The EU Silver League Thread

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Sry Sabull, Zergash will be in Goldleague and will devolve back into “Outmanned during primetime”-dash

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Twinny.9304


Firstly I’d like to say great idea for a thread op.

Let’s just get these out there so people are able to properly flame each other for blobbing.
Blobbadon’s Mouth, Blobalation, Blobbers’s Sound, Blobber’s Hold, Fort Blob, Far Shiverblobs, Blobbingworld, Blobbing Lake, ummm Zergingonur, Zergash, Blobdara.

And trust me it’s not “Blobber Hold”, after this week in their garri, its “Banner’s Hold” I have developed a Banner phobia after this weeks match, a warrior ran past me last night with a Banner in hand and my automatic reaction was to to turn my monitor off and ask of TS if he has gone yet lol

But all the same wish everyone good luck and looking forward to some good fights, 1st weeks match probably wont tell much about the server due to the influx of non WvW players checking it out. But yeh I think Abbadons got this one.

As for Banners Hold, I hope they go down quicker than a hooker with a grand in her hand jk, loves you really good fights guys

Twinny Todd – Guardian – FSP [PunK]
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: LunarNacht.8913


Miller probably won’t make it but it will be fun slaughtering everyone.
I’m really happy about silver league.

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


I doubt AM will win the SL,yes they are strong on Reset and weekend but suffer midweek.
My personal favourite is Desolation, they still have some decent guilds like GoD and INVI for example, also a small but fine night team.
They are like a sleeping giant,perhaps someone will wake them up,despite the loss of many guilds they had.

Greets Myrmi

btw almost forgot, good luck to my favourite roamer guild tchu tchu and the on and only Knox;-)

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ins.7139


I doubt AM will win the SL,yes they are strong on Reset and weekend but suffer midweek.
My personal favourite is Desolation, they still have some decent guilds like GoD and INVI for example, also a small but fine night team.
They are like a sleeping giant,perhaps someone will wake them up,despite the loss of many guilds they had.

Greets Myrmi

btw almost forgot, good luck to my favourite roamer guild tchu tchu and the on and only Knox;-)

It’s a work in progress, but a guild i created 2 weeks ago now has 250 WvW members with around 140 online during Prime and 40-50 repping. It’s growing every day so by the time we get halfway through silver league you should be seeing PT tags everywhere :P

The PuG apocolypse is coming, we will blob, we will zerg and we will destroy

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: kribre.9683


Oh lord, Deso will then turn into the new Blobbadon were ADAC has been swapped out with PT

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ins.7139


Oh lord, Deso will then turn into the new Blobbadon were ADAC has been swapped out with PT

With two major differences; we only use a WP when dead and we spend our time hunting down enemy zergs / guilds instead of sitting behind 30 AC in a tower waiting for other 2 servers to fight to go PvD something. I get a kitten for reseting WP’d defended keeps, i’ll spend 8 hours doing so if i have to, just a forwarning. Eagerly awaiting to fight Bannershold, are there many people still there from release?

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

(edited by Ins.7139)

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


This was my typical roaming night in our match-up against Aurora Glade:
-D/P thief
-D/P thief
-Perplexity Engi
-Perplexity Engi
-Skullcrack Warrior
-D/P thief
-D/P thief
-Perplexity Mesmer
-D/P thief

I’m surprised you have seen these type of AG roamers, personally having been a roamer in AG for the past 1 year now I would have enjoyed the company of such op builds, but that has rarely been the case.

Mostly my fighting companions have consisted of:

-upleveled players
-longbow rangers
-full glass cannons fresh off a dungeon run

My experience of GH roamers was:

-perplex mesmer
-perplex thief
-perplex warrior
-perplex eng
-perplex ele
-perplex necro
-perplex ranger
-perplex guardian

Anyway, it’s difficult to judge the quality of a server’s players only based on what you have witnessed. You claim to have never seen an AG D/D ele, I believe we have the best D/D eles around.

I wouldn’t claim that AG has the best roaming culture at the moment (almost zero small scale guilds exist on this server) but we do have some ace players, who have shown true skill throughout the game’s existance and are not only good at playing the latest cheese builds.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

(edited by TheGreatA.4192)

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Genev.2450


Eagerly awaiting to fight Bannershold, are there many people still there from release?

Just ending a match against them, only 1 name i recognised (on the forums at least), but I’m sure there are some non-forumwarriors from release on the server still.

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: hihey.1075


This was my typical roaming night in our match-up against Aurora Glade:
-D/P thief
-D/P thief
-Perplexity Engi
-Perplexity Engi
-Skullcrack Warrior
-D/P thief
-D/P thief
-Perplexity Mesmer
-D/P thief

I’m surprised you have seen these type of AG roamers, personally having been a roamer in AG for the past 1 year now I would have enjoyed the company of such op builds, but that has rarely been the case.

Mostly my fighting companions have consisted of:

-upleveled players
-longbow rangers
-full glass cannons fresh off a dungeon run

My experience of GH roamers was:

-perplex mesmer
-perplex thief
-perplex warrior
-perplex eng
-perplex ele
-perplex necro
-perplex ranger
-perplex guardian

Anyway, it’s difficult to judge the quality of a server’s players only based on what you have witnessed. You claim to have never seen an AG D/D ele, I believe we have the best D/D eles around.

I wouldn’t claim that AG has the best roaming culture at the moment (almost zero small scale guilds exist on this server) but we do have some ace players, who have shown true skill throughout the game’s existance and are not only good at playing the latest cheese builds.

I believe it’s a matter of timeframes: while I was roaming against AG, I roamed from 1am to 4-5am GMT+1. And believe me when I say my statement is completely true.
We do have a fair amount of small scales guilds (we actually have 2 [Psy] guilds, both really good in terms of players, and I m really disappointed to see that you ve found such players in GH.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: kribre.9683


If you did, I’m pretty sure I tried to duel you many times on my d/d ele, under the guild tag FIRE or PROT, but I always got you down to 20% hp and then you always just vanished

If you would like to fight any d/d roamers I know TUP got atleast 1 pretty good guy, Slomo, I dont mind doing duels now and then, but it depends on the time due to me being Australia I normally get rubber-banding during aussie prime due to 750 people in the same building on the same connection (not all at once ofc., but you get the point I hope :P ), also we got a really good guy coming back to game that is guildless atm, Rizadon, 99% sure he’s up for some nice duels aswell.
You also now have Intigo that’s d/d, and this is just a few of the d/d I know of so there is more then enough to pick from if you would like to fight d/d ele’s
Think you good sir. have just been very unlucky with your searching^^

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: hihey.1075


If you did, I’m pretty sure I tried to duel you many times on my d/d ele, under the guild tag FIRE or PROT, but I always got you down to 20% hp and then you always just vanished

If you would like to fight any d/d roamers I know TUP got atleast 1 pretty good guy, Slomo, I dont mind doing duels now and then, but it depends on the time due to me being Australia I normally get rubber-banding during aussie prime due to 750 people in the same building on the same connection (not all at once ofc., but you get the point I hope :P ), also we got a really good guy coming back to game that is guildless atm, Rizadon, 99% sure he’s up for some nice duels aswell.
You also now have Intigo that’s d/d, and this is just a few of the d/d I know of so there is more then enough to pick from if you would like to fight d/d ele’s
Think you good sir. have just been very unlucky with your searching^^

I remember a long duelling session in front of RoF spawn in our border some time ago, in which I faced a lot of bunkers, mostly dd eles and healway guardians.
If you were in one of those fights, I think you were so tankish that I had to use all my stealths, shadow refuge and heal included, to try to burst you down it was only natural for me to recover a bit when such assaults didnt work – still, they were great fights. It was then that I realized I cannot kill bunkers on my own with my build, but Im ok with it so far
Too bad RoF didnt make it in silver, you had some great roamers and I learned a lot fighting you guys!

Edit: screw me, for some reason I thought you were from RoF. Just don t mind this post at all xD
On another note I really cant recall any fight against a dd ele in our match up vs AG I probably missed you

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

(edited by hihey.1075)

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slomo.1029


If you would like to fight any d/d roamers I know TUP got atleast 1 pretty good guy, Slomo…

Wowowwowowo slow down a bit here. I was never really good, and since I dont play much outside of TUPs raidtimes it didnt get any better. No roaming and no sPvP made me play even worse the last few months.
But TUP has still a good d/d ele and his name is Bowler Hat. Happens that he usually roams under the [team] tag. Everybody in [team] is quite good I’d say.

Edit: screw me, for some reason I thought you were from RoF. Just don t mind this post at all xD
On another note I really cant recall any fight against a dd ele in our match up vs AG I probably missed you

Ofc you missed everyone since you were roaming at late night/early morning. Ungodly hours….

~ Gandara

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

I just hope Deso really lost coverage and didn’t simple stop playing to drop in silver, i’ll except blob hope not too big

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: gagi.4012


Oh lord, Deso will then turn into the new Blobbadon were ADAC has been swapped out with PT

With two major differences; we only use a WP when dead and we spend our time hunting down enemy zergs / guilds instead of sitting behind 30 AC in a tower waiting for other 2 servers to fight to go PvD something. I get a kitten for reseting WP’d defended keeps, i’ll spend 8 hours doing so if i have to, just a forwarning. Eagerly awaiting to fight Bannershold, are there many people still there from release?

There r some old timers here and there. I remmember CiR but that was ages ago, i wasnt involved in commanding till a bit later.

Gwyn Blaidd – Last Flight of The Crow (CROW)
H A R D (CORE) Gunnar’s hold

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bloodwort MacFangho.4638

Bloodwort MacFangho.4638

I just hope Deso really lost coverage and didn’t simple stop playing to drop in silver, i’ll except blob hope not too big

Desolation lost 6 guilds in the space of a few weeks – they’ve been listed in this thread already. On top of that, Desolation’s TS server got hit by a very serious DDOS attack that killed our comms, followed shortly after by an attack on our forum. As a result, we were left practically blind.

We’ve since got our TS and Forum back, and are re-building our coverage (Ins’s Pain Train guild). Here’s the thing: we have a huge PvE population, a well-organised one which, if it turned it’s attention to WvW, would make Desolation overnight a Gold League top ranked contender. But it isn’t going to happen – not while Anet keep churning out Living Story content that satisfies the PvE community we have.

And we can’t attract new guilds to our server – very high population. No-one wants to pay 1800 gems to move there for WvW and we can’t afford to pay for them.

So – contrary to the belief that we deliberately dropped to Silver League (yes – we wanted to – wouldn’t anyone?) – we had little choice. In any match-up, we were going to lose points. Even against Viz and SFR.

(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: White Raven.4368

White Raven.4368

Hopefully the EU Silver League will be renamed to the “No Skill Lag league.”

Just say no to the blob.

Desolation [LOST]Lost in Socks Guild.

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: hihey.1075


Hopefully the EU Silver League will be renamed to the “No Skill Lag league.”

Just say no to the blob.

Blobaddon’s disagrees

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ins.7139


Gandara can give you info on what Deso’s numbers and coverage are like now, we played them a month ago and won by a big point lead, this time Gandara may grab a win against us

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: kribre.9683


If you did, I’m pretty sure I tried to duel you many times on my d/d ele, under the guild tag FIRE or PROT, but I always got you down to 20% hp and then you always just vanished

If you would like to fight any d/d roamers I know TUP got atleast 1 pretty good guy, Slomo, I dont mind doing duels now and then, but it depends on the time due to me being Australia I normally get rubber-banding during aussie prime due to 750 people in the same building on the same connection (not all at once ofc., but you get the point I hope :P ), also we got a really good guy coming back to game that is guildless atm, Rizadon, 99% sure he’s up for some nice duels aswell.
You also now have Intigo that’s d/d, and this is just a few of the d/d I know of so there is more then enough to pick from if you would like to fight d/d ele’s
Think you good sir. have just been very unlucky with your searching^^

I remember a long duelling session in front of RoF spawn in our border some time ago, in which I faced a lot of bunkers, mostly dd eles and healway guardians.
If you were in one of those fights, I think you were so tankish that I had to use all my stealths, shadow refuge and heal included, to try to burst you down it was only natural for me to recover a bit when such assaults didnt work – still, they were great fights. It was then that I realized I cannot kill bunkers on my own with my build, but Im ok with it so far
Too bad RoF didnt make it in silver, you had some great roamers and I learned a lot fighting you guys!

Edit: screw me, for some reason I thought you were from RoF. Just don t mind this post at all xD
On another note I really cant recall any fight against a dd ele in our match up vs AG I probably missed you

I’m not very bunkerish at all, but I know when to dodge against thiefs as I’ve been dueling a lot with thiefs in my guild, so tried to learn when their big burst’s are coming But if you are the TEO thief I think you were we dueled like 3 times were you ran away all the times after getting down to 10%^^

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: hihey.1075


If you did, I’m pretty sure I tried to duel you many times on my d/d ele, under the guild tag FIRE or PROT, but I always got you down to 20% hp and then you always just vanished

If you would like to fight any d/d roamers I know TUP got atleast 1 pretty good guy, Slomo, I dont mind doing duels now and then, but it depends on the time due to me being Australia I normally get rubber-banding during aussie prime due to 750 people in the same building on the same connection (not all at once ofc., but you get the point I hope :P ), also we got a really good guy coming back to game that is guildless atm, Rizadon, 99% sure he’s up for some nice duels aswell.
You also now have Intigo that’s d/d, and this is just a few of the d/d I know of so there is more then enough to pick from if you would like to fight d/d ele’s
Think you good sir. have just been very unlucky with your searching^^

I remember a long duelling session in front of RoF spawn in our border some time ago, in which I faced a lot of bunkers, mostly dd eles and healway guardians.
If you were in one of those fights, I think you were so tankish that I had to use all my stealths, shadow refuge and heal included, to try to burst you down it was only natural for me to recover a bit when such assaults didnt work – still, they were great fights. It was then that I realized I cannot kill bunkers on my own with my build, but Im ok with it so far
Too bad RoF didnt make it in silver, you had some great roamers and I learned a lot fighting you guys!

Edit: screw me, for some reason I thought you were from RoF. Just don t mind this post at all xD
On another note I really cant recall any fight against a dd ele in our match up vs AG I probably missed you

I’m not very bunkerish at all, but I know when to dodge against thiefs as I’ve been dueling a lot with thiefs in my guild, so tried to learn when their big burst’s are coming But if you are the TEO thief I think you were we dueled like 3 times were you ran away all the times after getting down to 10%^^

We do have some roaming thieves in our guild but again, I’ve never seen an elementalist in our matchup against AG. If it was a “real” duel I usually fight to the death and rarely get away with 10% health unless against a lucky thief who manages to backstab me from behind while hitting the air :P

Maybe the next time we get the opportunity to fight we’ll arrange a “proper” duel, I really want to test my new build against wannabe bunker classes

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: kribre.9683


Wasn’t any “real” duel as we just met each other at the lake tower

I’ll sure be up for some duels against you at around 2am-5am as that’s about the only time I dont have delay atm^^

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

I think Silver League it’s now pretty much decided

Aurora Glade
Gunnar’s Hold
Miller’s Sound
Fort Ranik
Far Shiverpeaks

If we do consider underworld, that maxium devitiona bewteen server is around 100 points so match should be pretty close
Can’t wait!!

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Minfast.5489


As it currently stands I think the winner of the silver league will come from either Desolation, Gandara or Abaddons. They are the servers with the best overall coverage. Someone from Gandara can give a better idea of Deso’s strength, but they are my tip to win it.
AG and GH won’t be too far off. Both servers have arguably the strongest prime time forces in the league, but I feel they lack the overall coverage of the other 3.
FSP are very close in strength with both GH and AG and will be competitive in every matchup. Still lacking the coverage of the 3 favourites.
MS and FR have similar all round strength to AG,GH and FSP. FR have similar playstyle to Abaddon’s, just not quite the same numbers or organisation. Miller’s possess a good all-round strength, but just seem to lack something.
Underworld may struggle, but I really hope they can improve and build as the league goes on. Some good guilds still there, hopefully they can tap into their pve population and draw some players/guilds to their server.
It will be very close and the most eagerly contested league of both EU and NA I feel. I get the impression that some servers/ guilds haven’t revealed their true strength in the build up to the start so it will certainly be interesting. Can’t wait

Minfast – Thief / Rulken Charon – Guardian / Yalkara Moonshade – Ele
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]

(edited by Minfast.5489)

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

Yeah pretty much, not sure about Desolation, they could show their real streangh in the first match, For Gandara no idea they seem stronger but i don’t think they got many transfer.
Am well i except Karma Train around the clock, that must be stopped, so as i said before let’s Gank on Am!!!

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Steelo.4597


its very hard to make a prediction because of some unknown factors:

- last minute transfers
- school vacations
- actual matchups

you could probably say that


will battle it out for top 3 ranks while

Aurora Glade
Far Shiverpeaks
Gunnar’s Hold
Miller’s Sound
Fort Ranik

will fight for the next 5, these servers are very close together in terms of average power with Fort Ranik probably weakest and Aurora Glade probably strongest.


will come last by a big margin as the server more or less collapsed in terms of WvW population/guilds and is bronze league material at this point.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

Gunnar and Miller can easily compete in points with Ag will see how Ag reacts.
Gunnar can compete in primetime with Ag and Gandara also, plenty of guild to smash around and have fun open field fights.
Miller can’t compete in primetime but they have a stronger morning capping of Ag itself.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ins.7139


It’s going to be a very interesting league, i honestly think it will finish (as it stands with population / guilds now)

1. AM
2. Gandara
3. Deso

Gandara are beating Deso atm but we will have more players ready for league start. Deso don’t tend to defend anything as well as AM so i think AM will beat Gandara in offpeak and as they run mono blob – very defensive they wont bleed as many points as Deso do against Gandara.

Either way it’ll be fun !

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bloodwort MacFangho.4638

Bloodwort MacFangho.4638

I know you guys are carrying on a serious discussion here, so, apologies in advance, but the ‘O’ level chemist in me is screaming to be let out:
“Ag for Silver league top rank!”

(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Space.8053


I know you guys are carrying on a serious discussion here, so, apologies in advance, but the ‘O’ level chemist in me is screaming to be let out:
“Ag for Silver league top rank!”

Showing your age a bit there mate

but very good!

Fat Rob

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: LionZero.3479


Appearently Gandara had to tank a few days to prevent gold league, so i guess they will be one of the favorites to win it.

(source on the info )

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: hihey.1075


I hope Abaddon won’t win the league. I really, REALLY hope so.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I hope they do, as this will lead to a great exodus of PvDers bc they will move up to gold league.
They deserve gold league more than anybody else.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Prysin.8542


It’s going to be a very interesting league, i honestly think it will finish (as it stands with population / guilds now)

1. AM
2. Gandara
3. Deso

Gandara are beating Deso atm but we will have more players ready for league start. Deso don’t tend to defend anything as well as AM so i think AM will beat Gandara in offpeak and as they run mono blob – very defensive they wont bleed as many points as Deso do against Gandara.

Either way it’ll be fun !

depends, as ill be preparing for a large scale defensive operation once you get the pain train going

For once, we shall not lose towers every 2 minutes (it’ll prolly be every 5 minutes instead)

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: zamalek.2154


Underworld – The weakest on paper. Much depends on thier ‘Very High’ server population and if they can entice their larger PvE playerbase into WvW to cause an upset or two.

I see a lot in UW that I saw in the early-days of AG. They might pull a rabbit out of a hat for this one and while they might not win; I am expecting to see them upset some of the predictions. I’m actually holding thumbs for them because I have a lot of respect for them as an opponent.

Other than that I really can’t disagree with your breakdown: we have relatively few blob servers (only one major offender and some minor offenders) so the fights should be mostly interesting.

Should be fun!

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


I think AG will win because they can afford it.

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Looking forward to fight against AG(it’s about time) I was hoping to see Augury Rock instead of Blobaddon Mouth….
Cheers from TAC guild,you will notice us.

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Oy oy oy you all. Underworld might be the underdog of this League, and we might have lost “couple” guilds, but we will be spankin your hineys so much that you won’t be needing lights ever again in your life!

Come at me you boasting balloons, I have plenty of Express tickets to QQ threads reserved just for you all!

On a more serious note. We will try to do our best and have some good fights even if we might not be as strong as we used to. At least the server is now a lot less dramatic when a lot of people left, hah.

Anyways, good luck to everyone and let the Good fights (number games) begin!

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: kribre.9683


I hardly think AG will be in the top 3.
At the moment I think GH is an overall stronger server then us, which showed in the last matchup we had were they won against us, in addition to that they’ve recieved a new guild, FG, and in addition to that I know about at least 1 more guild that’s considering to join either GH or FSP.
We also experienced that GH had a bigger coverage then what AG had, especially during night time, as we’ve lost 70% of our nightcrew to NA, more directly SoR.
But it all depends on what the huge PvE population in AG, Deso, Gandara and Underworld will do, as all four servers are classified as very high populated, not that many of those PvE players actually are online at odd hours aswell though, atleast not on AG.

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Well Deso still put out zerker blobs every day with the PT and other guilds; furthermore they seem to own most of the borderlands during midday, so idk, I think worst of them out of all servers so that might be my bias.

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Twinny.9304


really looking forward to this silver league, yes i think blobaddon will win, but the rest of the spots are gonna be quite close.

Twinny Todd – Guardian – FSP [PunK]
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: PSYCHOSIM.2935


FSP might be a contender now, since we have a NA guild join us today.

EDIT: top 3 maybe!

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Minfast.5489


I think both Deso and Abaddons have been underplaying their hands recently and I think both these servers with maybe Gandara are still the servers to beat. I think both Deso and Abaddon’s could be Gold League if they pushed for it. Transfer Deadline Day is tomorrow and I think we will see lots of activity and a few more transfers around the EU division before the start so who knows. Exciting!!

Minfast – Thief / Rulken Charon – Guardian / Yalkara Moonshade – Ele
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: TheUltimateBackStabber.4863


O.O Must… read… every… matchup… forum… from… EU… Silver… league O.O

EU Silver League does look amazing I’m sure to keep an eye out for GvG footage/matchup forums

My 2 favourite servers in 1 league
Go GH and Deso \o/

P.S. If someone from [PHO] (GH) reads this, tell IC to contact me ingame if possible ty

Asuran race is the best… +
Fluttershy #1 :)

(edited by TheUltimateBackStabber.4863)

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: IDarko.4709


If Gandara would get some love from non-primetime guilds (NA, we need you!), i believe we can aim for the gold medal. But right now, we are just a very strong primetime server with slightly more coverage outside primetime than most silver league servers. It will be between Deso and Abaddon, they have much better coverage. Of course, Gandara won’t give you an easy time and we will try to raid your zergs down every evening! Our guilds are prepared!

TDA, YaK, WvW, BORD, TCHU, DiVa, CNTK, DYE, REQ, YARR, BT, ONS and many, many more are waiting for the gates to open. Our spears are sharpened and our energy is renewed. Bring it!

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: iorlas.6721


deso tanked to get into silver they have more than enough to push for top spot,watch em all come outa the woodwork once the league starts.

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vroum.2906


Between the servers that tanked, the ones that got NA reinforcement and (some of) the pve population coming to WvW, there should be some surprises in this league.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: canadez.5328


deso tanked to get into silver they have more than enough to push for top spot,watch em all come outa the woodwork once the league starts.

Actually Desolation and Underworld did send out the majority of their WvW Guilds to other servers so they don’t move up or stay in Gold League. Simply not to raise suspicion. Those tricky kittens. I’ll tell you all guilds will return to their home server on thursday. Rumours say even IRON will go back to Desolation.


The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: iorlas.6721


UW never sent any guilds anywhere they have gone or disbanded

The EU Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: iorlas.6721


UW never sent any guilds anywhere they have gone or disbanded