11/29 YB/EB/BP

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Buffy.9246


There’s no alliance from what I know. They might have gone after you guys if you dared to mass attack them on their borderlands…we got hit hard by them at reset because we did that. Hell, last night the map was mostly red until we started pushing back out and went for full defense.

We know there’s a alliance…stop denying it. Bp has 0 night crew so we are a easy target but eBay has not been touched. That was reset night, it’s all game then.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Heimlich.3065


So far, SBI has provided most of the trolling. I suppose that’s understandable when you’re ticking below FA and DB and down to no-more-than-1-waypoint.

I’m looking at (link) as I write this, and FA probably has 4 waypoints (assuming any keep they’ve held for more than 3 hours has a wp), DB probably has 3, and SBI can’t have more than 1 (in Lowlands).

I’ll keep that livemap up to see who papers Lowlands first. Will DB push golems out of Stonemist? Will FA rush Stonemist and follow-through to Lowlands? Or will FA push via Hylek? Its anyone’s game on this Saturday morning. Who will paper SBI first?

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Teldec V.6203

Teldec V.6203

Notice how eBay bl is 100% blue and so is their eb side. Yaks own everything of bp.
Why do yaks and eBay always have to have a alliance? eBay would team up with black gate for 2nd if it was eBay/yaks/bg… Time to do fractals this week.

Our bl was all red too and they had a waypoint in our bay. Rather than back cap easy targets such as the northern towers and garrison we spent our time over night removing their waypoint.

We knew that if BP did not do the same and left that waypoint in their hills it would give Yaks something of more worth to focus on in BP bl rather than ours.

Teldec – SoS

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


There is no alliance. Our commander who constantly told us last week not to attack Yaks if we can help it, gave the “if it’s red, it’s dead” motto for the week. Since he was the one who kept having us not attack YB the week and kept saying there was an alliance then, but says there isn’t one now…we have no alliance. YB may consider you a bigger threat to their points…or they’re playing favorites, no telling with them.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Well BP was ticking 50 this morning and our zerg was going after ruins instead of EBBL that was all blue.

I can understand doing that against SBI last week. They were second we were third. But now? Against BP with the standings as they are? Don’t agree with it.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

I think its more that we are careful to get a lead on BP as they are very persistent and like FA can catch up during the week. I am sure that if we get a decent lead Yaks will not target one of the servers. Of course some guilds might have their preferences as to what side to attack. We just realize that both EB and BP are very potent servers and can still kick us in the teeth.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


All I know is that the only server with anything to lose Season-wise is Ebay at this point. Whether BP comes in 1st, 2nd or 3rd in this matchup, they’re still going to end up in 4th place for the Season. Yaks will likely win this matchup handily, which means they’ve secured 2nd (but even if they placed 2nd here, they’d still be 2nd in the Season). Meanwhile it’s a toss up for EB ending up in 5th or tied for 4th.

From my perspective, it looks like the outcome of this matchup is very much in Yak’s Bend’s hands. This is why as far as I’m concerned (which isn’t a very important viewpoint because I’m basically a casual WvWer) Ebay is probably not going to try to kitten YB off too much this week; also, YB probably realizes that the only reason to focus Ebay instead of BP would be to forcefully make the only server with anything to lose… lose.

I’m guessing this is why it looks like there might be an alliance even when none exists. One server just wants to place 2nd and doesn’t want to do anything to get the big server mad at them, and the other server may understand that attacking the server with nothing to lose to pad their lead is nicer than attacking the one that can lose a lot.

Anyways, that’s just the way it looks to me.

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: soulblazer.3807


great reset night last night.. Void, you guys came in in force, had a ton of fun. Now please oh please EB and BP, dont give up. I dont want the last season week to become boring

Last night’s reset proves you guys can have numbers on when you try .

ign: soulblazer – nex sicarii – soulsangis
[SCTY] leader on Yak’s Bend.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Topology.8931


There’s no alliance from what I know. They might have gone after you guys if you dared to mass attack them on their borderlands…we got hit hard by them at reset because we did that. Hell, last night the map was mostly red until we started pushing back out and went for full defense.

We know there’s a alliance…stop denying it. Bp has 0 night crew so we are a easy target but eBay has not been touched. That was reset night, it’s all game then.

I figured we maintained a decent presence on BPBL because the map layout favored our seizure of Hills. We were able to use Hills on SBIBL as a staging point for multiple sieges throughout the week, and I think those of us who don’t play in EBG or YBBL are still in Hills defense mode.

Yak’s Bend – Toposword 80 Warrior [TPR]

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Ebay is holding our Garrison despite pushes from YB and BP. We’re the masters of defense at this point. XD

Loving the fights in our BL right now, thanks to Sasha Flinkfinger and especially to Selma Haylek for helping us organize and keep our Garrison safe, and to help us push out enough to retake most of north.

EDIT: YB, watch yourselves, there’s a troll wasting supplies in our Garrison. There may be somebody who tries something similar with you guys, warning in advance. Same thing to you BP.

I am sorry, but believe it, NO ONE from Yaks Bend approves such disgusting things. Please report that guy and have others report him too. That guy is spoiling our image as a whole.

I won’t be surprised if some other server troll (not from YB, EB, SBI) was/is doing that.

Rofl….they should adopt Yak’s strategy, and start sending cheaters over to your side to “even” things up..

I believe that was the argument used last night hehe

To both EBay and BP: Please contact YB if you have supply-wasters or golem-trashers who are repping YB guilds or in-party with YB folks.

As I see it, SBI initiated the dirty-play last week (link) and some YB players responded in kind.

That escalation was regrettable and avoidable. One of our people tried to talk & de-escalate it (link). I do not condemn the purported YB people who retaliated. I would also note that our thread-visitor from SBI never condemned his server-mates who initiated the griefing.

If our people are initiating this behavior, please let us know asap. I’m confident that YB’s WvW regulars do not support first-use of such tactics.

Rofl, I said everyone who was caught cheating should be banned, I don’t care if they’re from my server or not… If you have account names of people who are cheating, bloody post them, and report them.

The fact that you don’t condemn people who cheated tells me that you’re not really someone who the other servers should take seriously. You either support it or you don’t, You’ve obviously decided to support cheating.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


Please stop posting in our matchup thread, Xsorus?

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Please stop posting in our matchup thread, Xsorus?

How about no, I’ve said nothing of your server’s people posting in our thread..

If you dislike what I say, don’t read it

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Nah posting names incites a witch hunt. Better to send evidence to exploits@arena.net. They respond quickly to issues sent to that email. Using the report feature and/or stirring up the drama pot does nothing to help.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Please stop posting in our matchup thread, Xsorus?

You know those big sparkly things they put in WvW that says “DO NOT TOUCH”?

Yea, I touch them all the time. I think you should use reverse psychology here.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Nah posting names incites a witch hunt. Better to send evidence to exploits@arena.net. They respond quickly to issues sent to that email. Using the report feature and/or stirring up the drama pot does nothing to help.

Its more for public shaming, but do what Faux suggested as well, if you see cheaters, don’t coddle them.. report them and send the evidence along.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Please stop posting in our matchup thread, Xsorus?

You know those big sparkly things they put in WvW that says “DO NOT TOUCH”?

Yea, I touch them all the time. I think you should use reverse psychology here.

lol…. I saw that yesterday, was like “I have to touch that”

I was actually incredibly disappointed it didn’t kill me.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Topology.8931


Nah posting names incites a witch hunt. Better to send evidence to exploits@arena.net. They respond quickly to issues sent to that email. Using the report feature and/or stirring up the drama pot does nothing to help.

Its more for public shaming, but do what Faux suggested as well, if you see cheaters, don’t coddle them.. report them and send the evidence along.

Posting their names and IDs on the forums is a one-way ticket to an infraction. It’s probably best just to post them on your own private server forums, where you’re less likely to have action taken against you.

And don’t even start about the irony of the situation where a single account can supply troll all week long, but your post on the forums warning others about them gets modded and deleted within half an hour. It gives me no end of frustration.

Yak’s Bend – Toposword 80 Warrior [TPR]

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


lol…. I saw that yesterday, was like “I have to touch that”

I was actually incredibly disappointed it didn’t kill me.

Don’t do it! It’s addictive. Trust me, I know.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Nah posting names incites a witch hunt. Better to send evidence to exploits@arena.net. They respond quickly to issues sent to that email. Using the report feature and/or stirring up the drama pot does nothing to help.

Its more for public shaming, but do what Faux suggested as well, if you see cheaters, don’t coddle them.. report them and send the evidence along.

Posting their names and IDs on the forums is a one-way ticket to an infraction. It’s probably best just to post them on your own private server forums, where you’re less likely to have action taken against you.

And don’t even start about the irony of the situation where a single account can supply troll all week long, but your post on the forums warning others about them gets modded and deleted within half an hour. It gives me no end of frustration.

This……bloody this….I’ll never understand about Anet..

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


That’s a good point. I’ll lay off.

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Please stop posting in our matchup thread, Xsorus?

You know those big sparkly things they put in WvW that says “DO NOT TOUCH”?

Yea, I touch them all the time. I think you should use reverse psychology here.

I imagine a bunch of hairy naked norns running around with fig leafs that have “DO NOT TOUCH” written on them.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


This……bloody this….I’ll never understand about Anet..

I can top that. I got an infraction for circumventing the swear filter by using the phonic spelling of the letter F out in a post.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Please stop posting in our matchup thread, Xsorus?

You know those big sparkly things they put in WvW that says “DO NOT TOUCH”?

Yea, I touch them all the time. I think you should use reverse psychology here.

I imagine a bunch of hairy naked norns running around with fig leafs that have “DO NOT TOUCH” written on them.

Don’t doubt me, I will touch them. lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

I can top that. I got an infraction for circumventing the swear filter by using the phonic spelling of the letter F out in a post.

I can top that. My account name has been infracted/changed so many times that it now glitches when I’m logged in and switches between two of them every hour or so. People can’t send me mail most of the time.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Heimlich.3065


Ebay is holding our Garrison despite pushes from YB and BP. We’re the masters of defense at this point. XD

Loving the fights in our BL right now, thanks to Sasha Flinkfinger and especially to Selma Haylek for helping us organize and keep our Garrison safe, and to help us push out enough to retake most of north.

EDIT: YB, watch yourselves, there’s a troll wasting supplies in our Garrison. There may be somebody who tries something similar with you guys, warning in advance. Same thing to you BP.

I am sorry, but believe it, NO ONE from Yaks Bend approves such disgusting things. Please report that guy and have others report him too. That guy is spoiling our image as a whole.

I won’t be surprised if some other server troll (not from YB, EB, SBI) was/is doing that.

Rofl….they should adopt Yak’s strategy, and start sending cheaters over to your side to “even” things up..

I believe that was the argument used last night hehe

To both EBay and BP: Please contact YB if you have supply-wasters or golem-trashers who are repping YB guilds or in-party with YB folks.

As I see it, SBI initiated the dirty-play last week (link) and some YB players responded in kind.

That escalation was regrettable and avoidable. One of our people tried to talk & de-escalate it (link). I do not condemn the purported YB people who retaliated. I would also note that our thread-visitor from SBI never condemned his server-mates who initiated the griefing.

If our people are initiating this behavior, please let us know asap. I’m confident that YB’s WvW regulars do not support first-use of such tactics.

Rofl, I said everyone who was caught cheating should be banned,

You also said that supply-wasters & golem-trashers repping SBI guild [Bags] were “Most likely its not someone from any of the servers in this matchup griefing”

I don’t care if they’re from my server or not…

You care enough to deny clear evidence that your server started it.

If you have account names of people who are cheating, bloody post them, and report them.

Done & done.

The fact that you don’t condemn people who cheated tells me that you’re not really someone who the other servers should take seriously. You either support it or you don’t, You’ve obviously decided to support cheating.

I do not support unilateral disarmament. It is unfortunate that SBI behaved in such a way as to provoke retaliation. I would prefer if SBI had responded to requests for a less-messy resolution to that affair.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I can top that. My account name has been infracted/changed so many times that it now glitches when I’m logged in and switches between two of them every hour or so. People can’t send me mail most of the time.


I ended up getting this infraction overturned eventually. But, I had written a 3 sentence response, which ended in PWEAAASEE. And they gave me an infraction for using caps. lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Meh, we knew going in Ebay would do what they’ve done all season and try to benefit off the stronger servers leavings. They sure have fallen a long way since the days of yore. But BP is not SBI either so we won’t go down easy. We may not have SBI’s numbers but what we do have knows what its doing


11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

An obvious troll being obvious

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Ebay is holding our Garrison despite pushes from YB and BP. We’re the masters of defense at this point. XD

Loving the fights in our BL right now, thanks to Sasha Flinkfinger and especially to Selma Haylek for helping us organize and keep our Garrison safe, and to help us push out enough to retake most of north.

EDIT: YB, watch yourselves, there’s a troll wasting supplies in our Garrison. There may be somebody who tries something similar with you guys, warning in advance. Same thing to you BP.

I am sorry, but believe it, NO ONE from Yaks Bend approves such disgusting things. Please report that guy and have others report him too. That guy is spoiling our image as a whole.

I won’t be surprised if some other server troll (not from YB, EB, SBI) was/is doing that.

Rofl….they should adopt Yak’s strategy, and start sending cheaters over to your side to “even” things up..

I believe that was the argument used last night hehe

To both EBay and BP: Please contact YB if you have supply-wasters or golem-trashers who are repping YB guilds or in-party with YB folks.

As I see it, SBI initiated the dirty-play last week (link) and some YB players responded in kind.

That escalation was regrettable and avoidable. One of our people tried to talk & de-escalate it (link). I do not condemn the purported YB people who retaliated. I would also note that our thread-visitor from SBI never condemned his server-mates who initiated the griefing.

If our people are initiating this behavior, please let us know asap. I’m confident that YB’s WvW regulars do not support first-use of such tactics.

Rofl, I said everyone who was caught cheating should be banned,

You also said that supply-wasters & golem-trashers repping SBI guild [Bags] were “Most likely its not someone from any of the servers in this matchup griefing”

I don’t care if they’re from my server or not…

You care enough to deny clear evidence that your server started it.

If you have account names of people who are cheating, bloody post them, and report them.

Done & done.

The fact that you don’t condemn people who cheated tells me that you’re not really someone who the other servers should take seriously. You either support it or you don’t, You’ve obviously decided to support cheating.

I do not support unilateral disarmament. It is unfortunate that SBI behaved in such a way as to provoke retaliation. I would prefer if SBI had responded to requests for a less-messy resolution to that affair.

Most likely it wasn’t someone from either server at the start griefing, I mean the guys from Bags were griefing us…and griefing you.. so you just assumed it was us, then sent people over from your server to do it also.

It never occurred to you that it might be someone from FA? If my server did actually start it then you should do what faux says, and send their names in…saying “Well the other side cheated so i’m going to cheat” doesn’t fix the problem.. it just fills the room with more cheaters.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lokan Tores.8736

Lokan Tores.8736

Man, the kitten sure is strong with Xsorus. It must really suck to be him. It’s no way to go about living your life.

Yaks’ Bend
The Sixth Degree {TSD}

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Heimlich.3065


Man, the kitten sure is strong with Xsorus. It must really suck to be him. It’s no way to go about living your life.

As I said previously, there is no shame in losing to YB and EB. SBI may even finish above DB this week, I think that they’ll get a very solid 3rd in the league.

I’m sure it’s only a coincidence that DB has gotten supply-griefers this week.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asami.3572


This……bloody this….I’ll never understand about Anet..

I can top that. I got an infraction for circumventing the swear filter by using the phonic spelling of the letter F out in a post.

I got an infraction for posting a GIF of a chick eating popcorn :c

Silver Koneko/Silver Kom Trikru/Lime Dorito

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Heimlich.3065


This……bloody this….I’ll never understand about Anet..

I can top that. I got an infraction for circumventing the swear filter by using the phonic spelling of the letter F out in a post.

I got an infraction for posting a GIF of a chick eating popcorn :c

Because Nachos > Popcorn

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: headraver.4862


dont ya just love it how yaksbend are not attacking ebays borderlands somthings not right oh yeh thats right were getting double teamed how silly of me


11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Man, the kitten sure is strong with Xsorus. It must really suck to be him. It’s no way to go about living your life.

As I said previously, there is no shame in losing to YB and EB. SBI may even finish above DB this week, I think that they’ll get a very solid 3rd in the league.

I’m sure it’s only a coincidence that DB has gotten supply-griefers this week.

you’re aware we’ve been supply griefed as well, and I do believe you have also.

News flash, happens every match up to all servers.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


dont ya just love it how yaksbend are not attacking ebays borderlands somthings not right oh yeh thats right were getting double teamed how silly of me


Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gulagman.9045


There’s no alliance from what I know. They might have gone after you guys if you dared to mass attack them on their borderlands…we got hit hard by them at reset because we did that. Hell, last night the map was mostly red until we started pushing back out and went for full defense.

We know there’s a alliance…stop denying it. Bp has 0 night crew so we are a easy target but eBay has not been touched. That was reset night, it’s all game then.

This also might be due to the fact that Ebay fields a lot more during weekends and BP during weekdays. There’s no alliance. YB has been out in full force in EBBL. We had almost the entire map red. Ebay has more weekend players so it made sense for them to hold out better than BP does.


11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maladon.5760


dont ya just love it how yaksbend are not attacking ebays borderlands somthings not right oh yeh thats right were getting double teamed how silly of me

I didn’t want to go back to work on Monday but I think this thread might just get me through the week

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: earendil.1290


There is no alliance. Our commander who constantly told us last week not to attack Yaks if we can help it, gave the “if it’s red, it’s dead” motto for the week. Since he was the one who kept having us not attack YB the week and kept saying there was an alliance then, but says there isn’t one now…we have no alliance. YB may consider you a bigger threat to their points…or they’re playing favorites, no telling with them.

Can I quote you on that ? I mean – the whole past week you kept claiming there was no alliance and now suddenly there was one ? When were you telling the truth ?

Oh right, this was just a sarcasm/troll post.

And I have frapsed on two occasions YB fighting us off an objective only to retreat and let EB cap it. Yea, photoshopped.

What I don’t understand is why YB and EB would deny the 2v1 – I’ve been WvWing since BWE and I have witnessed dozens of failed attempts at 2 vs 1. Usually it’s either the weaker one that targets only the middle one (like JQ was focusing on us and HOD would just…kill everyone on a whim) or you have some backstabbing moves at the end of the deal. YB and EB were faithful till the end, till friday morning. That’s good track record the next time they want to make a deal with some other server.

It’s very very hard to pull a 2v1 in this environment. Requires a lot of structure and discipline – nothing to be ashamed of. Many have failed.

And most of the SBIers are not blaming the 2v1. While it was frustrating, it was a reality check for us in many ways. A lesson to learn, the hard way. I still think SBI is a better place to be after this defeat than we were before, after 4 weeks of stomping others (including YB and EB) – the climate was really ugly.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


dont ya just love it how yaksbend are not attacking ebays borderlands somthings not right oh yeh thats right were getting double teamed how silly of me

It’s pretty funny actually. We were just musing in TS over the possibility that BP was talking to YB after a two sets of simultaneous attacks on our borderlands Hills and Bay by BP and YB respectively.
I think the important thing to learn from WvW is to not take any given moment in time or situation as proof of anything.

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Buffy.9246


There’s no alliance from what I know. They might have gone after you guys if you dared to mass attack them on their borderlands…we got hit hard by them at reset because we did that. Hell, last night the map was mostly red until we started pushing back out and went for full defense.

We know there’s a alliance…stop denying it. Bp has 0 night crew so we are a easy target but eBay has not been touched. That was reset night, it’s all game then.

This also might be due to the fact that Ebay fields a lot more during weekends and BP during weekdays. There’s no alliance. YB has been out in full force in EBBL. We had almost the entire map red. Ebay has more weekend players so it made sense for them to hold out better than BP does.

So your saying yaks want a easy fight? But this you should be focusing on eBay all day during weekdays. Am I correct or yaks don’t wanna break the treaty with their gf?

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Art.9820


Stop bothering people…. everyone will take the chance to claim 2v1… srsly now we even have sbi kittens in this thread trying to vent what they couldn’t on the last thread XD

All classes

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: billiamgrace.2804


Is Ebay the ugly girlfriend of GW2???

But… but… our debilitating backne has totally cleared up, and as long as we smile with our mouths shut, the gap tooth thing is really not that noticeable. Can’t we at least be the unfortunately plain girlfriend of GW2??

Ehmry Bay – Guild Leader Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Rhyddarch | Sasha Fïerce | Truly Skrumptious | Bathsalt Cupcake
#nerfcliffs #hauskeepink

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cinder.2056


Is Ebay the ugly girlfriend of GW2???

But… but… our debilitating backne has totally cleared up, and as long as we smile with our mouths shut, the gap tooth thing is really not that noticeable. Can’t we at least be the unfortunately plain girlfriend of GW2??

I will always love you daring, no matter how ugly you are.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: C Hunter.5390

C Hunter.5390

So who still thinks there is not something going on with Ebay and Yaks? It is happening again this week and in my opinion it is not right or the way the game should be played. I hope some one takes action on this because it has altered the landscape of season and has teams placing in spots they have not fairly earned. Again that is my opinion.


11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: earendil.1290


Its disingenuous to suggest that SBI never benefited from a de-facto 2v1 during leagues. Its advantageous for the 1st and 3rd place servers both to fight the 2nd place server. Perhaps you didn’t notice during SBI/YB/IoJ, but YB spent a lot of effort fighting IoJ off our properties in order to secure that 2nd for YB.

I don’t think I said SBI never benefited from a 2v1. Maybe in a passive way. I’m not aware of any attempt of organizing one – the SBIers of old with WM and SF would just laugh at such a suggestion.

And the last one I’ve heard (the SoR/SoS incident, where a 2 vs 1 could win us a Gold league spot) barely lasted a few hours before being quickly disapproved by our community.

Anyways – I’m not in any command structure for SBI WvW but I try to collect info. If there ever was a 2v1 agreement from us it was well hidden.

Now, the possibility that YB would target only IoJ in order to make sure they would get second – makes a lot of sense, them being YB and all. But I doubt SBIers ever stopped attacking YB in that.

Edit – somehow your post (were you admitted to winning objectives and let EB cap) was magically deleted – go figure

(edited by earendil.1290)

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: C Hunter.5390

C Hunter.5390

Another screen shot first thing in AM of match up.


11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cinder.2056


Another screen shot first thing in AM of match up.

This screen shot doesnt justify a 2v1, if you see SBI’s bl last week where half is ebay half is yb, then thats a 2v1. In this screen shot its simply yb going after bp. Why? I dont know, maybe its all the trash talking in week 1 match up?

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: earendil.1290


It’s an obvious photoshop anyway. YB are proud warriors – they would never do that..

Oh wait.

BTW – you wanted EB to gain points last week that’s why you let them take half the EB – you don’t care that much right now. You are going to dump that ugly GF as soon as she’s not useful anymore.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Yeah, there’s totally a truce…that’s why the map looks like this right now.


PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald