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NVranya.5013


Safest bet is to assume november 1st will be the end of all (except store).