9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

yeah TC does seem to have a lot of longbow/bear rangers actually i noticed that myself

that being said having run on all the BL’s this weekend and watching TC as we’ve fought them…..

They haven’t been terrible, but you can see the differences in experience of servers playing in T1 and those that aren’t..

The farming of TC in their EB keep, and the holding of their garrison (almost waypoint now) for the last few days..

I have a video of Ace and [Fear] fighting TC in the EB keep with a tiny amount of people in a sea of red and just outplaying the entire TC blob and saving the keep, you see it slowly turn from red to green as TC gets wiped.

I think your commanders need to work on strategy a little more and try some things they don’t normally do, we openly sandwiched TC blobs repeatedly

a blob only goes so far without the coordination.

TLDR: keep practicing and keep your head up!

I don’t know… on reset night Pink and CERN were wiping SoR’s blob all night on Red BL. Last night EP and company were wiping SoR’s blob in EBG. Good times.

Did Pink got enough thieves yet or still recruiting more?
Let me know when the guild reaches 500 thieves and runs a full zerg with them because i want to see that.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rama.6439


yeah TC does seem to have a lot of longbow/bear rangers actually i noticed that myself

that being said having run on all the BL’s this weekend and watching TC as we’ve fought them…..

They haven’t been terrible, but you can see the differences in experience of servers playing in T1 and those that aren’t..

The farming of TC in their EB keep, and the holding of their garrison (almost waypoint now) for the last few days..

I have a video of Ace and [Fear] fighting TC in the EB keep with a tiny amount of people in a sea of red and just outplaying the entire TC blob and saving the keep, you see it slowly turn from red to green as TC gets wiped.

I think your commanders need to work on strategy a little more and try some things they don’t normally do, we openly sandwiched TC blobs repeatedly

a blob only goes so far without the coordination.

TLDR: keep practicing and keep your head up!

I don’t know… on reset night Pink and CERN were wiping SoR’s blob all night on Red BL. Last night EP and company were wiping SoR’s blob in EBG. Good times.

That we were, reset night we were running against an SoS blob and a SoR blob and we were wiping both of them, multiple times, I could here people crying in mumble they were laughing so hard. Good times indeed.

I just watched a SOR raid run away when they had more then us O.O

It’s probably a tactical retreat to resupply!

To be fair it actually could be.

Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Yeah, love the stories of them running to their sentries for protection all the time, I have heard of these creatures to, I have heard them called wussies or some such thing, I don’t know, I know they are a rude sort though.

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


Yo can the CERN commander (or guild officer) PM me. Thx!

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: phokus.8934


Good GvG tonight versus TW and TWL. That was the first GvG for most of us and we had some great fights.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: FlameKnight.9150


Hey TC

Good fights yesterday night during oceanic time.
You guys delayed our cap of north camp on TC bl for a bit and put up a good fight in the process.

Video replay of the fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC6Zjd9O7fI

Hopefully see you all again on the battlefield this week and get another good fight.

[OCX] OCEANIX – Sanctum of Rall – PvX Oceanic Guild.
OCX Officer
Guild Website: Oceanix

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Did TC have a recent influx of trolls? The last couple of times SOR and TC have played the forums have been pretty civil. No more it seems.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: ketorin.5923


crazy fight in EB TC keep a few min ago

you guys kept swarming in after we would clear you out, i think you caught the waypoint 4 times?

surprised we pulled that off

any idea how many you guys had? looked like tons

Warrior – Fort Aspenwood

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: magikfox.9658


I just watched a SOR raid run away when they had more then us O.O

It’s probably a tactical retreat to resupply!

To be fair it actually could be.

Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Only “good” TC roamers I’ve seen are stupid FOTM perplexity condi-spam engies + mesmers and mace shield warriors. And they normally run in parties of 5+.

Seen nothing but talent from SoS roamers. Some really unique builds, and they don’t bump their chests about their wins, or QQ when they lose. Nothing special about TC roamers :/

Song The Fox
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: NICKEZ.3671


You SoR guys are funny.. siege creeping when you have a numbers/organization advantage. Man up.

[CERN] & [ZzZz] Xig
Asura Guard, Human Ele

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


I just watched a SOR raid run away when they had more then us O.O

It’s probably a tactical retreat to resupply!

To be fair it actually could be.

Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Only “good” TC roamers I’ve seen are stupid FOTM perplexity condi-spam engies + mesmers and mace shield warriors. And they normally run in parties of 5+.

Seen nothing but talent from SoS roamers. Some really unique builds, and they don’t bump their chests about their wins, or QQ when they lose. Nothing special about TC roamers :/

Funny i’d say the same of SoR roamers. Only one of note so far and most of the time your roamers form up in groups of 4-8. SoS are much better roamers.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mooodster.3470


crazy fight in EB TC keep a few min ago

you guys kept swarming in after we would clear you out, i think you caught the waypoint 4 times?

surprised we pulled that off

any idea how many you guys had? looked like tons

from someone who dc early in that fight we didnt even have a map que till you guys used rams the 2nd time around was fun fight tho

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Auri El.1032

Auri El.1032

I just watched a SOR raid run away when they had more then us O.O

It’s probably a tactical retreat to resupply!

To be fair it actually could be.

Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Only “good” TC roamers I’ve seen are stupid FOTM perplexity condi-spam engies + mesmers and mace shield warriors. And they normally run in parties of 5+.

Seen nothing but talent from SoS roamers. Some really unique builds, and they don’t bump their chests about their wins, or QQ when they lose. Nothing special about TC roamers :/

I’m a condition spam engi, I run solo though. I usually roam around EB. Took golanta a few times today to see if anyone would come. There was one person who came to contest but that’s it. Fought a TW warrior near the keep but he just ran to sentry for help. I even stayed and fought them both but he just ran to the tower guards instead.
It is what it is, I should’ve disengaged after he fled to the sentry but I was feeling froggy and wanted to see if I could pull it off.


(edited by Auri El.1032)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Did TC have a recent influx of trolls? The last couple of times SOR and TC have played the forums have been pretty civil. No more it seems.

I wouldn’t call it an influx. There are hundreds of people that wvwvw. One a few troll. It is just what some people do for fun while they aren’t playing the game. If they get one negative response, you made their day and justified their life.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


Well personally I have not seen many SoS roamers because every time I roam I meet the SoR blob lol. Most of the “roamers” from SoR, I’ve noticed, are merely people who are making their way back to their respective groups. I’ve seen a couple of roaming thieves, but that’s not really unusual at all.

And the garrison fight just now made me realise how attached SoR is to siege (maybe this is the norm in T1, not sure). Like, superior ACs on lord’s room roof as you invade TCBL garri? What. Also noticed this in EB. There was a SoR group that clearly outnumbered us who would only fight under cannon fire and SMC buff.

Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Did TC have a recent influx of trolls? The last couple of times SOR and TC have played the forums have been pretty civil. No more it seems.

How… is that trolling? An honest opinion based on observation is trolling?

Also I hear EP went 6-1 against TW. ohohoho

(edited by electriette.8952)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: ko killer.3692

ko killer.3692

Thanks for the GvG tonight Tw! It was a lot of fun for us and we appreciate your classiness and respect.

Same goes for RoT! We enjoyed the gvg with you all even though spectators jumped in Regardless, we all had a blast. Cheers to the two of you

Jade Quarry- Fang

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: InWhySee.2097


Had four separate TW guys engage me in combat first (on land and in water) and then run away when they started losing. Then I finally get a TW guy that doesn’t run and after he’s dead he groups up with me to troll me (see above) ….. as I’m congratulating him on a good fight, lol.

You can only learn and improve by your mistakes. Running will not improve skill. Stay and challenge yourself.

And nope, not wearing any of the new runes, or specced for roaming.

(edited by InWhySee.2097)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Had four separate TW guys engage me in combat first (on land and in water) and then run away when they started losing. Then I finally get a TW guy that doesn’t run and after he’s dead he groups up with me to troll me (see above) ….. as I’m congratulating him on a good fight, lol.

You can only learn and improve by your mistakes. Running will not improve skill. Stay and challenge yourself.

And nope, not wearing any of the new runes, or specced for roaming.

Sounds like your pretty pro, what are you trying to say in this post? Are you sad that players spec’ed and built to run as zerg busting ignored your attempts to solo fight them while they ran to re-join their guild that was in a middle of a GvG.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: InWhySee.2097


Nope was wandering around, they came at me to fight. We fought for several minutes, and when their health started to,go down, they fled. Four different dudes.

Would have ignored them otherwise, but they hit me first, so was happy for the challenge …. and then …. meh.

(edited by InWhySee.2097)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gerby.6219


Great fights tonight from [BANE] and [EP]. Hope for more GvGs later this week! Send me a tell in game if you and your guild would like to come out. www.gw2gvg.com



9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Looking for 1v1s


TBH I’m actually quite disappointed with the roaming quality in T2. You know you TC aren’t very different when it comes to running unless you outnumber me. Acting like all TC are honorable roamers with the utmost of roaming quality baffles me. But you guys don’t play yourselves, so you don’t know.

(edited by Doomdesire.9365)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Handin.4032


SoR: Who do I sent the rent bill for being hidden in your TCBL Bay for over an hour and a half? I feel like I owe you guys some rent for staying there so long….

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Im Not So Nice.2360

Im Not So Nice.2360

Did Pink got enough thieves yet or still recruiting more?
Let me know when the guild reaches 500 thieves and runs a full zerg with them because i want to see that.

How many of our thieves killed you?

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: renmei.3102


You SoR guys are funny.. siege creeping when you have a numbers/organization advantage. Man up.

I’m not sure which fight you are referring to, but from what I’ve seen you guys make for a lack of numbers and organization with lot of siege. No issue with that, it is the correct response. But you’ll have to pardon us for not trying to ram down a gate without clearing siege first, that is also the correct response. If you are taking about SoR guilds using open field siege then there is no excuse.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: xaiMera.3809


SoR: Who do I sent the rent bill for being hidden in your TCBL Bay for over an hour and a half? I feel like I owe you guys some rent for staying there so long….

No need to pay rent coz you just spent 1 1/2 hours staring at your toon, must’ve been boring lol.

Xeciel | OCX Trigger-Puller

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


SoR: Who do I sent the rent bill for being hidden in your TCBL Bay for over an hour and a half? I feel like I owe you guys some rent for staying there so long….

No need to pay rent coz you just spent 1 1/2 hours staring at your toon, must’ve been boring lol.

No we TCers are a lively lot. When we aren’t chatting up our guildies about our next RP session we practice RPing as elements in our enemies’ keeps. I believe handin was role-playing as a shrub tonight in bay, working on his leaf flutter in the wind.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Handin.4032


SoR: Who do I sent the rent bill for being hidden in your TCBL Bay for over an hour and a half? I feel like I owe you guys some rent for staying there so long….

No need to pay rent coz you just spent 1 1/2 hours staring at your toon, must’ve been boring lol.

Nah I had some reading my grad advisor wanted me to do so I just sat there and read several papers haha. It’s the best way to hide in a keep! Make sure you have something else to do!

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: xaiMera.3809


Wow the amount of chest thumping TC and SoS roamers do is unbelievable. BG and JQ have better roamers and pvp-ers and I haven’t seen any of them chest thump like you guys do.

Xeciel | OCX Trigger-Puller

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: xaiMera.3809


SoR: Who do I sent the rent bill for being hidden in your TCBL Bay for over an hour and a half? I feel like I owe you guys some rent for staying there so long….

No need to pay rent coz you just spent 1 1/2 hours staring at your toon, must’ve been boring lol.

No we TCers are a lively lot. When we aren’t chatting up our guildies about our next RP session we practice RPing as elements in our enemies’ keeps. I believe handin was role-playing as a shrub tonight in bay, working on his leaf flutter in the wind.

There are no shrubs in bay so he failed. Should’ve RP’d as a tree/snow or something

Xeciel | OCX Trigger-Puller

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Well personally I have not seen many SoS roamers because every time I roam I meet the SoR blob lol. Most of the “roamers” from SoR, I’ve noticed, are merely people who are making their way back to their respective groups. I’ve seen a couple of roaming thieves, but that’s not really unusual at all.

And the garrison fight just now made me realise how attached SoR is to siege (maybe this is the norm in T1, not sure). Like, superior ACs on lord’s room roof? What. Also noticed this in EB. There was a SoR group that clearly outnumbered us who would only fight under cannon fire and SMC buff.

Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Did TC have a recent influx of trolls? The last couple of times SOR and TC have played the forums have been pretty civil. No more it seems.

How… is that trolling? An honest opinion based on observation is trolling?

Also I hear EP went 6-1 against TW. ohohoho

This is the internet. Anything you say that some one else doesn’t like/agree with is called trolling to shrug off any perceived personal insult (although I wasn’t insulting anyone).

Its just been my experience thus far as a solo/duo roamer Vs. SoR in general. Last time we fought Mag I noticed and stated that I was seeing fewer Mag roamers as well… and they usually have some good solo / duo players and I find those fights enjoyable (they didn’t consider it trolling though, just an opinion). Just seems to be a general down trend of the number of roamers in party sizes less than 10. It may be happening on TC as well but I wouldn’t know as I’m not facing my own server.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: magikfox.9658


I just watched a SOR raid run away when they had more then us O.O

It’s probably a tactical retreat to resupply!

To be fair it actually could be.

Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Only “good” TC roamers I’ve seen are stupid FOTM perplexity condi-spam engies + mesmers and mace shield warriors. And they normally run in parties of 5+.

Seen nothing but talent from SoS roamers. Some really unique builds, and they don’t bump their chests about their wins, or QQ when they lose. Nothing special about TC roamers :/

What’s kinda funny is I got called a “POS perplexity cond spam eng” by a SOR player… when I’m using PP, toolkit, 2x elixirs, and boon duration runes… I don’t own perplexity runes (they are crutches for noobs). Was that you? lol

You SoR guys are funny.. siege creeping when you have a numbers/organization advantage. Man up.

They do that even against outmanned servers… after being pushed out multiple times… and then spam emotes as if they did something great >.>

What’s kinda sad is from the players that I know on SoR… they are quite abusive towards their own server members : /

Not a place I would want to live… or visit.

That was not me

Song The Fox
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: LetoII.3782


Had four separate TW guys engage me in combat first (on land and in water) and then run away when they started losing. Then I finally get a TW guy that doesn’t run and after he’s dead he groups up with me to troll me (see above) ….. as I’m congratulating him on a good fight, lol.

You can only learn and improve by your mistakes. Running will not improve skill. Stay and challenge yourself.

And nope, not wearing any of the new runes, or specced for roaming.

We have no clue who you are. You on the other hand obviously have a fixation.
Try identifying yourself in the slightest

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Did TC have a recent influx of trolls? The last couple of times SOR and TC have played the forums have been pretty civil. No more it seems.

How… is that trolling? An honest opinion based on observation is trolling?

Also I hear EP went 6-1 against TW. ohohoho

Saying SOR roamers run, implying they’re cowards, but that BG’s don’t is clearly a troll.

All servers will have players that will run from fights unless they have a numerical advantage. Stating it as a thing across an entire server is just juvenile posturing. I’ve seen TC and SoS groups run, I’ve also seen some fight. I’ve seen TC and SoS groups hide behind siege and yes undoubtedly some SOR groups do it as well.

Like I said its just such a pity to see the thread descend into this when the previous couple of matchups with TC have been good fun on the forum.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Did TC have a recent influx of trolls? The last couple of times SOR and TC have played the forums have been pretty civil. No more it seems.

How… is that trolling? An honest opinion based on observation is trolling?

Also I hear EP went 6-1 against TW. ohohoho

Saying SOR roamers run, implying they’re cowards, but that BG’s don’t is clearly a troll.

All servers will have players that will run from fights unless they have a numerical advantage. Stating it as a thing across an entire server is just juvenile posturing. I’ve seen TC and SoS groups run, I’ve also seen some fight. I’ve seen TC and SoS groups hide behind siege and yes undoubtedly some SOR groups do it as well.

Like I said its just such a pity to see the thread descend into this when the previous couple of matchups with TC have been good fun on the forum.

^ see… perceived insult…

I think you’re just being overly sensitive about this…


Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: magikfox.9658


Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Did TC have a recent influx of trolls? The last couple of times SOR and TC have played the forums have been pretty civil. No more it seems.

How… is that trolling? An honest opinion based on observation is trolling?

Also I hear EP went 6-1 against TW. ohohoho

Saying SOR roamers run, implying they’re cowards, but that BG’s don’t is clearly a troll.

All servers will have players that will run from fights unless they have a numerical advantage. Stating it as a thing across an entire server is just juvenile posturing. I’ve seen TC and SoS groups run, I’ve also seen some fight. I’ve seen TC and SoS groups hide behind siege and yes undoubtedly some SOR groups do it as well.

Like I said its just such a pity to see the thread descend into this when the previous couple of matchups with TC have been good fun on the forum.

^ see… perceived insult…

Aberrant, it was an insult. You’re trolling. lol. Stating an observation can be insulting. More so when it’s kind of wrong :/. I mean, I have my own opinions of TC. Of your guilds, roamers, organisation. A lot of those are good. Some are bad.

At the same time, I understand fun trolling and how some of it can be all light hearted fun.

Going “bro i was only making an observation” is all-in-all a troll some 5 year would say while digesting the snot he picked from his nose. Don’t be a kitten. Meow do you understand?

Song The Fox
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Or it could just be sunday… or monday… or tuesday… you get the picture…

I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.

Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.

Did TC have a recent influx of trolls? The last couple of times SOR and TC have played the forums have been pretty civil. No more it seems.

How… is that trolling? An honest opinion based on observation is trolling?

Also I hear EP went 6-1 against TW. ohohoho

Saying SOR roamers run, implying they’re cowards, but that BG’s don’t is clearly a troll.

All servers will have players that will run from fights unless they have a numerical advantage. Stating it as a thing across an entire server is just juvenile posturing. I’ve seen TC and SoS groups run, I’ve also seen some fight. I’ve seen TC and SoS groups hide behind siege and yes undoubtedly some SOR groups do it as well.

Like I said its just such a pity to see the thread descend into this when the previous couple of matchups with TC have been good fun on the forum.

^ see… perceived insult…

Aberrant, it was an insult. You’re trolling. lol. Stating an observation can be insulting. More so when it’s kind of wrong :/. I mean, I have my own opinions of TC. Of your guilds, roamers, organisation. A lot of those are good. Some are bad.

At the same time, I understand fun trolling and how some of it can be all light hearted fun.

Going “bro i was only making an observation” is all-in-all a troll some 5 year would say while digesting the snot he picked from his nose. Don’t be a kitten. Meow do you understand?

It’s not even an insult or troll though, my intention wasn’t to upset anyone >.>

I could do a LOT better than that if I was trying to rustle some jimmies.

Inb4 you tell me what my intentions were… again…

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: urak.4863


This thread would be a lot better if people actually tried to be civil instead of talking down.

“Thanks for the fights! We appreciate you guys not giving up and continuously trying to fight us” > “Thanks for the loot bags!”

I eat breakfast for dinner.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: morrolan.9608


It’s not even an insult or troll though, my intention wasn’t to upset anyone >.>

I could do a LOT better than that if I was trying to rustle some jimmies.

Inb4 you tell me what my intentions were… again…

I fail to see how statements such as :

“What’s kinda sad is from the players that I know on SoR… they are quite abusive towards their own server members : /”

“I miss blackgate. I love how they will actually stand and fight, whisper our commanders to set up fights, etc. etc.
Even SoR roamers (that rare creature) will turn tail at 75%. Very boring.”

are not deliberately made to troll, when the statements would be true of players on all servers. Why generalise and single out SOR?

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


That’s what I’ve heard multiple times from people I am friends with on SoR.

I don’t know how that’s trolling.

I miss fighting blackgate roamers.

I don’t know how that’s trolling either.

It’s been hard for me to find any SoR roamers, and when I have, they’ve just ran. Fighting SoR has been boring for me as a roamer.

I still don’t know how that’s trolling.

I said similar things to Mag when we fought them because I noticed a shift in what I was facing in their player base. They didn’t feel insulted (afaik) and didn’t call me a troll. You’re just being overly sensitive/defensive. If you feel I was trolling, report my post as such. I’ll just leave it at that.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elano.2014


It’s equally hard, if not harder, to find TC roamers during the past few days as well. Half of them just run away when I wave, while the other half either die too soon or run into structures half-way through battle.

I guess roamers are now a rare species across all servers.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: KayOz.3750


Had four separate TW guys engage me in combat first (on land and in water) and then run away when they started losing. Then I finally get a TW guy that doesn’t run and after he’s dead he groups up with me to troll me (see above) ….. as I’m congratulating him on a good fight, lol.

You can only learn and improve by your mistakes. Running will not improve skill. Stay and challenge yourself.

And nope, not wearing any of the new runes, or specced for roaming.

Whats the reason for someone to fight a 1v1 when he doesn’t have a 1v1 build at all.
I run a tanky support warrior and I don’t try to get in 1v1 because I simply can’t win it against roaming builds.

Most of our people run zerg builds.
Just saying.


(edited by KayOz.3750)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: daedalus.9814


Even though where getting stomped i’m still having fun especially in EB where we can kinda field even numbers. Shout out to HL in particular.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: SykkoB.9465


is anyone else getting this messed up Error pages on the forums or ? kittens driving me nuts


9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


I am getting that error. I am not sure why it comes to pass.

it says

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, cliff@arena.net and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at forum-en.guildwars2.com Port 80

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Burl.9567


I think TC has been spending too much time with Maguma. They are starting to imitate one another.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: InWhySee.2097


Had four separate TW guys engage me in combat first (on land and in water) and then run away when they started losing. Then I finally get a TW guy that doesn’t run and after he’s dead he groups up with me to troll me (see above) ….. as I’m congratulating him on a good fight, lol.

You can only learn and improve by your mistakes. Running will not improve skill. Stay and challenge yourself.

And nope, not wearing any of the new runes, or specced for roaming.

Whats the reason for someone to fight a 1v1 when he doesn’t have a 1v1 build at all.
I run a tanky support warrior and I don’t try to get in 1v1 because I simply can’t win it against roaming builds.

Most of our people run zerg builds.
Just saying.

Well the simplest solution it would appear is to not engage me in a fight then. If you come at me and try to kill me, I’m going to do my best to defend myself. If you come at me and try to kill me, then start losing and run away, well then that’s just silly. I realize that every server has people who do this, but I’ve come to expect a bit more from TW and the caliber of players they are reputed to have. If I’m watching one after the other after the other, all from the same guild, start running for the nearest tower or keep when they start losing (after they attack me first), well you can see how I’m starting to form an opinion. The other solution has been to call in five others if they are failing at winning. This is constructive, believe it or not, on my part, and urging you to get out there and roam a bit. If you manage to improve skill enough to do well solo fighting or even 3v1 fighting, that translates into zerg pushes too. Running away doesn’t show you where you failed to time a spell or attack properly.

We have no clue who you are. You on the other hand obviously have a fixation.
Try identifying yourself in the slightest

Oh you know who I am. I was the one who killed you after you chased me into the water thinking you’d kill me and then you grouped up with me to trash talk after the fact. I had a nice screen capture of our conversation, but it got deleted. And you started the trash talking right as I was typing “well fought!” I was nothing but respectful in our conversation. You, however …

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


NFL! Go Bucs, woo! *cry*

They lost... to the Jets... *emo emo emo*

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Dear Spectators. Put your kitten pets and companions and stuff away. It’s extremely irritating to be attacked by “Sanctum of Rall Beast” despite only watching people play. :c

I ? Karkas.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kytana.5079


I wanted to say great fights on EB Sunday night to SoS and TC.

Thank you all for the fun and look forward to more this week.

Baroness Kytana [ONE] – Sanctum of Rall
Council Leader of Fight As One

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Burl.9567


I think TC has been spending too much time with Maguma. They are starting to imitate one another.

I think you’re having too many conversation in your head you B grade scrub.

Such a poor performance from a once promising server. Now their server trolls have even sunk to new lows. smh

Just my personal observation not my servers. Your response just proved both my points though lol.

You need to spend more time learning the tools of the trade. Let it come to you naturally and stop trying so hard.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Traejan.1729


I think TC has been spending too much time with Maguma. They are starting to imitate one another.

The problem is, any match-up with SoR brings out the worst on the forums. BG/JQ have learned to tune out the SoR trolls after enduring more than half a year of their noise.

From my experience having faced both SoR/TC, TC are superior WvWers and has superior skill with lower numbers.

SoR (The fathers of the Full Map Zerg meta in the North American bracket) are superior is zerging, causing ability lag/mass disconnects/DDoS TS and other underhanded tactics to win their match-ups.

Proud member of [RUST] IRON TEARS