Seafarer’s Rest (SFR)
T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5
Seafarer’s Rest (SFR)
Some players are trying to alienate casuals and pugs by forcing them to join Teamspeak, and completely leave them out of any information if they don’t join, hiding the Commander Tag and everything.
Bringing people into TS is not alienating, it’s briging people closer.
Alienating would be preventing someone from using TS.
About withholding information, maybe people have too much going on during wvw to be able to write information in chat, and you can’t deny speaking an order is much easier and faster than writing it.
In the end of the day it’s our choice to join TS or not.
Aside from the abuse that females get on teamspeak, how do you think someone who has a job and is at work all day long feels when they’re told that they have to go on teamspeak and listen to someone barking orders at them.
First of all, you are not required to talk, so even if you are a female, nobody will know. We already said that, stop reading selectively. Second, I don’t know how females are treated on SFR TS (haven’t seen many), but I know of a good number of them being respected commanders on other servers, so the situation is not as grim as you depict it.
Moreover, I’ve never ever seen a commander “bark” orders to anyone, all of them are pretty chill even in difficult situations. I don’t know how do you want to follow a commander without him giving you directions, but oh well.
Finally, if you want to take WvW casually you are free to do so, but don’t require the community of one of the strongest WvW servers to change for you.
P.s. I don’t know what do you mean by “backseat commanding” but it may have been me, as I tend to spam a lot the chat when no commander is on. My favourite thing to do is joining a map in which we’re outnumbered and without a leader and trying to set up defenses to hold as much as we can while waiting for reinforcements. I like to think that I do no harm to anyone, while helping the server. Perhaps I need to buy a blue dorito for you to like it?
Now we’ve debunked all of your reasons to insist on never using it, and I’ll leave it at that, since people from other servers are demanding for more interesting posts.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Shoutout to [VG]
Awesome random GvG on Jade BL today, first encounter was pretty intense
just wonder what happend on our second meet
and im pretty “sad panda” about the blob interruption on our spawntower, was a realy tough fight till masses joined in
Guess we got even numbers? we were 18
My first Video:
(edited by Azunai.1065)
Well it was fun on JS bl today I led the big force arround 40-50 people some crazy fight
VG were doing guild raid.
I didnt knew you have gvg,I just searched for fight and as you and js were mostly staying on big groups I just wanted to have fun.
Well, great match-up, many fight at small scale and some zerg. Really enjoyable.
Jade Quarry
^ This so much
Signed, Scissors.
Im glad to announce the GvGs of next Week European T2 Matchup!
Monday 20.05.13:
Kodasch Allianz [KoA] vs Circle of Nine [CoN]
Thursday 23.05.13:
Kodasch Allianz [KoA] vs Eclipse Gaming [ECL]
We hope to get a Livestream here " " for both GvGs!
Greets Rajnesh [KoA]
+1 for latest 3 posts!
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
if ECL will give their O.K…. would you pls record that match? im guess i am nearly as excited as you
(cause of work i don´t think i´ll be able to join you on twitch)
einfacher auf deutsch:
könntet ihr das gvg gegen ECL “frapsen”? ich wüsste nicht, dass wir jemals gegen die zocken durften… aber es würde mich doch arg interessieren, wie´s läuft
natürlich nur, wenn ECL nix dagegen hat!
See everyone at reset, it’ll be fun!
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
do we rly need a new thread…..