Boonprot 80 G
[Ark] Maguuma
Here are some estimates for the next matchups. 2.38% chance for a rematch.
Tarnished Coast
Here are some estimates for the next matchups. 2.38% chance for a rematch.
Tarnished Coast
MaguumaOH BOY.
will tc mommy protect us from abusive db daddy
Here are some estimates for the next matchups. 2.38% chance for a rematch.
Tarnished Coast
MaguumaOH BOY.
will tc mommy protect us from abusive db daddy
I don’t see what the problem is, obviously DB and TC will spend the majority of their time fighting each other because it’d be a closely skilled fight and they wouldn’t bother camping us into our..ahahahahha oh man I nearly made it the whole way too!
Here are some estimates for the next matchups. 2.38% chance for a rematch.
Almost a 2% chance of being matched up against JQ? That could get interesting.
Quite a bit more than 2%, actually, that’s just the most likely way we’ll end up matching up with them if it happens. I don’t have it add up which individual servers are most likely to be faced (maybe I should). Full list here.
I’ll probably stop posting the “top matchups” they just tend to be misleading – a 4% top matchup means there’s a 96% chance any OTHER matchup will happen. There’s just too many possibilities to say who anyone’s going to face with any certainty, T1/8 excepted.
Here are some estimates for the next matchups. 2.38% chance for a rematch.
Almost a 2% chance of being matched up against JQ? That could get interesting.
Quite a bit more than 2%, actually, that’s just the most likely way we’ll end up matching up with them if it happens. I don’t have it add up which individual servers are most likely to be faced (maybe I should). Full list here.
I’ll probably stop posting the “top matchups” they just tend to be misleading – a 4% top matchup means there’s a 96% chance any OTHER matchup will happen. There’s just too many possibilities to say who anyone’s going to face with any certainty, T1/8 excepted.
I’ve always wondered about the figures. Considering the tiny variance in the matchup chances, it’s almost not worth publishing them at all
Here are some estimates for the next matchups. 2.38% chance for a rematch.
Almost a 2% chance of being matched up against JQ? That could get interesting.
Quite a bit more than 2%, actually, that’s just the most likely way we’ll end up matching up with them if it happens. I don’t have it add up which individual servers are most likely to be faced (maybe I should). Full list here.
I’ll probably stop posting the “top matchups” they just tend to be misleading – a 4% top matchup means there’s a 96% chance any OTHER matchup will happen. There’s just too many possibilities to say who anyone’s going to face with any certainty, T1/8 excepted.
I’d say keep posting them. The fact that there’s a 96% chance of NOT getting that matchup doesn’t mean that it isn’t the most likely matchup to occur. If nothing else, the top matchups are an interesting way to see how ANet’s matchup system is working and how our previous matchups affect the future.
0.00010% – 1/1000000
Tier 1
Jade Quarry
Heck yeah let’s do it
who do I bribe for this anet please contact
I might get another legendary if ^ happens.
That matchup would be an invitation to buy a complete MF set and a stack of 250 superior ACs.
Action before reset. I love it! Good luck to all servers in the next match-up!
Thanks for the goodbye present, GODS <3
That matchup would be an invitation to buy a complete MF set and a stack of 250 superior ACs.
Certain ele’s gameplay style.
Anyway, this match was unbelievable boring and I thank FA with their treb fetish for that.
Good job Kaineng at ninjing stuff, I wish you had more than 10 people.
But finally it’s over!
Dear random, please give us interesting zergball server.
(edited by Halo.8976)
I knew your answer would be no.
Someone who talks like you do is obviously only useful in a Zerg of 40+I don’t know if you fight warriors much, but they’re more of an addition to a group rather than a dueling class.
They’re really easy to beat in duels, so I don’t know what you would prove by beating one.
I would fight you, but it won’t make you a bigger man.
You should meet Bi Furious!
Sure, I’d love to
you can whisper me at anytime to duel. or to just talk, be biffles.
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