why does this end the 28th?

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Soutalgon.3827


You cannot be serious :<

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: FallenAdvent.5904


It ends the 31st/1st Depending what timezone your in, Please read up on Official Statements before posting.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Masher.8051


So we can all spend the real Halloween with friends and family rather than being sat in our rooms on the computer, whilst our kids are crying their eyes out because we told them they can’t go trick-o-treating since we would rather celebrate it in a game.

p.s I don’t have any kids

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Masher.8051


It ends the 31st/1st Depending what timezone your in, Please read up on Official Statements before posting.

Oh the irony… :P

“Guild Wars 2 ?@GuildWars2
We’ve made an update to our newest patch notes–the finale is October 28th, not the 31st: http://ow.ly/eHUxJ ~RB2”

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AnthonyOrdon


Game Designer

That tweet was misleading. Halloween will end on the Nov 1st, approximately 6PM eastern time.

There is a one-time event in Lion’s Arch on the 28th. Watch the progress bar in the Grand Piazza.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: civildude.4308


Do you really have to make these just one time things? When I miss it on the 28th does that mean I’ll never get to experience it?

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Masher.8051


Silly misleading tweets.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: FallenAdvent.5904


Sorry, Didn’t see the tweet before I posted. I was going off the 2 emails & 1 webpage. So sorry for calling ya out on something that I indeed made a mistake on. (No sarcasm here, I am actually genuinely sorry)

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lord Vader O.8153

Lord Vader O.8153

Seriously, Mad King is suppose to show up the 31st in a Cycle of Hours…tis Tradition, to move that to the 28th makes little sense…and a one time event…seriously? So everyone who isn’t on misses the rewards/hat at that said time…thats just absurd…

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


That tweet was misleading. Halloween will end on the Nov 1st, approximately 6PM eastern time.

There is a one-time event in Lion’s Arch on the 28th. Watch the progress bar in the Grand Piazza.

So the finale event is on the 28th but the rest of the event will continue till Nov 1st? Thanks for the clarification!

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: samrogan.9132


If it makes anyone feel better I will be missing the final event due to it being a work day. I imagine its hard to accommodate every single person in the world’s schedule. I have a hard enough time accommodating my own family’s checking needs.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: akamon.2769


sounds like a silly question – but will the one-time event on the 28th be occuring over the period of 24 hours or even occur a few times? just to accomodate for the different time-zones. : )))

and what time on the 28th?? i’m from Hong Kong so we’re 12 hours ahead and if it doesn’t come on until 11:59pm of the 28th, i’d be at work already ;///

just really wanna be able to be part of this event! cause you guys have already blown me away with day 1. haha

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Omega.6479


I’d also like to know if you need to be in game at a very specific time (I’m guessing when the event meter in Lion’s Arch center reaches the end) on the 28th? I’d be pretty bummed if I missed it just because I wasn’t sitting there all day waiting around for it to “pop.”

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Darn… So there IS a one-time only event on the 28th? I was hoping it would be a 24 hour repeating cycle of events similar to the Mad King’s appearance in GW1.

If I recall correctly, the time was 28th October 12:00 (noon) PST, which translates into 29th Oct, 0600 hours for me. I can make that by setting my alarm, but I wince for my friends in New Zealand for whom it’ll be 8am and they’ll be at work/school. Not to mention peeps from Asia/Eastern Europe where it’ll be an ungodly hour in the moring.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fidjit.4162


Sadly I am away on the 28th and will likely miss the event =(

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MikeRocks.9243


Woot! I actually got lucky for once. I normally work Sundays, but I happened to get this particular Sunday off since I’ll be going to a Zombie Beer Crawl the night before so I didn’t want to go to work hungover.

Now the trick will be sleeping off the booze before the event actually starts. >.>

The Long Road
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NeedsFoodBadly.2671


What a week isn’t enough time to collect 9000 candy corns?

Remember: Don’t Shoot Food!

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


That tweet was misleading. Halloween will end on the Nov 1st, approximately 6PM eastern time.

There is a one-time event in Lion’s Arch on the 28th. Watch the progress bar in the Grand Piazza.

So what’s the time for the one time thing? Sucks that it won’t be repeatable so the least you cold do is tell people when to be there.

Please give us an exact time with a timezone.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: cherrie.8907


I hope it’s a “one time thing” like Halloween / Wintersday was in GW1: happens on one day only, but on multiple times so everyone can enjoy it, no matter what their time zone is.
Otherwise it would be extremely disappointing: “oh you had to work on 28th, that’s just too bad” sort of thing.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Esya.3427


Seriously, Mad King is suppose to show up the 31st in a Cycle of Hours…tis Tradition, to move that to the 28th makes little sense…and a one time event…seriously? So everyone who isn’t on misses the rewards/hat at that said time…thats just absurd…

I am speculating it might be the opening of the mad realm. After that I guess you will have multiple opportunities to do the other events, but once the realm is open it does not make sense to close it again or does it?

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Valdiyus.9670


Ya it is sad that is a one time thing .MY Internet is slow on updates and i talking about like 33.54 Kbs to 45.65 Kbs but in game no lag. So will i miss it ?

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: wintermute.4096


A one time event that happens around the usual timeframe for updates would be incredibly stupid, so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it actually lasts 24h again.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Noviere.7309


I hope it’s like GW1, where the finale runs every few hours for 24h. Otherwise, it’s going to be a mess.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kedryn.2981


Why whiners have to whine all the time, for everything they can?

I don’t play on holidays, because i have a family that needs me… but i don’t while like you all do for everything… you whine for ANET doing something, AND for not doing the same thing… for skins to be rare AND to be more accessible… and so on…
oh, i have a friend who opened 20000 chests and got no skin…

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: igneous.8153


A one time event, really? And on Monday morning night when entire Europe is sleeping? Why are we getting screwed again, if I may ask?

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Otheus.3719


I doubt they are making it like that. Just wait for the event to happen before jumping to conclusions.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cappy.2786


School night so I can’t afford to stay up till 2,3 AM.Another event missed coz of Americans.

why does this end the 28th?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

As the thread is answered, it is being closed to prevent it from going off topic or derailing.

Thanks for your understanding