9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD
Godkitten it! I spend a week having a real life and I miss drama? Kitten you all. You were supposed to text me and tell me!
I don’t have your number!
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
[SIC] had some great times this week.
Awesome leadership skills there. Nice vid.
That’s one of the reasons I joined.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
[SIC] had some great times this week.
Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.
Little question here…
Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?
You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.
You can have organized guilds and still be complete crap (sry for sounding harsh, but that’s reality). Seeing his history with RET, I know a few folks who moved there and they are good.
I’m in TEST…. so yes I know what’s going on.
[SIC] had some great times this week.
Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.
Little question here…
Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?
You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.
You can have organized guilds and still be complete crap (sry for sounding harsh, but that’s reality). Seeing his history with RET, I know a few folks who moved there and they are good.
I’m in TEST…. so yes I know what’s going on.
Gul use to be pure IoJ, He left when a few commanders got trolled enough to the point they felt they had to leave.(Trolls who have since left I may add or were set straight and just follow the zerg and dont talk anymore). I dont know if thats the reason you left gul or another, I know thats why aleman left anyways I hope you found a great place on YB, and look forward to facing [One] against YB
[SIC] had some great times this week.
Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.
Little question here…
Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?
You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.
You can have organized guilds and still be complete crap (sry for sounding harsh, but that’s reality). Seeing his history with RET, I know a few folks who moved there and they are good.
I’m in TEST…. so yes I know what’s going on.
So I take it you DONT wvw here. YB instead.
Looking at all the sugar coated kitten you talked about IoJs wvw in some threads on the wvw recruitment forum, you’re basically using assumptions from other people and what you read/see on forums to talk about us. Which I’ve just ignored, until I see you keep going at it.
So how about you stop caring about our transferz or what happens over here and go back to the server you wvw with.
I am laughing so hard. IoJ good luck. I mean Mend was ZL 2.0. I personally was a fan of Beetle since he was chill and the only one in Mend who would hop onto the community TS instead of the exclusive Mend VIP lounge.
Track Record Time:
-ET the bottom of all the tiers hated you (while you were their main WvW pushing guild)
*I enjoy fighting ET
-Own Mend co-guild leaders / officers what ever you want to call them begins to kick members because of Floppy
-Then the move to HoD where you were originally accepted until the kitten started needed rubbing then once again you guys became outcasts and left to IoJ (no offense to the server in whole but they have been getting a lot of guild transfers recently wonder why =P)
Before I get my post deleted I would like to say Beetle I know i took a one month hiatus and couldn’t annoy floppy more but i’m insulted I wasn’t on the video T_T It is a well known fact that every video with me in it is 100x better.
P.S. Wuv v Wuv v Wuv is real life!! Why you sleep HoD?!? WTF Y U HAVE SOCIAL LIFE?!?!? WE KILL PPL THEY DIE IRL!! L2P NUB!!
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
Brotha. You seem alittle angry
Well… He is “One Angry Brotha”. Everyone’s favorite Afro-elementalist!
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
I just think it is pretty funny that some people act all high and mighty and put on some phoney baloney public persona and then go through back channels to talk trash about you. Its all good tho, its gotten resulted in many laughs over the months and speaks volumes about their character. Eventually their true character shines through that public holier than thou public persona. Its made for great forum entertainment this matchup thread I must say!!! I guess some people run from fights and hide in keeps with arrow carts(or transfer servers in shame) while others man up face to face on the field.
Although I did find troll video about trolls pretty funny. We are leaving a server due to trolls, here is our troll video complaining about trolls on our way out. True masterpiece I say!
Excuse me while I find some souls eat. I am hungry, nomnomnomnomnom~! Need more ranch to put on my souls…they are tasty like BW3 asian zing wings.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander
Although I did find troll video about trolls pretty funny. We are leaving a server due to trolls, here is our troll video complaining about trolls on our way out. True masterpiece I say!
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
[SIC] had some great times this week.
Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.
Little question here…
Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?
You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.
You can have organized guilds and still be complete crap (sry for sounding harsh, but that’s reality). Seeing his history with RET, I know a few folks who moved there and they are good.
I’m in TEST…. so yes I know what’s going on.
So I take it you DONT wvw here. YB instead.
Looking at all the sugar coated kitten you talked about IoJs wvw in some threads on the wvw recruitment forum, you’re basically using assumptions from other people and what you read/see on forums to talk about us. Which I’ve just ignored, until I see you keep going at it.
So how about you stop caring about our transferz or what happens over here and go back to the server you wvw with.
Actually, this started when I saw Banzie in the SBI/YB/BP thread so I thought I’d pop back and look what you guys have been doing so far. I wouldn’t call what I’ve been saying sugar coated as some of the stuff has been told to me by folks who do WvW on IoJ (I’m not going to say who they are). Since I’ve been seeing more pugs trash talking about CD, YB, BP, Kain in LA map chat and about how the new and improved IoJ wvw scene is, I’m not just gonna ignore this kind of stuff because that’s not the IoJ I knew when we were the underdogs. I really don’t care for the transfers other than the quality of the fights we will be facing soon. SIC has demonstrated that they are going to be giving good fights.
And yes, Banzie is right, a few of us commanders starting out or not known as well because we played at times where people weren’t on got trolled by map chat to the point where we got fed up. Basically, people didn’t know who we were (because we didn’t play primetime), told us to tag down, and called us noobs. Calling us traitors (and some continue to do so) when we left didn’t help either. Aleman got the short end of the stick, he got a lot more crap over it than I ever did.
I’m not a person who holds a grudge, but I still care for you guys. I’ve talked to a few people about what has happened on IoJ recently and believe me, not everyone is happy about it deep down.
Video was removed..
Anyone grab it and upload it again, I really want to see it now…
Annnnnd to keep us on track,
How is everyone liking/hating the new borderland as well as the bloodlust buff?
Video was removed..
Anyone grab it and upload it again, I really want to see it now…
Annnnnd to keep us on track,
How is everyone liking/hating the new borderland as well as the bloodlust buff?
New BL area is AWESOME. Too early to tell about how bloodlust will effect things.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
Video was removed..
Anyone grab it and upload it again, I really want to see it now…
Annnnnd to keep us on track,
How is everyone liking/hating the new borderland as well as the bloodlust buff?
Well, not everyone want to sit on the ruins while people take over objectives… So the server with most roamers and open field fighters will likely hold it. Unlike the old orbs that could be hidden inde a fortified keep and held forever.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Good fights all week from both HoD & ET. [HARD] didn’t roam/dmg control as much this week as usual. But whenever our group did encounter either of the two servers, it was always a good fight.
Best of luck to both HoD & ET in your next matchup. IoJ….see you at reset.
[SIC] had some great times this week.
Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.
Little question here…
Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?
You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.
You can have organized guilds and still be complete crap (sry for sounding harsh, but that’s reality). Seeing his history with RET, I know a few folks who moved there and they are good.
I’m in TEST…. so yes I know what’s going on.
So I take it you DONT wvw here. YB instead.
Looking at all the sugar coated kitten you talked about IoJs wvw in some threads on the wvw recruitment forum, you’re basically using assumptions from other people and what you read/see on forums to talk about us. Which I’ve just ignored, until I see you keep going at it.
So how about you stop caring about our transferz or what happens over here and go back to the server you wvw with.
Actually, this started when I saw Banzie in the SBI/YB/BP thread so I thought I’d pop back and look what you guys have been doing so far. I wouldn’t call what I’ve been saying sugar coated as some of the stuff has been told to me by folks who do WvW on IoJ (I’m not going to say who they are). Since I’ve been seeing more pugs trash talking about CD, YB, BP, Kain in LA map chat and about how the new and improved IoJ wvw scene is, I’m not just gonna ignore this kind of stuff because that’s not the IoJ I knew when we were the underdogs. I really don’t care for the transfers other than the quality of the fights we will be facing soon. SIC has demonstrated that they are going to be giving good fights.
And yes, Banzie is right, a few of us commanders starting out or not known as well because we played at times where people weren’t on got trolled by map chat to the point where we got fed up. Basically, people didn’t know who we were (because we didn’t play primetime), told us to tag down, and called us noobs. Calling us traitors (and some continue to do so) when we left didn’t help either. Aleman got the short end of the stick, he got a lot more crap over it than I ever did.
I’m not a person who holds a grudge, but I still care for you guys
. I’ve talked to a few people about what has happened on IoJ recently and believe me, not everyone is happy about it deep down.
Now that I see you’re posting with a friendlier tone, so will I.
Most of the people i’ve met on this server have been really cool and friendly guys, sure theres bound to be trolls around but its not the image this server has shown to me. Not sure about what goea on i n LA, but its surely doesn’t represent us as a whole.
Its sad to hear you and aleman left because of trolls. I did meet aleman, he was a cool guy and a great follower, but he lacked reaction time and other aspects thats needed to lead, like patience to command pugs. No offense or anything bad intendeed, its just from what I saw when he tagged up. I constantly tried to cheer him up, saddens me to hear that he left.
Video was removed..
Anyone grab it and upload it again, I really want to see it now…
Annnnnd to keep us on track,
How is everyone liking/hating the new borderland as well as the bloodlust buff?
I was sad that I could not watch the video though Brotha gave a pretty satisfying summary.
Had some great fights this week (being a roamer) against both sides, sorry to both servers for the faceroll but at least the zergers got lots of karma I hear, better luck to both servers in next match up.
call me QQ on this too I don’t mind, but only bad thing I can say about this match up (besides boredom) was the emote wars ET likes to do, be a shame if you became “one of those servers”
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
Congratulations IoJ, for taking Bluelake from 15 ET after about 10 portal bombs, Offensive AC fire and getting peppered by cows from your guys’ hills. It was an IoM commander and ET friends that held that down and we even needed to throw out a merchant for that fight. But those are the moments that drive ET. BTW thanks for the /bows in game much respect.
Yeah, that was hilarious. Core was there leveling up alts in that karmatrain when it hit lake. People were throwing down portals left and right and nobody had any idea of where they went. The raid leader kept yelling at people not to take them, but the pugs kept jumping in them one after another. I wish I brought out my Mesmer to throw down some more. Reminded me of the light grenade in Mom and Dad Save the World.
Despite the score, I had a fun and challenging week of roaming and small skirmishes. Talented players on both servers. <3
Well it’s getting close to reset, so it’s that time again.
The Honeybuns recap of the week.
Over all it was a good week! Good fights and fun.
I don’t really have much to report this week, sadly.
But! Good luck on tonight’s new match up! I wish you all tons of fun and kills!
-The Honeybunses
Off to adventure Mister Honeybuns! HUZZAH!!!
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
Didn’t mean to start a war of words with my video.
P.s Since many people here are talking about MEND.
I will tell you this now. It might start a QQ war but whatever:
They do not demand a BL to their location. I was not at all impressed. IOM = much better guild. Sorry, but if you are going to come on a forum and troll you better be good.
SIC has greatly enjoyed fighting ET + HOD this week. I hope you guys had fun too meeting a group that refused to zerg you
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Thank you HoD and ET for this weeks matchup. Goodluck to our next matchups. Hope we get what we want.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Turned out to be one of the best week in forum wars in quite some time. I’ve been crack in up non stop. Looks like MEND got pushed off the GW2 forum map due to excessive damage to reputation. 2 server full map queue decided to take them to task. They will now proceed to build arrow carts and QQ in the safety of their private forums. Thankfully for them that location is invulnerable.
Alaric love you bro. Good luck on IoJ and see you guys for more fights soon.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander