Please be fair for everyone.

Please be fair for everyone.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Honestly , i could care less if people got 100g or not. All i wanted was an event i could farm in hopes to get The Crossing… that is all.

This was the event , only event i had a chance till now. Since Anet nerfed it , im expecting to never get the chance without it being an exploit.

Well , guess is wait till the next update , and exploit anything you can for as long as you can.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

Please be fair for everyone.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


Such a scenario would require ANet to test new content before they release it.

Please be fair for everyone.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


What they should have done is instead of nerfing the chest so it is unlootable after the first time would be to just put set times on the champs instead of how fast you do the other events.

I found out about this too late , i did it twice before the nerf, first time i got 3 greens and second i got a lvl 78 exotic amulet and 2 greens. After the nerf i did it twice and first time i got no gear at all and 4 of those skulls and second time i couldn’t even loot the chest.

They over nerfed this big time.

Not to mention the champ skeleton event which the chest never spawned at all before the nerf when i did it and after the nerf it did spawn but i couldn’t loot it.

Please be fair for everyone.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


I hope they ban people or give us all the equivalent in gold because I am so sick of these exploiters getting away with things. It is bad enough with the botters left to run wild and destroy the economy. The hackers run rampant in WvW so I have little hope anything will be done.
Maybe it is time to start frequenting the botters forums and working with them as working with anet has proved useless.
Or simply walk away from the game like most of the people I know.

Please be fair for everyone.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213


The big issue here is that they completely demolished the event for all the normal players because of botters and farmers. This doesn’t set a very good precedence for future events and now it’s practically impossible to obtain the full Mad King set unless you’re willing to pay the aforementioned botters and farmers for their services in gold.

Why does ArenaNet insist on rewarding people for this while kittening over everybody else?

(edited by Fungalfoot.7213)

Please be fair for everyone.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pennry.9215


I missed out on the farming of the events. I was able to open one chest after the nerf and only received three greens. AND this is what I have to say;

1 – The event farmers prior to the nerf were not exploiting. I can’t even understand how one could consider doing an event and collecting the reward as exploiting. Yes, people should have seen the enhanced drop-rate and wondered if it was right, but you can’t blame them for being excited to actually see a decent drop rate from any event.

2 – A roll-back of any kind for this situation is just not right either. You can’t take away people’s loot from doing an event as it was designed. It’s not like they were glitching the chest so that it reset without the Champion.

3 – ArenaNet’s nerf is extreme one-sided overkill. Once every 24-hours or so is pathetic. They could have just made the chest events happen less often. They could have just adjusted the Exotic drop rates. There’s a lot they could have done to make it more fair for the remainder of the event.

Please be fair for everyone.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


ArenaNet needs to come out and say what the problem was. Was it their fault? Was it an exploit? Bug? They also need to get their customers faith in them back. Some people, who work/go to school/otherwise preoccupied during the day, didn’t get a chance to get the exotics at such a good rate. They’re mad, cause some of them will have been farming htat mats that dropped for the weapons that dropped. Those are weapons that will take months to get. The people who were expecting a skin for the $100 they spent on keys, whether a reasonable amount or not, are now even more pissed off. Not only did they spent real money to get something, which was not a very “fair” advertisement based on the drop rate, but now they have other people with the cool skins who will always have them for nothing! This is a very poorly handled event in general.