Lost Shores: Dignified anticipation!
If you only focus on bug fixes, people will leave the game because the content gets old.
If you only focus on new content, people will leave the game because everything is bugged.
A balance between the two would seem most appropriate.
(And the core of the game works fine, the problems seem only to occur on a local scale.)
I don’t believe Anet is “spread thin.” This is assuming they are using the same people for lots of different teams. Anet has stated they have hired a whole slew of new staff members to deal with these issues and solely work on specific ones. I understand that it is quite frustrating to see something broken in game, but its normally not something that prevents gameplay.
The fight to make the “perfect smooth running” game is ongoing and never-ending. So what if Dynamic Event X has been broken for awhile? It will get fixed eventually and during the time people are waiting for a fix on it, there will be multiple fixes in other areas of game in addition to new content. Major bugs or exploits are fixed shortly. Botters are banned in waves as to not easily hint out which coding got them detected.
Simply put it is hard to make judgement on Anet’s work on fixing the game from the outside looking in. I bet a lot of developers see all the complaints and cry a little inside when they know they’re trying very hard to make us happy and players don’t get to see that.
Dont get me wrong I want to see GW2 succeed but I honestly dont feel they are making an honest effort. They Either released the game way earlier then they should have or They are spread to thin " having different teams doing different thing" and should be focusing on fixing what is wrong and broken before even considering adding something new. Its like having a car that keep breaking down on you but your going tp spend a large portion of your resources to repaint the car because you would rather it look good then run smoothly. I.E Priorities come first.
They are fixing things as they arise, and unless you want them to be kitten fixes that only solve part of the problem, they take time to fix. I’m sure they have several fixes in the works for things like stuck/bugged events and such, but they aren’t finished so they haven’t implemented them yet. Do you think WoW started off smooth and free of bugs? no, of course not, if your expecting a game that just launched a few months ago to be perfect then… well idk what to say because obviously you haven’t the slightest clue how these things work. Also just because some things are still a bit buggy doesn’t mean they can’t start introducing new things, but apparently according to your logic it has to be perfect before new things can come out. I am getting really tired of saying this on these forums, because I’ve said it alot, PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE.
“The best defense is a strong offense.”
Dont get me wrong I want to see GW2 succeed but I honestly dont feel they are making an honest effort. They Either released the game way earlier then they should have or They are spread to thin " having different teams doing different thing" and should be focusing on fixing what is wrong and broken before even considering adding something new. Its like having a car that keep breaking down on you but your going tp spend a large portion of your resources to repaint the car because you would rather it look good then run smoothly. I.E Priorities come first.
They are fixing things as they arise, and unless you want them to be kitten fixes that only solve part of the problem, they take time to fix. I’m sure they have several fixes in the works for things like stuck/bugged events and such, but they aren’t finished so they haven’t implemented them yet. Do you think WoW started off smooth and free of bugs? no, of course not, if your expecting a game that just launched a few months ago to be perfect then… well idk what to say because obviously you haven’t the slightest clue how these things work. Also just because some things are still a bit buggy doesn’t mean they can’t start introducing new things, but apparently according to your logic it has to be perfect before new things can come out. I am getting really tired of saying this on these forums, because I’ve said it alot, PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE.
Agreed! Try waiting for the Update on the 15th you will probably see a lot of fixes. You will probably see 2 or 3 updates with fixes even before that.
For me personally, as long as I’m not spending 90% of my time killing zombies (like Orr) then for me this content update will be the best thing since sliced bread.
At first when I saw the screenshots I thought they were releasing the Battle Isles and got way too excited, but this is still awesome! I hope we get to see more of the Tengu – although I’m not holding out on them being a playable race (yet).
Sun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal.
“Unravel a mystery of monstrous proportions in The Lost Shores, a massive one-time world event that will change Tyria forever! "
It doesn’t say new map only new Event. Anyone got a link to somewhere it says it is a map?
Trying not to get excited here!
Server: Gunnars Hold [EU]
We have a bunch of Sherlock Holmes playing GW2 no doubt.Looks most interesting,and good info hunting players.
Guys, if you make something like this every month O_o you’re awesome
Also can any dev confirm the new zone? I don’t want those awesome pics to be from an instance or whatever..
(edited by Keiran.1896)
So…Tengu this time, Kodan next time? I want my Kodan Necromancer!
Also, can’t wait for the 15th.
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~
Do you think it’s the Dragon that’s stopping travel among the seas? & also, do you think we’ll get a new race? I doubt they’d release one so soon, but I really want a Tengu >:D
Hey, i’m not sure if i’ve posted this to the right area, so feel free to move it, but how long will this ‘One Time’ event last for? coz if it’s only one time and i’m working when it happens, i’ma be real pissed! I hate missing out on cool stuff!
(Far Shiverpeaks)
“You’re all fart, and no poo.”
3 part event, halloween was 4 parts and was a week, I would assume at least 2 days per part. Its one time as in, when over it is done, not 12pm to 1pm done.
Unravel a mystery of monstrous proportions in The Lost Shores, a massive one-time world event that will change Tyria forever!
The one-time world event (that you surely wouldn’t want to miss!) is probably another 10sec cut scene (as in halloween’s act4). I assume that the “change forever” part is refering to add of new permament content(although it would’ve been nice to hear anet confirming this).
They will add a new island (although not a large one, medium sized) and a new dungeon. Anet already confirmed this in a recent interview.
They will add a new island (although not a large one, medium sized) and a new dungeon. Anet already confirmed this in a recent interview.
In the video linked here
My guess is the Leviathan from the manifesto trailer
Where are people getting “Tengu this time” from, and what does that have to do with the content update? I watched the interview, but didnt get a chance to log in for long after the patch yesterday. Am I missing something?
I agree with others who have suggested this idea…One time events are fun and all but please put a NPC or something somewheres where people who didnt have the chance to see/experience it can at least see the cut scene again
O Lion’s arch..how i love you and your new updates (Sneak peak hint)
The Goonie who wasn’t in the movie.
Here is a compilation of the teasers people (especially the reddit community) were able to uncover so far after the new build.
Brilliant! Thank you! That gave me my morning fix!
Also, anyone notice the Quaggan symbols on a lot of stuff? lol I hope they’re not quaggan like these (this poor quaggan has teh rabies I think):
(edited by Moderator)
What would be nice would be another major town with an Asura Gate in Orr.
I’ve stopped playing there except very occasionally to help a friend. Partly because of the nature of the enemies, partly because it’s grey, dull and depressing and largely because of the cost. Sure, I can make a lot of silver if I stay there, but the initial portal cost followed by jumps to get near to events are too expensive. Let alone which, with level scaling and rare materials being obtainable from the trading post, I’d much rather play something that doesn’t feel like work.
In Orr, it all becomes about being punished; material nodes changing to make you re-explore the despicable area after every patch, constant CC from trash mobs, aggro radii measured in kilometres not metres, a majority of content being tuned for groups of people yet with no other people around to play with, events that when they DO work punish you for playing them too much with drop reduction as designed by some jobsworth who decides what your time is worth, the list goes on.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Here is a compilation of the teasers people (especially the reddit community) were able to uncover so far after the new build.
Brilliant! Thank you! That gave me my morning fix!
Also, anyone notice the Quaggan symbols on a lot of stuff? lol I hope they’re not quaggan like these (this poor quaggan has teh rabies I think):
@Jayne I think he has some other condition
@Delfy Thank you for all the work you do (both this and the Halloween, and other stuff). Its been very helpful having stuff all in one place.
I kinda agree with the statements about it having to do with the Leviathan. I highly doubt they would add any new playable races this was, at least not this soon.
(I really hope the forums are fixed soon. so the reply/edit/etc buttons always show…)
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
“So needless to say I’m wondering, will this one time event that changes Tyria forever actually make it impossible to complete content that’s currently in the game? Will it only add content, or will some of the DEs, etc. currently available become obsolete?
Maybe this seems like a weird question, but I just don’t want to miss out on anything!"
oh yes I do hope I can “finish” the current story first (on my first 4 toons) without major changes to that part of the world…
I am shocked this was not discovered yet but here is a screenshot of 3 hidden posters.
To view these posters you need to way point far away from the center and then take Way Point: “Fort Marriner”. Walk down the wooden bridge slowly to notice them.
Sadly this is as close I could get without them disappearing.
Edit: Another area with posters. Same method.
- Screenshot #2
- Screenshot #3
(edited by Moderator)
So we are getting pirateville, with a bunch of seafood combat? I hope the underwater portion is limited, it does not shine as much as the ground based combat.
If the octopus is the “boss”, I do hope we can fight it from platforms or ships using our normal skill bar. In fact, that could open up some fun combat possiblities. Players can or do fight from ships, though the octopus tentacles lash out and grab players to pull them into the water fight.
maybe we will learn more about the Largos i hope so
More underwater drow ninjas? No, thank you. They are a bunch of cliches thrown together and badly joined. If i never seen one of them again, it would still be too soon.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
November 15th :c 8 hours of afternoon classes that day.
Anyone post the map inside the house near that dormant Asura gate yet? Bottom circled red area translates into Tyria …. but anyone recognize the more dominant/highlighted part of the map (one area is brighter than the other)? Have been trying to line up the islands on my map and can’t quite seem to get an exact match.
Oooh also some other new stuff … what’s at the top of these pillars of rocks in the harbour? They look like target practice dummies, but there’s symbols on them .. tried to find a way up to them, but so far not successful.
^ Getting an XML error trying to blow your picture up Jayne.
Now that I posted that, Its working…
Please give us a keyring…
Yeah it was bugging out on me .. just fixed it .. hopefully works now?
Yeah it was bugging out on me .. just fixed it .. hopefully works now?
Yep now its working and showing a different pic than it was earlier (was showing your previous picture, the one with the map in the room)
(Whats with the loops/circles in your travels?)
Please give us a keyring…
Oooh also some other new stuff … what’s at the top of these pillars of rocks in the harbour? They look like target practice dummies, but there’s symbols on them .. tried to find a way up to them, but so far not successful.
Those have been there…
(Whats with the loops/circles in your travels?
Trying to figure out how to get up on those rocks where the targets are
Oooh also some other new stuff … what’s at the top of these pillars of rocks in the harbour? They look like target practice dummies, but there’s symbols on them .. tried to find a way up to them, but so far not successful.
Those have been there…
Ah I guess I hadn’t noticed them before .. any ideas on where that area on the highlighted map is? I can’t seem to fit the puzzle/island pieces together for 100% positive match.
ok who’s good at translating? lol
(Ok top line says “In Memoriam” .. but that’s as far as I could get … oy, my eyes!)
(edited by Jayne.9251)
First of all, YAY NEW CONTENT! How exciting. And I’m super stoked, like most, about the one time event that will change everything in Tyria.
However, I have a concern. I know that this patch is slated for the 15th of November (from my understanding and forum posts, anyway), but what about the event? Like the Mad King’s reveal, should we as a community expect this event to occur at 12PST on the 18th? I was understanding of the reasoning behind it (highest volume of players taken over x time etc and what have you guys), which leads me to believe that the big one time events will all be on Sundays at this time? Otherwise, I feel like that there is an inconsistency in these big reveals over time. Not to mention, some people who work weekends try to work around this so they can be a part of this like a large portion of the community.
Does anyone else feel the same way? Anyone have any theories as to when this event will occur and why? I’m just putting my two coppers out there.
Tarnished Coast
I think Anet should do cyclic events for a whole day for those special occasions, so everyone can be at it. At some places its way too late, some way too early, and some people just must or want to do other things than staying in a game. For example, in Argentina last sunday was the year event of “Zombie Walk”, where more than a thousand people reunite and go as zombies through the city, and I wanst going to lose it because i had to see what happened in a virtual game…
I agree. They should definitely divide the final Halloween event into different times; as many players will be experiencing the same issue of conflicting schedules between work and playtime (although on something like a noon on Saturday or Saturday night… those would be reasonable times if they just want it to be a one-time event).
Cyclic would be great. I personally work weekends because I’m taking my bachelor’s degree - six classes and juggling two part time jobs is a lot.. I squeeze in game time when I can and I want to be as immersed in it as possible. I know I’m not alone in this, too. If the event occurred two or three times over the course of the day, then at least people can plan it out... Plus, it’d be fair to those who were up at, what, 3 or 5am just to see the cinematic for Mad King? :s
I just think that... if you give us a reason, that that’s what the community as a whole should expect for now on. And if you’re going to change it, make it fair, you know? Multiple times throughout ONE day, that sort of thing!
Tarnished Coast
The pic (see below) from their tweet not long ago, we already have the complete one, right?
Please give us a keyring…
Yeah, a complete shot of that poster is out and translated (plus they posted the other half on facebook).
The translation sounds like fun to me, and perhaps some stuff I’d hoped for during development.
Here’s the translation so you don’t have to go looking like I did!
“Avast! Ahoy all ye landlubbers!
The hardworking members of the consortium are proud to announce the upcoming unveiling of your dream vacation! coming soon we will open the gate – the asura gate – connecting Lion’s Arch to a veritable tropical paradise of magnificent proportions!
swim in the radiant waters*!
relax on the beach*!
dance the night away*!
Prepare to hoist your jolly roger and to embark on a most majestic adventure with your favorite band of salty dogs!
Arr You Ready?
*Towels not included. The consortium cannot be held responsible for aquatic-related and rythmic-related injuries(or other injuries related to misadventure or otherwise general buffonery). Our medical staff will be on-call to happily ignore your needs should they inevitable arise.”
Here’s the full image that the above text is from:
I think we’re going to get past that Tengu wall, or we’ll be using the new boats that have been coming into Lion’s Arch, we’ll get on the boats to the Sea of Sorrows and possibly meet up with some Tengu or Largos, then beat up some deep see dragon or something equally as cool, I did see a poster with the picture of a Leviathan or a Kraken, so…
I am really looking forward to this!
But it does make me wonder, IF tengu are going to be a playable race, where are they going to put the starter zone(s) for them then? The sea of sorrows looks like running out of space rather quickly.
There’s a blank area of land on the map just to the west of Lion’s Arch that I’ve assumed would be the Tengu lands – north of Claw Island.
Still not expecting the Tengu to show up in November. I’d be very surprised if the first new race weren’t part of the first paid expansion.