JQ/TC/Maguuma 11/1/13 - Week 3
Fighting JQ necro and warrior 1v2, they run to the nearest tower where a third is waiting with a superior ballista, just to be safe. GG CNM, SF, and SOL. You guys are amply demonstrating why JQ has the lowest individual skill of any server I’ve fought.
I thought you said that was TC 3 weeks ago. Get yer story straight man
I hadn’t gone against JQ three weeks ago, had I? I’d think there are enough people kittenting on NOPE already that you wouldn’t be clamoring for another.
I dont really care either way.
Edit: GOOD fights tonight on Mag bl.
got really silly by the end with HzH.
We peaked at 18 ppl tonight.
Can confirm engi is still there as of now
10k ballista to face hurts
Also i do not think i have ever seen so many d/p thieves at once this is mind boggling right now
Jadon’s one of TC’s best. If he gets frustrated, it only means those following him are doing something wrong. And he’s always been a great commander.
Always Loyal
Not sure why my neked norn can kill so many while we’re singing.. we not even paying attention. But HzH – gotta say you guys rolling tight. TyE yes i was lucky to get jumped by your smaller group. TC having best night though.
|I forget how we class 10 now] is that the new solo or party? If 40 isn’t blobs considering yesterdays convo… 10 is … party I guess.
Whether you guys want to rub your kittens and feel proud is up to you, we just screwin around and having a blast ~ serious. We’d even welcome you guys if you want to have fun, but something tells me you guys don’t drink, nor sing, nor do anything community fun like. Welcomed to come next time if you want
You would have been in for a real treat if you joined our mumble heh
Were ya singing? And completely hammered. Also I heard mags doesn’t have a good balance of male/female populus, our karaoke’s are pretty gender nuetral, so we get some absolutely silly songs
Our commander and a few others were pretty hammered by the time we called it quits on Mag Bl, singing not so much. And your might be surprised, our guild alone has 6-7 females that play regularly and are in mumble (including hydrobutter). Most other guilds have a pretty decent balance.
Yeah! Well, my guild’s basically a harem!
this is not something you really should be proud off you kitten kitten kitten
[8:07:09 PM] this guy: WHY CANT I BE PROUD
[8:07:12 PM] this guy: OF HAVING A HAREM!!!!!!!
lol this guy
(edited by electriette.8952)
Fighting JQ necro and warrior 1v2, they run to the nearest tower where a third is waiting with a superior ballista, just to be safe. GG CNM, SF, and SOL. You guys are amply demonstrating why JQ has the lowest individual skill of any server I’ve fought.
I thought you said that was TC 3 weeks ago. Get yer story straight man
I hadn’t gone against JQ three weeks ago, had I? I’d think there are enough people kittenting on NOPE already that you wouldn’t be clamoring for another.
I dont really care either way.
Edit: GOOD fights tonight on Mag bl.
got really silly by the end with HzH.We peaked at 18 ppl tonight.
You guys run with a lot of mesmers or rangers? It didnt seem like a lot, but it did seem like more than 18 by name tags. NOPE topped out at 20 gold names tonight, and quickly fell off.
I’d like to point out the hilarity in mumble when we started diving head first into your group with 13 or so people.
That video shows Jadon truely frustrated, which does not happen often. The usual tone of the mumble is serious, but light. The only other tune it takes is jokes and puns EVERYWHERE.
And even when everyone gets stressed out (over a game amirite) we still manage to have fun with it.
I can only thank him for the time and effort he puts in to leading.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
Can the Leader or an Officer of [GF] Good Fight(s) (Not sure if it’s Fight or Fights) please pm? I have something I’d like to discuss…
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732)
Can the Leader or an Officer of [GF] Good Fight(s) (Not sure if it’s Fight or Fights) please pm? I have something I’d like to discuss…
Does it involve cookies. Cause i digg cookies. Space ones are awesome
i can’t believe i’m saying this but
where are jq roamers at @@
Had lots of fun last night! Good luck with your next matchup, JQ/TC ♥
Happy Reset!
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:
Not sure why my neked norn can kill so many while we’re singing.. we not even paying attention. But HzH – gotta say you guys rolling tight. TyE yes i was lucky to get jumped by your smaller group. TC having best night though.
|I forget how we class 10 now] is that the new solo or party? If 40 isn’t blobs considering yesterdays convo… 10 is … party I guess.
Whether you guys want to rub your kittens and feel proud is up to you, we just screwin around and having a blast ~ serious. We’d even welcome you guys if you want to have fun, but something tells me you guys don’t drink, nor sing, nor do anything community fun like. Welcomed to come next time if you want
You would have been in for a real treat if you joined our mumble heh
Were ya singing? And completely hammered. Also I heard mags doesn’t have a good balance of male/female populus, our karaoke’s are pretty gender nuetral, so we get some absolutely silly songs
A little birdy told me Hexin’s been on Mag’s mumble a number of times, and he quite enjoyed himself on it.
im lollin @ “we have more girls than you!”
You would have been in for a real treat if you joined our mumble heh
Were ya singing? And completely hammered. Also I heard mags doesn’t have a good balance of male/female populus, our karaoke’s are pretty gender nuetral, so we get some absolutely silly songs
A little birdy told me Hexin’s been on Mag’s mumble a number of times, and he quite enjoyed himself on it.
Oh yah? i hope he pops into our channel sometime just to say hi.
im lollin @ “we have more girls than you!”
i know right? sigh
Co-Guildleader: Wobbly Cat Squad [WCS]
Well I suppose HzH isn’t all that bad.
appropriate emblem
TY for the fun JQ and Mag. Let’s have fun again next time.
Since jq I’ll be fighting you guys again this next matchup, let’s have more fun.
Keep it up tc.
Always Loyal
There are no girls on Maguuma.
Nobody on Maguuma drinks either, most of us are under 21.
Singing is also forbidden in our voice comms. We actually have a bot set up to detect any kind of melodic speaking and temp ban whoever it comes from. It’s a little finicky though so we all have to speak in monotone or else we run the risk of getting suspended from mumble.
Post edited by moderator
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]
(edited by Moderator)
There are no girls on Maguuma.
Nobody on Maguuma drinks either, most of us are under 21.
Singing is also forbidden in our voice comms. We actually have a bot set up to detect any kind of melodic speaking and temp ban whoever it comes from. It’s a little finicky though so we all have to speak in monotone or else we run the risk of getting suspended from mumble.
Post edited by moderator
Even the moderator knows what’s up.
Co-Guildleader: Wobbly Cat Squad [WCS]
Oh good it’s Friday. Maguuma can now experience the unfettered joy of BG-SoR hatefest ’13 and can listen to BG guys crying on the forums about interrupting their karma trains (honestly, they really did that).
Other than that, the only interesting part is TC facing EP from the other side of the fight. Let’s try to keep the thread under 100 posts, it’s not like there will be much to talk about (seriously, the three most polite servers in the game, not more than 5 trolls between all three of us)
Don’t worry, Toast, you’re not done with us yet! Pretty sure we’ve got one more matchup with you guys before the season ends.
As for JQ: so long and thanks for all the badges!
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]
okay well … I like mags. What else can we compare…
days1-5 are skill
day 6 is females
last day … how many can land in the tree north of hills? our server got 2 last night…
and poor NS was probably like wtf these guys doing… except the guy who came and slept next to us?
@Pinko we need new material so yeah… I’m getting creative. It’s dangerous, ill advised and trax never allows me to… for good reason
Jadon’s one of TC’s best.
If he gets frustrated, it only means those following him are doing something wrong. And he’s always been a great commander.
I was the oPP mesmer that transfered to TC for awhile to check out your servers wvw. Although I did find that voice chat to be quite funny, I still have respect for Jadon. How many commanders would take time every week to hold meetings with new players to wvw to give them some advice. I’ve listened to him in TS many times while I was on TC and he is one of the most polite and respectful people in the game.
Jadon’s one of TC’s best.
If he gets frustrated, it only means those following him are doing something wrong. And he’s always been a great commander.
I was the oPP mesmer that transfered to TC for awhile to check out your servers wvw. Although I did find that voice chat to be quite funny, I still have respect for Jadon. How many commanders would take time every week to hold meetings with new players to wvw to give them some advice. I’ve listened to him in TS many times while I was on TC and he is one of the most polite and respectful people in the game.
He’s also blindingly sexy.
Just sayin’.
Is he still doing the Thorough Thursday trainings?
Edit, added one of my favorite Jadon shots. I’m just standing next to him in Garri and he suddenly changes all his armor to the same as mine and re-dyes it to match. I think he carries 15 sets of armor in his bags or something…
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
Jadon’s one of TC’s best.
If he gets frustrated, it only means those following him are doing something wrong. And he’s always been a great commander.
I was the oPP mesmer that transfered to TC for awhile to check out your servers wvw. Although I did find that voice chat to be quite funny, I still have respect for Jadon. How many commanders would take time every week to hold meetings with new players to wvw to give them some advice. I’ve listened to him in TS many times while I was on TC and he is one of the most polite and respectful people in the game.
He’s also blindingly sexy.
Just sayin’.
Is he still doing the Thorough Thursday trainings?
Edit, added one of my favorite Jadon shots. I’m just standing next to him in Garri and he suddenly changes all his armor to the same as mine and re-dyes it to match. I think he carries 15 sets of armor in his bags or something…
No idea if he still does weekly trainings with new players. I moved back to join my guild awhile ago when it was apparent TC was recruiting guilds like crazy to compete with T1. Not saying this was a bad thing, just why would oPP transfer to another server trying to be T1 if we were on BG since launch.
Fighting JQ necro and warrior 1v2, they run to the nearest tower where a third is waiting with a superior ballista, just to be safe. GG CNM, SF, and SOL. You guys are amply demonstrating why JQ has the lowest individual skill of any server I’ve fought.
You must have run in to a “Friend/Family” ranked SF member… This is the game play that we expect any of us SF that are out there roaming.
Unless of course you caught someone being a zergling and running their zerg support build self back to the team. If you would like, I’m sure there are any number of SF members that are ready and willing to go 1on1 or 2on2, all you have to do is ask. The majority of us play in sPvP on the regular as well. – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Can the Leader or an Officer of [GF] Good Fight(s) (Not sure if it’s Fight or Fights) please pm? I have something I’d like to discuss…
Did Cookies call you Bad?
Fighting JQ necro and warrior 1v2, they run to the nearest tower where a third is waiting with a superior ballista, just to be safe. GG CNM, SF, and SOL. You guys are amply demonstrating why JQ has the lowest individual skill of any server I’ve fought.
I thought you said that was TC 3 weeks ago. Get yer story straight man
I hadn’t gone against JQ three weeks ago, had I? I’d think there are enough people kittenting on NOPE already that you wouldn’t be clamoring for another.
I dont really care either way.
Edit: GOOD fights tonight on Mag bl.
got really silly by the end with HzH.We peaked at 18 ppl tonight.
You guys run with a lot of mesmers or rangers? It didnt seem like a lot, but it did seem like more than 18 by name tags. NOPE topped out at 20 gold names tonight, and quickly fell off.
I’d like to point out the hilarity in mumble when we started diving head first into your group with 13 or so people.
That video shows Jadon truely frustrated, which does not happen often. The usual tone of the mumble is serious, but light. The only other tune it takes is jokes and puns EVERYWHERE.
And even when everyone gets stressed out (over a game amirite) we still manage to have fun with it.
I can only thank him for the time and effort he puts in to leading.
We had 3 mesmers at point. We were unpinned but you know ppl follow at times.
Fighting JQ necro and warrior 1v2, they run to the nearest tower where a third is waiting with a superior ballista, just to be safe. GG CNM, SF, and SOL. You guys are amply demonstrating why JQ has the lowest individual skill of any server I’ve fought.
Similar encounters from about an hour of roaming on ele[…]
Have you tried behind the windmill. Its the official fight club.
So JQ’s FC participation consisted of a 30 zerg and a 2v1 that tried to stomp…
#wannabeT3problems. I guess I can’t complain. This week got my guard killer maxed.
You must have run in to a “Friend/Family” ranked SF member… This is the game play that we expect any of us SF that are out there roaming.
I’ve run into many SF players out there (usually all at once) but not Wilson yet. I think we could make delicious Warrior dueling babies together.
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]
You must have run in to a “Friend/Family” ranked SF member… This is the game play that we expect any of us SF that are out there roaming.
I’ve run into many SF players out there (usually all at once) but not Wilson yet. I think we could make delicious Warrior dueling babies together.
Yeah, lately we’ve been regrouping when we are active out there and working in public comms to get any new to WvW PvE based players used to WvW. You know, the coaching and training thing so maybe we can retain people on our server for WvW. Currently all of our servers have a rather large influx of achievement hunters. So, this week if you’ve seen SF out there you probably seen a bunch of ppl attached to one of our commanders for that reason. Which I’m sure is the same for the other guilds on other servers per the usual. Regardless of anything we take anything and everything we can get that’s PvP based. We obviously love running tagless, but if my return investment in people may help me out or even the server overall in the long run, I’m willing to donate my time for that purpose.
If you are seriously interested in duels or small team organized fights you can message Wilson or Mr Goodkat. I’d list more, but I’m sure the other roaming guys would get angry with me for causing them to get spam messaged. We are also in the midst of putting together a GvG squad to operate in another facet again. We can cover 5 man havoc, 30+ offensive zergs, 10v10’s in sPvP, 1v1/2v2/3v3 at this time. Also, I’d like to give a plug to RIOT and oPP, when you face BG’s server, connect up with RIOT or oPP. A lot of our small teams guys have a lot to owe for forcing ourselves to get better in our personal game play due to what these guilds bring to the table. Obviously it’s embarrasing getting beat especially when it was your personal skill level on the line – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Fighting JQ necro and warrior 1v2, they run to the nearest tower where a third is waiting with a superior ballista, just to be safe. GG CNM, SF, and SOL. You guys are amply demonstrating why JQ has the lowest individual skill of any server I’ve fought.
I thought you said that was TC 3 weeks ago. Get yer story straight man
I hadn’t gone against JQ three weeks ago, had I? I’d think there are enough people kittenting on NOPE already that you wouldn’t be clamoring for another.
I dont really care either way.
Edit: GOOD fights tonight on Mag bl.
got really silly by the end with HzH.We peaked at 18 ppl tonight.
You guys run with a lot of mesmers or rangers? It didnt seem like a lot, but it did seem like more than 18 by name tags. NOPE topped out at 20 gold names tonight, and quickly fell off.
I’d like to point out the hilarity in mumble when we started diving head first into your group with 13 or so people.
That video shows Jadon truely frustrated, which does not happen often. The usual tone of the mumble is serious, but light. The only other tune it takes is jokes and puns EVERYWHERE.
And even when everyone gets stressed out (over a game amirite) we still manage to have fun with it.
I can only thank him for the time and effort he puts in to leading.We had 3 mesmers at point. We were unpinned but you know ppl follow at times.
For sure, for sure. Was fun fighting you guys either way. We also ran without a tag that night, and wouldent you know it, people still found us.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
Words words words words.
It’s a shame you guys are only getting your GvG squad back up now. You’d find a lot of good fights with the Maguuma guilds. I don’t think we’re going to get matched up with you again this season so I hope you guys’ll be in full form next time we see each other!
I don’t actually participate in GvGs I’m just a hype-maker.
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]
Words words words words.
It’s a shame you guys are only getting your GvG squad back up now. You’d find a lot of good fights with the Maguuma guilds. I don’t think we’re going to get matched up with you again this season so I hope you guys’ll be in full form next time we see each other!
I don’t actually participate in GvGs I’m just a hype-maker.
We were on the road quite some time ago to be thoroughly involved in GvG. Then between myself and a couple of our other team leads evaluated the team and said that overall as a team we are not ready or willing to do this properly and give the fights other guilds would expect. So, we pretty much said screw it now, and we don’t care if we get pounded from just getting in to it now. I expect some pretty rough losses to some of these vetted GW2 GvG style guilds out there. – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Again this is why I give up solo roaming after 7 p.m. server time because of “Roaming Groups” like these its kindof pointless if you guys hang out in ruins ganking people. Shouldn’t you guys be taking larger groups instead of ganking people in Ruins?
“y u no 4v50 our zerg?”
I’m always willing to give some advice for guilds who are looking to gvg, or post gvg advice.
There’s much more respect for a guild in my book who will even gvg at all. Those guilds who refuse and hide in pugzergs are just a waste of everyone’s time and energy
That being said, start doing them sooner than later, you aren’t going to get better by spending endless time prepping for something you’ve never done before
We are pretty familiar with the GvG scene in general. would be an example of what our core members are capable of. We currently do run a team comp on some days but not all and have been since launch of GW2. I think we are just too laxed with the WvW environment.
Regardless of Tier that you are in I feel like Anet really just geared us all to be casual gamers and didn’t really give us that one thing that we really want deep down inside, that’s the instant gratification of being able to chest thump against another team that you had beat them. GW1 offered that to the fullest. It’s a shame that, that mechanic was never truly implemented here on GW2. You can get them going in sPvP, but for whatever reason it’s not the same? I think my main fear of stepping back in to this realm of “competition” is the constant comparison we will do against ourselves now vs the old “us.” We’ll see, I’m sure there’s plenty of teams wanting to beat the living crap out of me in a GvG as it stands already – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
I miss Negative Zero… or shall I say Blood Eagles …
the days of old, when skill capping required sig of capture, and we actually got halls, not barnyard battles. Not that there is anything wrong iwth it, just seems Anet’s old gvg staff musta left for another game. Legit pvp … or your players make it up and ‘interrupt others gameplay’
Regardless of Tier that you are in I feel like Anet really just geared us all to be casual gamers and didn’t really give us that one thing that we really want deep down inside, that’s the instant gratification of being able to chest thump against another team that you had beat them. GW1 offered that to the fullest. It’s a shame that, that mechanic was never truly implemented here on GW2. You can get them going in sPvP, but for whatever reason it’s not the same?
In my opinion ANET expected all the serious PvPers to do spvp and all the casuals to do WvW, so now we are stuck with WvW being a blobbers paradise. Very short sighted in my opinion given the history of DAoC 8v8 scene.
Perhaps if my character played in spvp the same as it does in every other aspect of the game I would play spvp more, like in warhammer where everyone would join a battle ground whenever action got slow out in the rvr lakes.
o.o spvp is casual. you can join one fight, and then go sleep. tpvp might require some a little bit more than casual gaming, but the wvw community is better x 100 than any other gw2 community besides Role players.
for one to trully enjoy spvp/tpvp – one must have every character to choose – just like aeon of storms or storm of the imperial sanctum. And that’s the only investment you need.
There is no progression.
Always Loyal
(edited by Sovereign.1093)
o.o spvp is casual. you can join one fight, and then go sleep. tpvp might require some a little bit more than casual gaming, but the wvw community is better x 100 than any other gw2 community besides Role players.
for one to trully enjoy spvp/tpvp – one must have every character to choose – just like aeon of storms or storm of the imperial sanctum. And that’s the only investment you need.
There is no progression.
Having no progression does not mean your characters need to play different, just that they have max gear/stats by default. IMO it is a poor design decision.
o.o spvp is casual. you can join one fight, and then go sleep. tpvp might require some a little bit more than casual gaming, but the wvw community is better x 100 than any other gw2 community besides Role players.
for one to trully enjoy spvp/tpvp – one must have every character to choose – just like aeon of storms or storm of the imperial sanctum. And that’s the only investment you need.
There is no progression.
Having no progression does not mean your characters need to play different, just that they have max gear/stats by default. IMO it is a poor design decision.
IMO it’s not the stats/balance but the options of type of battles we get to play in. Sure capping objectives and moving on is okay, but a lot of players just want to battle it out like football – pick a home field, and learn it, how to manipulate it best and take your team against the opponent. They don’t want to go ‘capture point A,B,C’ five times over in a match…. well some, but it’s jusst not as enjoyable as smacking someone in the nose.
o.o spvp is casual. you can join one fight, and then go sleep. tpvp might require some a little bit more than casual gaming, but the wvw community is better x 100 than any other gw2 community besides Role players.
for one to trully enjoy spvp/tpvp – one must have every character to choose – just like aeon of storms or storm of the imperial sanctum. And that’s the only investment you need.
There is no progression.
Having no progression does not mean your characters need to play different, just that they have max gear/stats by default. IMO it is a poor design decision.
IMO it’s not the stats/balance but the options of type of battles we get to play in. Sure capping objectives and moving on is okay, but a lot of players just want to battle it out like football – pick a home field, and learn it, how to manipulate it best and take your team against the opponent. They don’t want to go ‘capture point A,B,C’ five times over in a match…. well some, but it’s jusst not as enjoyable as smacking someone in the nose.
Well you can ignore objectives in spvp as much as wvw