6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fizzlefry.1734


TDA public enemy number 1 in Germany btw

We are?

Our german members should have told us instead of hearing if from you tbh!


6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


TDA public enemy number 1 in Germany btw

We are?

Our german members should have told us instead of hearing if from you tbh!

Spiez! Infiltrators! Be on watch my Banana coloured friends! :<

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fizzlefry.1734


TDA public enemy number 1 in Germany btw

We are?

Our german members should have told us instead of hearing if from you tbh!

Spiez! Infiltrators! Be on watch my Banana coloured friends! :<

Oh noes!

I knew there was something fishy about those pinguins!


6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hule.8794


@MS folks south of Bay yesterday.
Guys if you start shooting on small group, they down you and let you go. It is meant as warning. Dont try to shoot to that group again right when you heal up.

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: tbi.9041


Weirdest thing happened yesterday, came out of spawn on millers? i think, 3 or 4 seperate ms guild groups waiting.

Seems like word got around that you guys are fun to fight

We had a similar situation a few days ago: http://i.imgur.com/EOUwpgY.jpg

[dC] – Dangerous Connections
Miller’s Sound

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@dC Ty alot for superb fun GvG last nght.

@Army Ty alot for good fights in open world.

Added some Judge fotage form last night



6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


Had to share this one:

Last round of our 8v8 vs Riot, just watch the chat.
You should let ppl hire you for this kind of commentating <3

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

(edited by Drizzy.1268)

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


My weekly weekend [JDGE] roaming video, EB heavy this time since all the small skirmishes seemed to be hiding there! To the [VcY] and [uMad] dudes, would have loved to finish those 1vs1s, I hate unfinished business :<

If the video is blocked in your country due to the music, use http://www.hidemyass.com and enjoy!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Had to share this one:

Last round of our 8v8 vs RIOT, just watch the chat.
You should let ppl hire you for this kind of commentating <3

Haha, we had lots of fun there! We even built commentator golems! Also in the beginning of Osi’s video you can hear our commentator going all Arnold style :’D

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


its video sharing time!

couple of duo fights I recorded yesterday, a 2vs I dont know how many but we got 15~ kills and a 2v6. Both vs millers.

tchuu tchuu madakittens.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: dangerdoom.3862


So that’s why there’s noone left for us to fight xD

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: multivira.7925


I posted this in our embassy section on our forums, but figured I could throw it out here as well :P

We actually had a great time again yesterday.

RoF was trying to retake their garrison from MS and left the outer gate open so we snuck in behind them while they were pounding on the inner front gate. Instead of attacking them we stood between them and the various MS guilds that came to try and kill them. We fought off dC, Pony and one more while RoF could continue taking down that inner gate. As RoF took garrison finally, we regrouped on one of the outer walls as the RoF zerg charged us. We kept them at bay for a long time until some sneaky individuals built a ballista right behind their group that we didn’t notice.

After several pushes into them and then back out after taking a lot of damage we finally realized that balista was there shooting at us. Sadly we had already lost many brave guildies so as we pushed on the ballista the rest of us succumbed to their numbers as we finally took it down. Our heroic deaths hadn’t been in vain however, as I believe [ONS] had snuck in through water gate at the time we were fighting off RoF and capped the keep as we kept RoF busy. They then came streaming out to finally revive us as our last loot bags vanished into thin air.

We actually had quite a few more good fights and even some GvG action against MS on the RoF border. Overall a very entertaining night.

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by multivira.7925)

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Yeah last night was better for us. A lot more fun, not quite as blobby. Thanks to dC for the GvG, and open field fights. It was nice to encounter a few more guild groups too, thanks to Army for a couple.

I was worried that this matchup was going to remain blobby but it seems to be easing off a little now that points are in place.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: icey.7368


Ty for all the guild in GBL last night … We wouldn’t you to join our party in front of the tower we where getting drunk … Eating food and dancing and singing songs on Ts …
Thank you for the week all the best from the yaks

[YaK] Gandara EU- WvW officer
contact : www.YaKslappers.com
SeverGvG: www.ThisIsGandara.com

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


Would you look at that, Gandara took leading points. It’s going to be an exciting contest between millers and gandara

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: multivira.7925


Would you look at that, Gandara took leading points. It’s going to be an exciting contest between millers and gandara

I wouldn’t say exciting is the right word for it. I’m really at a loss why we would be leading in points. I suppose we have a very dedicated infantry running around EBG today

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Had a very fun time leading the EB infantry for the previous few hours today amazing group, and enjoyed only having to type things once or a couple of times at most. Nice sparring with Mya/Army/ms pugs, and apologies for the times we outnumbered down the RoF group – if it helps your keep was only cos you touched our fully upgraded Golanta… wrong move xD

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: NvN.4321


Hills siege … 3rd attempt

Mya y u chase me

Krosis Hellfire

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyialo.6532


Thanks to VcY for the GvG, hope we see us in the future again.

Tyialo – Mesmer/Warrior
Guildlead of Menelya[Mya] – Piken Square

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Butsu.9482


Had lots of fun commanding in EB today with some great guys bhind me, also some fun fights vs lots of MS thank you guys !!

[YaK] – Gandara
chippy di dippidy

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: multivira.7925


Met [VcY] for the first time today, was fun fighting against them, hope they’ll show up on RoF border more often

Also thanks to all the other guys on that BL we had the pleasure of meeting of course , but we’re all old friends by now

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by multivira.7925)

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bethryn.4087


Would you look at that, Gandara took leading points. It’s going to be an exciting contest between millers and gandara

I wouldn’t say exciting is the right word for it. I’m really at a loss why we would be leading in points. I suppose we have a very dedicated infantry running around EBG today

Looking at the score evolution, our nightcrew have had pretty much uncontested coverage.

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Highlights of the week from Semper Dius! Good luck and have fun everyone

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sird.4536


VcY will be moving back to RoS on Saturday. We only came to RoF for a week with 15 people because of the current RoS match up. Hope to fight Mya with our actual squad if RoS get Millers, or atleast gank Sanatobi over and over xD

Also thanks to RoF for having us, hope you understand why we have to leave.

From the VcY space program, To infinity and beyond!

RP enthusiast

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


It was fun having you lads around VcY. Hope you enjoyed your vacation, almost time for you guys to be serious again. I enjoyed reading your “serious” posts.

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


Great to have you in this matchup VcY, sorry about the lag during our GvG. There’s a lot we have to work on and we hope to see you again!

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyialo.6532


[Mya] vs. [VcY] raw footage


Tyialo – Mesmer/Warrior
Guildlead of Menelya[Mya] – Piken Square

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Norvindus.9536


Some of TDA’s moments this week, there where more than these


The rescue

While we waited on the patch..

Have been a fun matchup some days more than others, and HAI JDGE and great to have run into you VcY.

Guild : TDA

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Guildie’s video from our Wednesday raid, some fights against pony, army and a-likes and 5 rounds of GvG versus dC at the end :>

If the video is blocked in your country for whatever reason, use www.hidemyass.com and enjoy!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: jaimy.4108


Many thanks for this week.
It makes me happy to see so many roaming guilds, whether it was from the underdog RoF or the best german server MS.

Though mostly we chose the wrong border to roam, the fights we did encounter were good. And there is nothing more that cheers me up than a good fight whether we win or lose.

Here a short video of the past 2 weeks, I chose some sucky music cause I dont know much music =D


6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: ReijKa.2350


Last weeks GvG video

YaK vs No

ReijKa – Necromancer
The Yakslappars [YaK]

6/21 Gandara - Miller's - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: oblivious.8074


Sorry bit late I thought I posted these vids here /facepalm

more last match up vids

YARR vs [dC] GvG

Hightlights of the match up part 1

Hightlights of the match up part 2

Thank you again to [Pony] [VcY] and [dC] for the GvGs

Main: Combustible Lemon – Asura Engineer
on Piken Square and Gandara.

(edited by oblivious.8074)