DB since Headstart
Song La did move to SoR. After long take with one of their leader. SoR is the best place for them.
Ah well good luck SONG, was fun watching you guys!
SoR just got more EU coverage, too. This week was a good matchup, really close, but I doubt we’ll see that happen again, now
SoR just got more EU coverage, too. This week was a good matchup, really close, but I doubt we’ll see that happen again, now
We are now queueing 600 man zergs on all maps 24/7.
SoR just got more EU coverage, too. This week was a good matchup, really close, but I doubt we’ll see that happen again, now
We are now queueing 600 man zergs on all maps 24/7.
695, one man for each point of the maximum tic!!!
Song is not a zerg guild. They run small, just a group of talented individuals. Hopefully SoR will take notes and be more skillful rather than 80 man blobing.
Tonight, I saw FoE (Fist of the Empire) on JQ. I suspect they are joining JQ. It is not surprising as back in BG, FoE/Agg were working together as a wonderful team. I really did enjoy following JERICO in those days. I wish FoE/Agg best of luck in JQ. It looks like JQ will be even more formidable.
As for BT, I am blessed and honored to be able to tag along with you guys on some occasions. BG is very lucky to have a guild like yours (and other “recent” guilds) that strengthens the server. You have brought skills, new ideas and above all, a strong leadership. For that, I thank you!
- BG Floating militia.
FoE no longer has a substantial force in WvW or GW2 for that matter. All that is left is a few hardcore members. The few that are left wanted to play with a guild that runs like us, we spent so much time with AGG on SoS and BG, seemed that a reunion was in order. We aren’t bringing the 30 man force that everyone is accustom to so no real need to even bring it up.. Just felt like a reply was in order before rumors get started.
FaGG Alliance til we die.
~LilMc Fist of the Empire GW2 Chapter Cmdr
PS: It’s nice to run with super organized guilds going up against the same kind again. Nothing against lower tiers but T1 is just a completely different ballgame. The guys/gals left have been having a blast and has really renewed focus for some of our players.
You guys were a fun bunch while playing with you on BG. I am really glad JQ got you guys as it deserves to have a fine guild like you, hopefully T1 match can reinvigorate the passion of more of your members:)
SONG is a better than decent gank team, there were a few times they caught us off guard in the JQ/DB/BG match-up where they know how to think with portals. It’ll be good to see them again, although hearing that more European players are going to a server that already has lopsided coverage in this timezone is disappointing as I would’ve hoped that JQ could get some more EU love (only coverage was RG and they don’t play for ppt, no offense meant).
Regardless, this matchup has been close and there have been a lot of bags on both sides – thanks for the fights. Also props to XPK for not blobbing and acting independently, yet also being effective.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Song is not a zerg guild. They run small, just a group of talented individuals. Hopefully SoR will take notes and be more skillful rather than 80 man blobing.
I understand our huge zergs are extremely noticeable, but we have pretty good havoc guilds like XPK here. Anyway, welcome SONG!
We hope you will enjoy your time in SoR
Let’s work together!
My Agg aka 250 wvw badges a night tracking device seems to not be working properly.
Might get it fixed today.
Song is not a zerg guild. They run small, just a group of talented individuals. Hopefully SoR will take notes and be more skillful rather than 80 man blobing.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
Congrats BG on the victory this week! Well earned and much credit to all the Bee Gee-ians or whatever you call them. Look forward to a future match up.
Song is not a zerg guild. They run small, just a group of talented individuals. Hopefully SoR will take notes and be more skillful rather than 80 man blobing.
We don’t blob, you blob!!!
Song is not a zerg guild. They run small, just a group of talented individuals. Hopefully SoR will take notes and be more skillful rather than 80 man blobing.
We don’t blob, you blob!!!
You’re right. Dammit keep getting it wrong.
My Agg aka 250 wvw badges a night tracking device seems to not be working properly.
Might get it fixed today.
Song is not a zerg guild. They run small, just a group of talented individuals. Hopefully SoR will take notes and be more skillful rather than 80 man blobing.
We don’t blob, you blob!!!
You’re right. Dammit keep getting it wrong.
My Agg aka 250 wvw badges a night tracking device seems to not be working properly.
Might get it fixed today.
Good job BG on a well fought and fairly earned win.
Any bets on if Anet’s Awesome RNG-o-matic splits us up this week?
Good job BG on a well fought and fairly earned win.
Any bets on if Anet’s Awesome RNG-o-matic splits us up this week?
I bet this week everything changes. And by that I mean we all get new colors with the same matchup.
picture from sunnyhill in bg bl, few min ago, must be a glitch or something because i saw sor guys coming through wall while they attacked tower, and no, they were not there prior to attack, after this picture 3 more came through the door (no portal) were capping tower before zerg managed to take down gate. all guys who came through the tower had fire greatsword elementalist elite skill.
picture from sunnyhill in bg bl, few min ago, must be a glitch or something because i saw sor guys coming through wall while they attacked tower, and no, they were not there prior to attack, after this picture 3 more came through the door (no portal) were capping tower before zerg managed to take down gate. all guys who came through the tower had fire greatsword elementalist elite skill.
We were hacking.
Choo Choo, Pain Train comin’ through.
picture from sunnyhill in bg bl, few min ago, must be a glitch or something because i saw sor guys coming through wall while they attacked tower, and no, they were not there prior to attack, after this picture 3 more came through the door (no portal) were capping tower before zerg managed to take down gate. all guys who came through the tower had fire greatsword elementalist elite skill.
I’ve had this happen in the same tower with SoR before. It was some random IRON player. No walls down, gate intact, but somehow they got in. Those of us in TS were like “Oh, it’s just a clone. No, wait. They’re moving pretty independently and using non-clone skills. Not a clone.”
Let’s all play fair and stay elegant.
Great week! Will probably see you. Both next week thanks to Anet’s awesome random maatchup system. (Lol)
Awesome fights!
One for the road….
Score Update!
Hopefully I wake up for reset >.> Otherwise! Goodluck everyone! And fun fights this past week!
Some highlights of [Agg]’s first week on JQ
sadly i kitten ed out and didnt record some of the best fights we had this week last night.
anyways just wanted to say the fights have been intense so far. we are enjoying our selves a lot
I just wanted to say great fights to SoR and JQ, and I’m not just saying that because we won. I don’t care who wins; the fights are what matters. This has to be the closest T1 matchup I have ever seen!
Some highlights of [Agg]’s first week on JQ
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aXZrnQRv6s&feature=youtu.besadly i kitten ed out and didnt record some of the best fights we had this week last night.
anyways just wanted to say the fights have been intense so far. we are enjoying our selves a lot
Its alright bro. Im sure [Agg] will have more fights in jQ. Next matchup is gonna be even more insane than this week.
Once again i would to say thanks for all the new guild that joined JQ. Lotsa luv from fuzzy <B
Great week! Will probably see you. Both next week thanks to Anet’s awesome random maatchup system. (Lol)
Awesome fights!
Who else is there is to fight? This matchup is essentially permanent and self inflicted.
On that note, welcome new transfers to all 3 servers! Further cementing this pairing..
May you all not also complain about not getting to steamroll tarnished coast.
picture from sunnyhill in bg bl, few min ago, must be a glitch or something because i saw sor guys coming through wall while they attacked tower, and no, they were not there prior to attack, after this picture 3 more came through the door (no portal) were capping tower before zerg managed to take down gate. all guys who came through the tower had fire greatsword elementalist elite skill.
I’ve had this happen in the same tower with SoR before. It was some random IRON player. No walls down, gate intact, but somehow they got in. Those of us in TS were like “Oh, it’s just a clone. No, wait. They’re moving pretty independently and using non-clone skills. Not a clone.”
Let’s all play fair and stay elegant.
I also had this happen before 2 months ago, I thought is cuz fire greatsword skill 3…..
I had record (about 00:57) :
http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/snownow/c/2172017 (turn off volume plz, this video volume was loud.)
(edited by snownow.9352)
Awesome fights![/quote]
Who else is there is to fight? This matchup is essentially permanent and self inflicted.
On that note, welcome new transfers to all 3 servers! Further cementing this pairing..
May you all not also complain about not getting to steamroll tarnished coast.
Your exactly right my friend! JQ/BG/SoR is an awesome match up with great fights to be found everywhere. The only way it could improve is if anet made it Wx4 and threw TC in with us.
No thanks, I didn’t (not) pay for Slideshow Wars 2.
Make TC like barbarian raiders or something….
Hey that’s an idea.
Now I wanna be barbarian raider
Make TC like barbarian raiders or something….
Hey that’s an idea.
Now I wanna be barbarian raider
More like Viking raiders.
Their only objective is to break the dam at bay and drown everyone on the map, then ride in with their longboats.
Bays weakness is exposed!!
Tonight, we ram the dam ]:)
Grats on the win this Week BG much earned, to jq Awsome fights always fun fighting u guys
TO the SOR guilds big or small and r militia Awsome work this week lets come back even stronger next week love u all
Congratz to BG. I know we give you a lot of crap but this week you brought it.
Congratz to BG. I know we give you a lot of crap but this week you brought it.
Yep, BG has been vicious lately.
Welcome to all the new guilds, let the arms race begin. it is not surprising, we would like a more distributed servers, however, like in real life, there can only be 2-3 superpowers.
To SoR and JQ,
You guys put up a hellavu fight. You have made this one of the most competitive experience in WvWvW I have encountered. You are the Yin to my Yang. I don’t even know what that phrase really means. Anyhow, if we don’t see you guys next week, best of luck.
SoR just got more EU coverage, too. This week was a good matchup, really close, but I doubt we’ll see that happen again, now
That was peculiar.
SoR now has 2 60 man EU guilds while RG is leaving JQ.
Well, with [Agg] there it might even out the overall score still. But, my guess is that IRON vs. HB (when they’re on)/RK vs. KISS would’ve been the more balanced player distribution for that timeslot.
no wonder iron likes being on NA so much, when they actually have to fight against players it doesn’t seem to go over very well. i think i saw an RG player almost get downed once though. edge of the seat matchup right there.
SoR just got more EU coverage, too. This week was a good matchup, really close, but I doubt we’ll see that happen again, now
That was peculiar.
SoR now has 2 60 man EU guilds while RG is leaving JQ.
Well, with [Agg] there it might even out the overall score still. But, my guess is that IRON vs. HB (when they’re on)/RK vs. KISS would’ve been the more balanced player distribution for that timeslot.
Yep. We are left EU-less once again But, it’s all good. We’ll see how it shakes out.
thank you RG. the gvg was fun and we sure learned alot. hope we one day can be as good at gvg as you are right now.
thank you RG. the gvg was fun and we sure learned alot. hope we one day can be as good at gvg as you are right now.
Aw man, I knew I was going to miss it! Oh well.
Also big props to the [Pro] guys that I dueled near the windmill earlier, was lots of fun.
Great match up this week. Best t1 match up so far in GW2 in my opinion. All three servers played hard and kept it quite close.
Gratz to BG. Well fought and well deserved victory.
SoR, tough as ever. well played.
Thank you for RG for coming over to play on JQ. Been an honour to have you here. Thank you to Agg and Foe for making us your new home. May your stay be long
Have to see what next week brings. Why SoR needs two 60 man EU guilds with no RG on JQ escapes me but each to their own. We few EU folks on JQ will continue to do what we can.
Good luck next week, BG, SoR and JQ whatever match up we find ourselves in.
Well, hopefully certain players on SoR will stop lecturing BG now about turning away guilds for the sake of “balance”.
Well, hopefully certain players on SoR will stop lecturing BG now about turning away guilds for the sake of “balance”.
Haha good one.
So one 60 man guild joins the same server as another 60 man guild.. why not fight AGAINST them instead of PvDooring everything? THIS is why WvW is never balanced.
10$ you move in 2 months bc you are bored.
So one 60 man guild joins the same server as another 60 man guild.. why not fight AGAINST them instead of PvDooring everything? THIS is why WvW is never balanced.
10$ you move in 2 months bc you are bored.
SoR only look for fights anyway, they wont pvd unless theres some resistance
What’s this?
Did I read something about a skirmish group on another server?
Anyone want some ice cold water. Looks dry as a dessert in huuuuur
Edit: well well veretta it seems we have the same timing
Thanks to JQ who has always been friendly with us including last time we came over. The action is not so great in the time we play it was only for a trip and some chill time before quitting. I wish JQ the best and thanks for having us. Also to TW CHOO for the gvgs. Iron of course for there zone blobs during evenings. We have moved back home to play casual few nights per week before stopping.
Love you all kiss. Sacrx
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