Satisfaction Poll.
Somewhere inbetween 1 and 2. I’m happy with the game itself, however the fact that this was a one time event AND a trial period with the numerous bugs that has been experienced, this is not good enough. Improvements has to be made, especially when it came to Phase 3. The battle was way overdrawn and could have been much shorter and at the same time enjoyable.
Alatum Interitum
1. Happy with the game, service, and all it’s contents.
I find this event a great idea. I’m really amazed to see how great ideas ArenaNet have! It’s very frustrating cause it would have been EPIC, like the best experience in a MMO event without the lag.
During three night in a row, we managed with my guild to keep 3 or 4 parties of 5 persons in the same overflow at all time to enjoy this together! Was abit tricky but we managed and the event was really great, despite the lag (sometimes unplayable lag) because we were together.
1, this game has been great. The lost shores was awesome. How did you guys die over and oveR? Are you incapable of dodgeing? I think my total repairs was like 3 silver? Do your servers suck?
Hard to dodge when you lag so hard that any action takes 2-5 seconds to flash on the hotbar, then follwed by a server recognition lag that an action has taken place, then acknowledging it into the game as happening, then the lag of sending it back to your computer and you see it happening on the screen……so yes, I died over and over from lag. Yes, I am capebale of dodging and does so many a time during normal gameplay. My repair bill was some 5-10 silver, nothing major but that was because I left the ongoing fight at the end of the bottom ramp. All from being fed up with the constant lag and bugged out game mechanics..and no, my server does not suck. I play on Far Shiverpeaks (EU)….we don’t know the word suck…
with the game as a whole, I’m happy. Or at least I was before today.
with the lost shores non event of the year and no loot forthcoming after hours of work, I am unbelievably angry . I missed out on the chest due to the stupidly long hike back from the waypoint after being killed during the last bit.
I hope, but not with any conviction, Arena net are going to help those of us who lost our rewards for this event which was over long, difficult, tedious and repetitive at times, expensive in repair bills and incredibly frustrating.
I enjoyed the event. Also enjoying the game in general. Up until this weekend I thought the player base was sound. A small portion are clearly not.
Only thing I’d suggest is to test the event scales next time, the lag was beyond a joke.
I liked the game despite all its initial failures, and despite the continued bugs and breaks in the game. However, the release of Lost Shores, the numerous bugs regarding it, the extremely poor implementation especially concerning the lag in the initial event and the frustrating breaks in events like Noll and Canach – all have brought me to the verge of quitting forever.
~very dissatisfied customer
1.24 I have enjoyed every bit of the game. Customer service has helped my friend more than once on seperate issues.
The reason I had to bump it up to the .2 is the lag and disconnects (which I blame partially my computer and connection. Friend’s computer is actually able to see all of the mobs and has little lag. Comcast is doing poor right now, and the little green lights which I’m too technologically stupid to describe turns off, meaning there goes the connection). There’s clearly room for improvement, but I’m optimistic and hopeful that they’ll learn.
Also, Ascended gear bumped it up and extra .05, but darn it, new back pieces needed to be added anyway.
3 for me …
7 days ago I was relatively happy with the game but now… Communication is abysmal and seriously 2+ hours of doing the same thing it was like killing the same mob endlessly no game mechanics no imagination involved at all… the mess of freezing lag in Phase 1, running from one bugged NPC to the next in Phase 2 and disconnects and the littering of precursors in Phase 3 all of that after publicly trashing their own manifesto. Awful doesn’t begin to describe it for me..
honestly I would give a 1.5 for phase one and two, true it was a little buggy but the investigation was super fun while it was working. sadly after the boring and drawn out boss fight and being kicked right before the chest I would now consider it a 3. Anet you guys are awesome but the lag and overall server quality is starting to effect your game please do something about it.
2 almost 3 (PS and this is without the issues of being an Oceanic player and timezones)
Bugs since day 1 not even acknowledged and the lag in the event made it unplayable at times.
Many many times the Boss damage was applied immediately to me (mostly resulting in death) even though I had heals and several spells flashing, already cast, waiting, to be “processed”. At times the spell lag was over 10 seconds and then they “dropped off”.
If they are to have more of these events then PLEASE get the infrastructure right or at least make it equitable for the players.
(edited by Oldbugga.7029)
Phase 3? What phase 3? I saw nothing, did nothing, and got nothing.
Fun times were had by all.
U r wise. Kitten the monthly. Kitten the lag. Kitten ascended gear.
I see a lot of people complaining about the event. Personally, I think it was pretty good, my only complaints was the severe lag on the first day’s event and the insane little crab swarms during the final phase of the big boss fight. That fight was hard enough without that, and we dang sure fought off enough swarms of adds before we got there. Kudos to Anet for running this event, I hope to see more! (with fewer add zergs I hope)
I’ve only been playing GW2 for just over a month but I’ve seen Anet add more content and events during that time than I’ve seen in any other MMO I’ve played since I started playing MMOs in 1999. So I’m more than satisfied with GW2.
Yesterday I experienced my first rage quit. I tried 6 times over 18 hours to get Canach’s part of the scavenger hunt, only to find that I couldn’t talk to Zommoros at the mystic forge, thus making it impossible for me to complete the event anyway. I traded a shift at work so that I could participate in this “3 day only event” only to have all of my time wasted because of bug after bug. ArenaNet should be embarrassed with thier performance this weekend. If I had been smart enough to wait for this “free trial” instead of picking it up 2 months ago, I would have NEVER bought this game. Part of me still hopes that they’ll find some way to try to make it up to us, but I’m checking out other MMORPG options in the mean time.
I’m at 1. This game has spoiled me rotten, given me everything I want in an MMO. I don’t expect perfection and I have the patience to wait for them to fix things. What’s frustrating people today will become veteran’s tales in times to come.
I played DaoC from just before the Sylvan expansion until Trials of Atlantis, played Horizons from launch for around 3 years, then WoW from not long after its launch until August 25, 2012. I also dabbled in LotRO, AoC, Rift, and Aion. Every single one had issues that got corrected, changes made for good or ill, and if something really got screwed up it got fixed or at least not repeated despite what the doomsayers claimed.
None of them have matched the sheer heart, beauty, attention to detail, and dedication to fun and community that GW2 has provided. Does that make it for everyone? No, clearly not, but there is nothing in this universe that everyone will love. For me, it’s head-over-heels time, and I hope the devs know that I am not alone in loving what they have done, are doing, and plan to do down the road.
Oh yes. Very much a 1 for me.
This is because people who are upset with something or alot more inclined to rage about it on forums then people who are content/happy
BTW>1.. Happy with the game, service, and all it’s contents.
Now look at the halloween subsection. See there were a lot of vocal negative posters in it but it also have an equal share of positive if not more positive than negative. You see when something goes off really well and what not you get a nice turn out of positive posts and feedback. You will also see many people like me who were really ticked off about one particular part of that event had an overall pleasant experience and praised them for the events success and design. This however is so obviously not the case with this weekend’s event, it is so bad due to the utter lack of almost nothing positive being said. In fact I dare go as far as saying most everyone was in the end severely upset with them over all of the bugs and problems that occurred with this event. In fact I’m safe in saying that probably only 1% of everyone who was present for the whole weekend got to experience it all without anything going wrong. That my friend is a disaster to say the least. Had the event in it’s entirety had no issues at all at best 15% of everyone who played GW2 got to experience the whole of the event. This is the give or take 2-3% the statical amount of maximum concurrency for MMOs. Which has to make you wonder why design content that such a small part of all of their paying customers will get to do ever.
2 and 3 i’m sick of bugwars 2
Definately 3, the only reason I still play at all is there is no subscription.
This game was blatantly not ready for release, many features have never been fixed or even addressed, the majority that have been “fixed” repeatedly break.
It does have a lot of nice features, and a lot that looks like it would be good if it worked right, but… the shoddiness of implementation for the most part is very disappointing.
Somewhere lingering between 2 and 3.
Didn’t receive a single precursor, but the lost shores event was fun. Sucked for people that had culling issues and I guess for melee oriented players, but I had no problem. Only issue I had with the event was that the reinforcement phases were going for too long. A 15-25% decrease would’ve been fine, as I get it’s meant to be challenging.
Had a blast seeing the karka rolling on 15 people and they all getting downed.
For the rest of the game, only worried about ascended gear, hoping it doesn’t become WoW 2.0.
Don’t really have any other concerns. Happy about the fractals dungeons and its “gw1 mission” oriented design. Hope they continue to use that, graveyard running really detracts from the experience.
I play mainly an elementalist and I don’t really feel that my class is over or underpowered, although I would like some changes. Waiting for the rest of the bug fixes, specially the vapor form bug.
To OP: a scale works much better in these cases, specially because a majority will never be fully into one option and will be forced to choose that for the lack of better options.
That said, ranging from 0 to 10, 0 being “I quit the game, as I’m totally dissatisfied with it” and 10 being “I don’t see myself not playing the game, I’m totally satisfied with it”, I give it a 8.25.
Edit: also, your 3 options are all different. One concerns game content, [customer service] and “all it’s contents”. The second eliminates the third part. The third has no mention to any. There should be at least 3 separate polls, plus one more for “overall satisfaction”, all with scales.
If you really believe people can vote anonymously, do a googledocs poll and link it in a thread. But pass it through a few people first to check if the options are consistent.
(edited by konosh.4721)