Another video of kwbh being “owned.” I call this one daily ebay sacrifice.
Unlike you guys, we have actual videos and can back up our trash talk + don’t use open field siege every single fight
Not my video but we’re going for comedic value so I borrowed this one. So, granted some people will mess up their rotations or screw up and lose a 1v1… but I have to ask, are you guys coming here to post each time you kill us like some kind of trophy moment? If so, then we must really be getting under your skin, and in that case I’ll take it as a huge compliment.
Let the tears flow and the Ebay KWBH relationship remain strong! <3
Rofl the only reason I’m posting about it is because when i see players with an undeserved ego, I call them out on it. Your players play like garbage, tower hug, and call friends when they get dominated in fair fights. Your guild belongs in the trash and thankfully we have brave guilds like CHAR putting you in there every time your players thing they can handle themselves outside of a zerg.
In my eyes you are even more of an ego-filled kitten than what you see with KWBH. You act like your server is perfect and all of your wvwers are amazing and the best. Well:
1. You are losing right now.
2. Not ALL of our thieves are terribad, so don’t assume that every CD thief you come about sucks, because some will kick your kitten and i’m also sure that some did, but you are just hiding it bc ur so perfect.
3. You are losing right now.
4. You guys QQ and gloat and put videos up as well and try to get every moment of us wiping on fraps, and try to hide the numerous times you guys wipe.
5. You are losing right now.
6. You cant defend or hold any of your towers, if you could you would actually be tower hugging too. lol.
and finally, 7. You are losing right now.Now shush and make up and just play WvW without having to resort to trying to trash oneanother. Its a game.
Time to put you in your place, the trash.
1.Rofl typical bad player caring about PPT thinking it means anything more than which server has better coverage in the lower tiers.
2.I have faced good CD thieves and I respect them, i frequently duel them and they always give me a good fight. I can tell you this though, none of them came from your guild or KWBH
3. Rofl nice one bro, please read 1 again.
4. That’s not CHAR, sorry bro. CHAR > your bad guild
5. wow such a witty insult.
6. Too bad you have a bunch of Oceanic guilds PvDing everything every morning, not that it matters to me since I don’t tower hug and see 5+ of you CD babies tower hugging and building superior siege to deal with 2-3 roamers, real cute stuff.
7. Wow it didn’t sink the first 3 times you said, but the 4th time was actually hilarious!!!!! LOL!!!!Your guild belongs in the dumpster, thankfully I’ve put your people in their place several times
Just this post proves how much of a waste of time you are. XD. Im not here to flame/rage/argue. But by these posts you are posting, you sure are. I pity the people in your server that has some civility and common sense. I feel sorry that they have to deal with people like you. Oh well, glad we dont have to deal with you guys flaming and raging at us for winning tomorrow at reset (unless you of course go on the next matchup thread that involves us and not you, but that would be really sad. XD.) Good luck in your life.
Your more spot on than you know, they troll them selves even harder in map chat and the Ebay TS server. Hardly anyone logs on to their TS anymore, used to be such a great community. Then you add in Rekz and VS leaving… it’s gotten even worse!
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast ~ FA