Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Want a proof ?
Can’t believe there could be cheater on SFR ?

Ok, I just take a screen (and everyone on the keep reported it).

Obviously I know leads and commanders will not cheat or use cheater. What I mean is that you might have some on your TS that will provide this kind of ‘help’ without your authorization.

And golems do have a timer, you sure they just didnt despawn?

That could be, but they actually were put at the WP spawn

ouch! ok i start investigate about who the guy is, we already start talking about in our forum. Please next time whisp me in game when another thing like this happens, i will try identify the player immidiatly. Thanks a lot and sorry

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: DaveVN.5987


@ Achilles – yeah i bet all 3 servers got a lot of loot that day.
I even had to ask the Viz commander to wait 2 min so we could clean our bag ^^

@Lizerunn – we know Viz is not playing with full power, SFR is not even trying to play for PPT,we don’t even want to win this match up..
It’s just that PS n Viz are slacking, SFR still running on our normal training/ practicing schedule like we had under the league.
We don’t want to chase our enemies so our best option is to attack an upgrading keep and make you come out to fight

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnar.5730


Its hard to be a solo capper With defence like this:P


Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miyu.8137


Nice fights on SFR BL yesterday evening with [VG], [IV] and [WL]. Big respect to [IV] guild, you guys never hesitate to jump into battle even you are outnumbered. Thanks all for the fun

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Smoke.9273


Indeed, lots of fun was had yesterday evening on SFR homeborder, really enjoyed the fights. We might have capped a tower or so, but were mostly looking for fights… of which we found quite some, albeit now and then bit outnumbered.

See you all on the (open field) battlefield.

Fused with my Shroud

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


@Lizerunn – we know Viz is not playing with full power, SFR is not even trying to play for PPT,we don’t even want to win this match up..
It’s just that PS n Viz are slacking, SFR still running on our normal training/ practicing schedule like we had under the league.
We don’t want to chase our enemies so our best option is to attack an upgrading keep and make you come out to fight

Of course, I can’t see any problem in that and I’m sorry we dont provide the good fight for this matchup.
Just that some of our players don’t really understand why the situation is running like this.
And for those who are regulars dedicated WvW players and didn’t planed to retire for the week, it’s really hard to find out they have migrated without warning on Vabbi and still fighting SFR and Piken

ouch! ok i start investigate about who the guy is, we already start talking about in our forum. Please next time whisp me in game when another thing like this happens, i will try identify the player immidiatly. Thanks a lot and sorry

Actually, it really upset me atm, but it’s not the first time such a thing happened. Cheaters and morons are on every server since no filter can prevent them to play GW2.
So don’t be sorry, you do not have to take the responsibility (or neither anyone on SFR except one) for such a stupid behavior. However, I thank you if you can find out who the guy is and rid him off the GW2 community.

It is not obvious since you have implied it when wrote this:

“You lose the league but definitely you deserve to win this matchup with such strategies.”

It is hard not to take it personally, when you say it is SFR’s strategy to win like this.

Well, you only choose that reading.

My point is that nobody can blame a commander or a community for a single player behavior.
Taking that rationally leads to the point that the “You” target this (or may be those) player who use cheating programs to bias a matchup outcome. Though I know cheaters usually have more personal interest and are not likely to be selfless.

(edited by Lizerunn.9072)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Anet should just put those cheaters out of misery and ban them. They are just bored and try to get some last laugh before bans.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Valheru Baal.9456

Valheru Baal.9456

Well, you only choose that reading.

Taking that rationally leads to the point that the “You” target this (or may be those) player who use cheating programs to bias a matchup outcome. Though I know cheaters usually have more personal interest and are not likely to be selfless.

So when you said “You lose the league but definitely you deserve to win this matchup with such strategies.” the first YOU covered SFR and the second only the hackers? Or both YOU targeted hackers? Sry, mate but for every rational person your sentence translates to generalising SFR after having a bad experience and it has nothing to do with how I read your comment.

What I think happened is that when you wrote this, a little bit of rage bubbled up inside of you that led to generalisation even though you would normally refrain from doing so.

I only reply because you could have just said sorry for your poor choice of words, but instead you have decided to blame me for misinterpreting what you had said. This time I have decided to read your comment this way so no problem mate, we are cool.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


So when you said “You lose the league but definitely you deserve to win this matchup with such strategies.” the first YOU covered SFR and the second only the hackers? Or both YOU targeted hackers? Sry, mate but for every rational person your sentence translates to generalising SFR after having a bad experience and it has nothing to do with how I read your comment.

Not at all. You are the one here generalizing to me the fact that SOME people generalizing the behavior of SOME other people to the whole server. Such a though (generalizing one’s stupid behavior to the whole) is so pointless, so stupid, so immature that your statement sounds like an insult to me. So, once and for all, my ‘you’ stand for the only person concerned by the the act of cheating. Since I’m the one speaking those word, I’m best to say what I mean. Though I understand, in the whole climate of suspicion (and cheating topic is bringing some more), you may have interpreted my word in the way of trolling, so fashion here and I’m not blaming you for that.

What I think happened is that when you wrote this, a little bit of rage bubbled up inside of you that led to generalisation even though you would normally refrain from doing so.

Of course there was a bit of rage, and still is. But my rage is not misled and was aimed at one specific person, as said above.

I only reply because you could have just said sorry for your poor choice of words, but instead you have decided to blame me for misinterpreting what you had said. This time I have decided to read your comment this way so no problem mate, we are cool.

Yes, we are cool, I hope this is what it looks like !
But I’m not going to apologize for my “poor choice of words”, even if it might be true. Because I’m not sure blaming a non native for its level of language could be the best of argument while he is the one who actually works hard to make its point
Yet, I would always answer to some ‘clarification queries’.

(edited by Lizerunn.9072)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Smoke.9273


If you say you play for fun and good fights, stop chasing and killing one person with a group of 5 or 10. This happens on all servers, but I get so sick of it.
Come fight me one by one, you will still have the upperhand.

Also, What about this idea:
Next match up all 3 servers cap 1/3 of the maps on reset and for the rest of the week fight in open field.

Fused with my Shroud

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Graendall.4765


Greets from Necrosis,
What Borderland would you suggest where small roaming groups of 10-15 gather?
Vizunah BL today was bad…2 huge SFR guilds..couldn’t do kitten against them alone.

Zancrow The Red-Elementalist of [ObV]Oblivion-Hardcore WvW guild
Server-Piken Square

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gensokyo.1528


Greets from Necrosis,
What Borderland would you suggest where small roaming groups of 10-15 gather?
Vizunah BL today was bad…2 huge SFR guilds..couldn’t do kitten against them alone.

I dont really think you can find fights like these in the borderlands at primetime in tier 1 maybe fights of 5-10 people at camps and ruins depending what camp though the north,southwest and southeast ones you will prob get blobbed i would think eb is your best bet for roaming at prime. Later on at night though you can do alot with a roaming group of that size

Piken | [Ash] | Epi The Lad
best Druid EU and South Sudan

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


If you say you play for fun and good fights, stop chasing and killing one person with a group of 5 or 10. This happens on all servers, but I get so sick of it.
Come fight me one by one, you will still have the upperhand.

Also, What about this idea:
Next match up all 3 servers cap 1/3 of the maps on reset and for the rest of the week fight in open field.

Fun is something that an individual enjoys to do. For some people playing for points is fun, others playing for some good fights is fun and a couple killing running solo roamers is fun.
I dont know how you find it contradictory for people to have fun and kill solo roamers at the same time. Do you have a very defined understanding of fun that was imposed on you by your government or something?

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miyu.8137


Amazing evening on SFR BL yet again!!! Big thanks to our ally-guilds [DSun], [DVG],[EXE] and [ObZ] for the great cooperation specially at the Garrison attack when we managed to reset the T3 keep. 5 guild raids with 15-20 numbers each. <3 Piken <3

I personally enjoy the after-league match way more then the league itself. Ppl stoped carring about points and enjoying the battles. The hatred between servers is replaced by respect and that’s how it should be. Screw the leagues.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


5 guilds manage reset T3 keep (probably against PUGs) and it’s amazing?

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


5 guilds manage reset T3 keep (probably against PUGs) and it’s amazing?

Yes it is. Try co ordinating 5 guilds on a map. Considering each has their own commander. Also t3 keeps are hard to break if you got shet load of siege in them no matter what your numbers are 30 people can defend against 100 with well placed siege. Which I know was there for sure. Because we tried it one night and could not break your garri inner with 2 guilds.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Smoke.9273


Fun is something that an individual enjoys to do. For some people playing for points is fun, others playing for some good fights is fun and a couple killing running solo roamers is fun.
I dont know how you find it contradictory for people to have fun and kill solo roamers at the same time. Do you have a very defined understanding of fun that was imposed on you by your government or something?

I think you just pretend to not understand me. But I will bite: “If you play for fun and good fights, then…”. You will have a hard time arguing that focusing down 1 enemy with 10 people using autoattack is a fun and good fight. If you think it is, I pity you and your ingame skill.

In any case, I didn’t express some objective truth. I expressed my frustration. Next time I will state “I think,” before every statement.
You will play how you want to. That doesn’t mean I cannot find it lame; lame like the Polymorph Moa-skill of a mesmer.

Have fun.

Fused with my Shroud

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: romainette.2369


hello !
sorry SFR and Piken, but Vizunah is not up for wvw right now : after all the efforts, a lot of people are sleeping, resting, seeing their wife and friends, after 7 weeks camping the computer ! also a lot of people are just disappointed by the rewards, and they stop wvw .
there is no queue on all maps even in prime time ! anyway, some commanders are trying to do things, like i did since two days on piken map, but it is tough to have players.
sorry for that guys !
necrotic kisses from Vizunah

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maluk.1376


hello !
sorry SFR and Piken, but Vizunah is not up for wvw right now : after all the efforts, a lot of people are sleeping, resting, seeing their wife and friends, after 7 weeks camping the computer ! also a lot of people are just disappointed by the rewards, and they stop wvw .
there is no queue on all maps even in prime time ! anyway, some commanders are trying to do things, like i did since two days on piken map, but it is tough to have players.
sorry for that guys !
necrotic kisses from Vizunah

Vizunah the New Aborstone?

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


hello !
sorry SFR and Piken, but Vizunah is not up for wvw right now : after all the efforts, a lot of people are sleeping, resting, seeing their wife and friends, after 7 weeks camping the computer ! also a lot of people are just disappointed by the rewards, and they stop wvw.

Rewards were crap for all, leagues were tiring for all, but you don’t see SFR and Piken releasing the pressure in WvW that much. Can only hope Vizunah puts in an effort again, otherwise their 7-week effort isn’t all that impressive if your balloon just deflated. WvW hasn’t stopped just because the league ended, even though the MU this week was a joke and many people relax a bit more.
Hope you get your numbers up again!

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tygra.4570


Our balloon was inflated since 15 months. Lets us do whatever we want to do, that is to say sleeping for now.

The French Flair [FF]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Graendall.4765


I think everyone is more relaxed after the leagues.
We will try EB next raid.But so you know we have seen plenty of fights of the size i am asking during the league.

Zancrow The Red-Elementalist of [ObV]Oblivion-Hardcore WvW guild
Server-Piken Square

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tygra.4570


Hey Graendall, yesterday we were here (tag RAID) but we were around 25 and we only found you guys with SFRJ too close. Sorry !
Tomorrow we will be on Viz BL again and probably less (~15).

The French Flair [FF]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


1 year and 4 months of hard work and sacrifices. Playing at night ourselves. Lot of veterans and newcomers aswell pushing to the limit for the league. Stopped the game myself. Lot of people returning back to others games. What a nerve to says it’s not this impressive, after we unleashed the best we could do for so many time.

Vizunah is having a well earned rest. And you could respect that.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I played under 10 hours/match and i am not tired at all. I plan to play at least 2 hours www today.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: chrisgr.3849


hello !
sorry SFR and Piken, but Vizunah is not up for wvw right now : after all the efforts, a lot of people are sleeping, resting, seeing their wife and friends, after 7 weeks camping the computer ! also a lot of people are just disappointed by the rewards, and they stop wvw .
there is no queue on all maps even in prime time ! anyway, some commanders are trying to do things, like i did since two days on piken map, but it is tough to have players.
sorry for that guys !
necrotic kisses from Vizunah

well the develops have say more or less what the reword will idk why blame them..if ppl was to deep on this “event” is not anet fault..
ppl got transfer to Viz and SFR to get the 1 prise and hoping for something good from the moment they allready know the rewords..leque is end and ether stop or got transfer back to home server
this will be a good leasson for all of the next league try to relax and play the wvwvw like is no leques..ether way the rewords will be crap again 1-2 more rare or exotic from so1 else server that finish lower than you dont worth it

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crazysky.8369


Viuznah gave the best for the league. A lot of players are taking a break, including all of our most invested commanders.

So this week is gona be cool and easy. Anyway, we are sorry for lack of challenge this week.

I suggest you contact in game players to set some battle.

Vizunah Square Commander
Founder of & TS PVE :

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Fun is something that an individual enjoys to do. For some people playing for points is fun, others playing for some good fights is fun and a couple killing running solo roamers is fun.
I dont know how you find it contradictory for people to have fun and kill solo roamers at the same time. Do you have a very defined understanding of fun that was imposed on you by your government or something?

I think you just pretend to not understand me. But I will bite: “If you play for fun and good fights, then…”. You will have a hard time arguing that focusing down 1 enemy with 10 people using autoattack is a fun and good fight. If you think it is, I pity you and your ingame skill.

In any case, I didn’t express some objective truth. I expressed my frustration. Next time I will state “I think,” before every statement.
You will play how you want to. That doesn’t mean I cannot find it lame; lame like the Polymorph Moa-skill of a mesmer.

Have fun.

Yeah you can never reach that balance in WvW. There are servers that run mega blobs and servers that run guild raids with small numbers. our server tend to be mostly on the latter side of the above sentence. Besides it also depends where you are. If you are near a camp and doing something to like solo cap it people will focus you for the sake of getting you to run all the way back to it from your wp. Also I run on every friday in Dolyak form before reset in EB. I get focused by many groups of people in open field when I am not even attempting to fight them. It might be a bit frustrating but I try not to point fingers at any one for it. The idea is to just have fun. If you are looking for 1v1 go to the new area in Obsidian Sanctum and bow to people to invite them for a duel. Write on forums like these to whisper you for duels like one of our pikeneer Jayne does. Inconveniences will always be there but that is how the format is here unfortunately. You can not play a game created in your own mind you know. Those 10 people who run after you are unfortunately not going to play according to you.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

(edited by UnknownRH.4592)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Win the league and be 7 weeks number 1 EU, this is not impressive?
7 is half of 14. Why 14? This is the record of SFR, 14 weeks number 1 EU.
Before spitting on people and spend a total idiot, you should learn the history of servers, Dondarrion.2748…

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vroum.2906


Win the league and be 7 weeks number 1 EU, this is not impressive?
7 is half of 14. Why 14? This is the record of SFR, 14 weeks number 1 EU.
Before spitting on people and spend a total idiot, you should learn the history of servers, Dondarrion.2748…

Seems you still need some time to relax.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Also I run on every friday in Dolyak form before reset in EB. I get focused by many groups of people in open field when I am not even attempting to fight them.

I’ve actually run SFRBL in doly form and the majority of SFR who saw me either cheered or waved. Was nice

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Also I run on every friday in Dolyak form before reset in EB. I get focused by many groups of people in open field when I am not even attempting to fight them.

I’ve actually run SFRBL in doly form and the majority of SFR who saw me either cheered or waved. Was nice

Yeah well not saying it happens to me everytime hehe.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Jeez Vizunah guys chill.

Don’t take it as a personal insult if some people don’t find your achievements all that impressive.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tygra.4570


kitten Wolfheart admire us please !

The French Flair [FF]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


Also I run on every friday in Dolyak form before reset in EB. I get focused by many groups of people in open field when I am not even attempting to fight them.

I’ve actually run SFRBL in doly form and the majority of SFR who saw me either cheered or waved. Was nice

I was fighting in snowman form about an hour))) and was ok))

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Byega.4215


I saw a Christmas moose yesterday. I cheered for him but the zerg killed him. it’s so sad

Snowball battle go go go

80 Human Elementalist – Dagger/Focus

Last fair fight before Orbageddon was against Itkoviana

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


kitten Wolfheart admire us please !

Oh I wasn’t expressing my opinion, I respect what your server has done :P

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rayya.2591



Heya Guild Wars 2 WvW, time to quit for good.

If they would see this, they would revive from the grave

no.1 WvW kills

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


Are most viz players slacking or do you really fall back so hard without 4-5 famous commanders?

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: romainette.2369


most viz players are resting (after 7 weeks camping the computer, no shower, no friends, no couple life, eating pizzas…), or stopping wvw (after an heart attack when they saw the reward chest, especially the limited finisher ) .. as i said in a post above.
Sorry for that guys, you deserve a better challenger

necrotic kisses from Vizunah

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Burn.5401


Pretty sad to see all Piken guilds blobbing together all the time. You’ve become worse than your grandparent Vizunah.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: DaveVN.5987


most viz players are resting (after 7 weeks camping the computer, no shower, no friends, no couple life, eating pizzas…), or stopping wvw (after an heart attack when they saw the reward chest, especially the limited finisher ) .. as i said in a post above.
Sorry for that guys, you deserve a better challenger

necrotic kisses from Vizunah

hehe Vizunah really got trolled hard by ANET n SFR players
You really deserv to get a better reward, but did Vizunah really went ALL IN for the league? I thought Vizunah had good coverage and didn’t have to give up real life for a game match, hope none of you gave up your job for the league

Just an early christmas gift from SFR to Vizunah in EBG
btw hope we get a guild duel for fun soon with necrotic, i contacted your officer n waiting for an answer, time n date

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


I do not think it’s a matter of reward. Only for a little part of VS. But for the passionate/core/newcomers fond of the community, it’s an other problem: too many people resting. Some leads stopped too (including myself) and others are doing a long pause.

And yes Beast, we were in total mode our coverage is ourselves playing at night. That’s what i repeat since 1 year, and that show we have no canadians big force/guild.

See ya

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592



Heya Guild Wars 2 WvW, time to quit for good.

If they would see this, they would revive from the grave

Well, where’s the screen where you lose 1v1 against one of our Warrior ? :P
As I said, nothing to brag about. You should feel ashamed for trying to bait 4 pugs into your zerg being ported by an invis mez in front of lowlands.
All you did that night was trying to bait our pick ups to your blob coming from the side. I’d like to know who’s gonna be impressed by that wonderful gameplay.
Wait, the only appealing thing that made pugz come to SFR guilds like RICH is avoiding to afford 1800 gems to come on Viz
(btw, cheers to the RICH member who I had a nice chat with, hope you’ll find a guild where you’ll get to know at least a handful of members inside it)

Also forgot to mention I jumped on your face and finished you with your blob hugging you that night, but nothing to brag about
Same thing happened to an EB lead on a supply camp, who tried to protect himself vs a thief with a WoR, but nothing to brag about
Same thing happened to an ele trying to camp us in front of our spawn, that I put down twice in a row with his friends around.

I’m more curious about Piken’s prospective, after seing them zerging on our 4man group instead of your blob, giving you a free SM a few times during the MU and now, not even tickling you in a supposed “after league fun”.
You could, at least give the few people connecting on EB, the ability to spectate a good SFR-Piken ZvZ in front of your spawn (can you do that ?), instead of trying to camp us and protecting yourself with built cannons and stuff.
Is this MU makes you feel better, then carry on showing off. That still doesn’t make you good, that makes a lot of your “guilds” (AR, NoE, OSC, EB, BG) sore losers..

Ques on Piken EB are around 2-3 hours long in prime time. other times we are as outmanned as VS on the map. Besides no guilds que up for EB and many commanders as well dont go their. If you want to judge Piken come to any border land. Dont go on with your own limited vision of things.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: DaveVN.5987


@jdkL loool yes Ravya had a huge blob on EB tonight, can’t even start a breakout event on home borderland to resupply n recap garrison GG
Trolling enemies makes you bad n showing off. Funny logic

[AR] are so disliked on SFR, it has to be the pink hair charr…
NoE n OsC for having italian members, can’t make us real pizzas..

yeah these guilds are most hated on SFR , JdkL please buy them or pay them to transfer away from SFR please.

Btw did your SFR friends you chatted with told you about we have flying pink pigs n cows flying above our keeps ( look at Lowland atm. )
also Santa is real so be a good boy now

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Holm.7058


lol AR is like the most beloved guild on SFR you must be speaking to some sad pandas if they don’t like AR.
These kitten AR, scouting, upgrading, doing small scale, infuriating!!!

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: joaodias.4061




Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


Maybe you shouldn’t come on forums trash talking sfr guilds when you post a screenshot of you in party with a famous spy/supply drainer/griefer that thankfully returned to vizunah

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


considering you befriend such people it’s easy to assume all your supposed stories from friends in SFR is fiction and just a sad attempt at making SFR look bad. Let me know when you finish your next fan fiction

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xiisty.2974


As you know, Vizunah was already tired before the league. This league was only to prove than the old Vizunah could still exist. After that, I doubt Vizunah can be that strong anymore.

[TA] Team Aggression