Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


I agree. Maps too small…blobs have perma swiftness and WPs.
Arena needs to come up with something, or T1 and maybe other top tiers will be pretty stale in combat styles.

I already miss the days when you could come to forums and brag about how ZDs wiped WL , or VOTF wiped RG or stuff like that.
Guild rivalries were holding this game together and making it more fun for everyone.
On SFR we would know that a map is fine if OSC was there , we would call for reinforcements if WL would enter a BL made out PUGs … stuff like that

Nowadays, I hear no one on map chat saying: OMFG WL is here, get ready…or GH incoming to supplycamp… there is no sense of identity anymore.

All I see is in reports is: ’’VS blob incoming ’ or ’Deso blob incoming ’ .

Which is rather sad, especially for us on SFR who used to rely on guilds so much.
It’s the new meta…but it’s rather lame and takes the spice out of the game.

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xispeo.1706


Yeah shame on him for not knowing ANet were going to allow free transfers to No1 server in EU at the same time and giving WvW rewards and turn it to mince…

Yeah yeah, whatever makes you feel safe about yourself.
Other servers got no PUGs.

Queues jumped from 30-40 mins primetime to 3-4 hours. I’d say thats a pretty huge increase in pugs. Let’s see what they’ll do now when we’re losing.

Do you really think it’s different in other T1 servers ?
Can’t say for Deso, but on VZ we got pretty much 2hours+ queue from 18h00 to midnight. Everyday.
And it has been going this way for weeks.

On VZ it took me 1 month to succeed to discover & play WvW because of the waiting queue, I didn’t know WvW before and felt in love of this gameplay. Then I understood the need to connect early to get the chance to have a slot. At the beginning I even remember waiting during the whole evening and never being able to join EB even after 4h of waiting queue.

Vizunah – Zorèy/Crystalizer

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


Yeah shame on him for not knowing ANet were going to allow free transfers to No1 server in EU at the same time and giving WvW rewards and turn it to mince…

Yeah yeah, whatever makes you feel safe about yourself.
Other servers got no PUGs.

Queues jumped from 30-40 mins primetime to 3-4 hours. I’d say thats a pretty huge increase in pugs. Let’s see what they’ll do now when we’re losing.

Do you really think it’s different in other T1 servers ?
Can’t say for Deso, but on VZ we got pretty much 2hours+ queue from 18h00 to midnight. Everyday.
And it has been going this way for weeks.

On VZ it took me 1 month to succeed to discover & play WvW because of the waiting queue, I didn’t know WvW before and felt in love of this gameplay. Then I understood the need to connect early to get the chance to have a slot. At the beginning I even remember waiting during the whole evening and never being able to join EB even after 4h of waiting queue.

the problem is that VZ and desolation iron use the number to win, so if you are in queue is not a problem another like you is in the blob.
on SFR we use organized small guild with specific build, if half of that guild is in queue no one can fill that void, so for VZ the queue is an advantage, if you are in queue means that your blob is running around, if i’m in queue is a guardian less in my guild needed for our tactic, and we cannot train a pug in 2 mins for fill my role.

now seems that have few powerfull guild is far better than VZ blob (we have win 5 t1 in row in this way) but actually we can’t do that anymore (ty anet).

sUk Clan

(edited by vulneraria.4865)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xispeo.1706


…the problem is that VZ and desolation iron use the number to win, so if you are in queue is not a problem another like you is in the blob.
on SFR we use organized small guild with specific build, if half of that guild is in queue no one can fill that void, so for VZ the queue is an advantage, if you are in queue means that your blob is running around, if i’m in queue is a guardian less in my guild needed for our tactic, and we cannot train a pug in 2 mins for fill my role.

I understand what you mean, but don’t have the feeling that SFR doesn’t have any blob, I mean as an opponent I quite often have to fight against SFR bus which are often bigger than ours. We also have as guild raids problems to gather all our members and run together : this week on 9h of guildraid I could only play 2h, because of queues and crashes.

Vizunah – Zorèy/Crystalizer

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Anatolian Turk.4057

Anatolian Turk.4057

EU tier 1 has turned into NA tier 1 with all this blobbing going on. No joke! I really hate it! For so many months i was in NA t1/t2 before transferring to desolation. And trust me NA t1/t2 is all about blobbing and thats why i came to eu t1 in the first place. To avoid blobbing!!!!!!!!! But with the last ‘big WvW’ patch (26/3) everything turned sour. Every server in eu t1 is blobbing now. SFR blob, Viz blob , Deso blob. I cant even find small skirmish fights anymore. WvW is getting boring now. Believe it or not i even started playing other games now like cs. I enjoyed WvW before 26/3 but not anymore. RIP WvW. RIP EU t1

Honourable Guardian | Desolation
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


Yeah shame on him for not knowing ANet were going to allow free transfers to No1 server in EU at the same time and giving WvW rewards and turn it to mince…

Yeah yeah, whatever makes you feel safe about yourself.
Other servers got no PUGs.

Queues jumped from 30-40 mins primetime to 3-4 hours. I’d say thats a pretty huge increase in pugs. Let’s see what they’ll do now when we’re losing.

Do you really think it’s different in other T1 servers ?
Can’t say for Deso, but on VZ we got pretty much 2hours+ queue from 18h00 to midnight. Everyday.
And it has been going this way for weeks.

On VZ it took me 1 month to succeed to discover & play WvW because of the waiting queue, I didn’t know WvW before and felt in love of this gameplay. Then I understood the need to connect early to get the chance to have a slot. At the beginning I even remember waiting during the whole evening and never being able to join EB even after 4h of waiting queue.

the problem is that VZ and desolation iron use the number to win, so if you are in queue is not a problem another like you is in the blob.
on SFR we use organized small guild with specific build, if half of that guild is in queue no one can fill that void, so for VZ the queue is an advantage, if you are in queue means that your blob is running around, if i’m in queue is a guardian less in my guild needed for our tactic, and we cannot train a pug in 2 mins for fill my role.

I can’t tell for Deso, but on VZ, you’ll often see 4-5 commanders on the map at the same time during prime. There are several guild raids every night. And it often happens that we’re not enough of my guild on the field on a raid night ans it gets cancelled, because only 10 managed to get in, other are stuck in the queue.
Once again, don’t think it’s overall a very different situation on other T1 servers. We all got the same problems, the only different that might be out there is that SFR used to be a server mainly focused on WvW, and now has to deal with the same problems we’ve had since the launch of the game. But I’m pretty sure you guys can adapt and I personnaly don’t think Tier1 is going to change for a while, except if Elona Bief manage to make a very good week.

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


…the problem is that VZ and desolation iron use the number to win, so if you are in queue is not a problem another like you is in the blob.
on SFR we use organized small guild with specific build, if half of that guild is in queue no one can fill that void, so for VZ the queue is an advantage, if you are in queue means that your blob is running around, if i’m in queue is a guardian less in my guild needed for our tactic, and we cannot train a pug in 2 mins for fill my role.

I understand what you mean, but don’t have the feeling that SFR doesn’t have any blob, I mean as an opponent I quite often have to fight against SFR bus which are often bigger than ours. We also have as guild raids problems to gather all our members and run together : this week on 9h of guildraid I could only play 2h, because of queues and crashes.

The thing is that you are more used to this then SFR is. You were doing this for a longer time, your players and commanders are playing this new meta very well.
Yesterday on Deslation BL , when you were attacking bay you got LMN blob joining up with MoS+ over 9000 randoms…we wouldnt see our own walls because of the red nameplates.

This new meta has hit SFR pretty hard and combined with the Arena-net free transfer decision ( both came at the same time ) was a hard punch, since those guilds we relied on couldnt get their raids in.

But lets see how this tunrs out.

I too am afraid that until they change something , blobs are here to stay.

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


The thing is that you are more used to this then SFR is. You were doing this for a longer time, your players and commanders are playing this new meta very well.
Yesterday on Deslation BL , when you were attacking bay you got LMN blob joining up with MoS+ over 9000 randoms…we wouldnt see our own walls because of the red nameplates.

This new meta has hit SFR pretty hard and combined with the Arena-net free transfer decision ( both came at the same time ) was a hard punch, since those guilds we relied on couldnt get their raids in.

But lets see how this tunrs out.

I too am afraid that until they change something , blobs are here to stay.

I hope people will realise roaming is vital and huge blobs will turn to medium blob + 3-4 roaming groups

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


The thing is that you are more used to this then SFR is. You were doing this for a longer time, your players and commanders are playing this new meta very well.
Yesterday on Deslation BL , when you were attacking bay you got LMN blob joining up with MoS+ over 9000 randoms…we wouldnt see our own walls because of the red nameplates.

This new meta has hit SFR pretty hard and combined with the Arena-net free transfer decision ( both came at the same time ) was a hard punch, since those guilds we relied on couldnt get their raids in.

But lets see how this tunrs out.

I too am afraid that until they change something , blobs are here to stay.

I hope people will realise roaming is vital and huge blobs will turn to medium blob + 3-4 roaming groups

as I have say SFR have used that way to win 5 times in a row, blob vs few strong guilds will always lose, but we need to have these strong guilds in the border with no queue.

sUk Clan

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: DarkieDuck.9521


Yeah shame on him for not knowing ANet were going to allow free transfers to No1 server in EU at the same time and giving WvW rewards and turn it to mince…

Yeah yeah, whatever makes you feel safe about yourself.
Other servers got no PUGs.

Queues jumped from 30-40 mins primetime to 3-4 hours. I’d say thats a pretty huge increase in pugs. Let’s see what they’ll do now when we’re losing.

Do you really think it’s different in other T1 servers ?
Can’t say for Deso, but on VZ we got pretty much 2hours+ queue from 18h00 to midnight. Everyday.
And it has been going this way for weeks.

We never had such queues before, it really destroyed the way we used to play with organisation, and the PUGS that took the places for guilds wouldnt listen to the commander.

Viz on the other hand has had good PUGS since the beginning of their server (im guessing because no language barrier)

Anyway next week SFR will try and rebuild, lets hope for the best

Zekow[NiD] – lvl 80 Elementalist
Solo guard of the watergate
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Stop crying and start to train your pugs, do not shout at them ASK then nice to help and they will.

Some pugs don’t like to be bossed around if they are not in your guild, they just want to have fun and try to help out.. We in Desolation have a lot of pugs but 90% of the commanders or lieutenants are talking in chat with us.

Maybe you guys lose 1 week, buuh buuh buuh.. Deso was Rank 8 after a while, but we came back too.

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Offski.4897


The thing is that you are more used to this then SFR is. You were doing this for a longer time, your players and commanders are playing this new meta very well.
Yesterday on Deslation BL , when you were attacking bay you got LMN blob joining up with MoS+ over 9000 randoms…we wouldnt see our own walls because of the red nameplates.

This new meta has hit SFR pretty hard and combined with the Arena-net free transfer decision ( both came at the same time ) was a hard punch, since those guilds we relied on couldnt get their raids in.

But lets see how this tunrs out.

I too am afraid that until they change something , blobs are here to stay.

I hope people will realise roaming is vital and huge blobs will turn to medium blob + 3-4 roaming groups

as I have say SFR have used that way to win 5 times in a row, blob vs few strong guilds will always lose, but we need to have these strong guilds in the border with no queue.

Yeh whatever we know sfr does not blob, you guys just run with 2/3 gulds next to eachother. Stop making excuses and pretending you are/were any different from any other server. I have played plenty of times versus the sfr morning, daytime crews which is primarily a large force border hopping.

The only way I see with the size of the maps to stop blobbing is to not allow the use of waypoints unless dead and/or have a timer once dead where you cannot resurrect at a waypoint. The ability to waypoint large groups instantly is the biggest issue in the game other than lag. If we are on Sfr border in titans we should not be able to waypoint to spawn to deal with an attack on lake or hills, or hop borders immediately. This would force all servers to have defensive groups and offensive groups, therefore splitting forces.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Preacher.9018


We never had such queues before

We did. Seafarers Rest, the lowest populated and last ranked in wvw at time server was choosen on release to begin with because of terrible queues in BWEs – as opposed to most populated at time Desolation which was rank 1 and Augury Rock which migrated to Vizunah (and then all french migrated back and forth multiple times) . After release multiple hour queues still were present at time, still bit better than say Vizu – where they litterally had to queue at 18:00 , go do something for few hours and than hope they`ll get in past 0:00 at night.

Prior to WXP patch every servers population dropped, so even in T1 one could join maps aside EB without queues, which said a lot about GW2 WvW population drop, especially considering now theres no real competition between server tiers – there T1 where all active people are, and everything half dead else.

After WXP and culling patch SFR seemed to do fine – queues were back, since lot of people came back to check out WXP patch. Transfer situation increased queues again (now cant blame them though, since transfer people loose interest if server looses and dont queu for wvw – so transfers or not theres really no problem getting in right now).

The current situation has to do with different factors – few guilds leaving/taking a break getting tired of T1, and overall state of WvW being not hardcore meta wars as it was before in age of alliances and game being new. There is no dedication to approach it as job (which burned a lot of way out on a SFR way to the top) or overall strategic gameplay as before (from all sides). There are some great commanders, but state of game changed.

From what i seen of current SFR i like it though (though barely old names and some of my past bitter enemys are under SFR flag now), so situation will stabilize soon enough.

About “blobbing” – not the culling patch is to blame, but change in metagame. There is no competition and organization from either side that could be comparable to what was before- mostly seems since people stopping taking it as competition and just enjoy fights. Blobbing is not problem since blob cant react everywhere – meanwhile different guilds/groups can cause a lot of havoc around the map, taking over and downgreading stuff even if keeping it would be impossible. Take the situation in EB for example – barely anything changes hands, at most towers and SM gets zerged since its half times empty and all walls destroyed since no one cares about keeping it safe. Meanwhile in the past, every objective, no matter how hard defended used to fall, constant attacks behind enemy lines and no room for mistake and leaving any objective unattended,…

Still believe SFR in current state of the game is in still in better situation than pure crowd servers, thanks to guilds and community keeping in touch and organizing things. I really hope for some proper WvW update eventually that could revitalize things and bring at least a fraction of interest and initiative to play it it had before. I am kinda surprised so many people still play same thing for that long. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sjaakie.1470


How does it feel to be in tier 1 and know that you get spanked with your pants on all the time and you only have a chance to win if one server (SFR) decides to stop playing? Being in tier 1 and maybe even win but knowing there is a much better server where guilds leave because of some weird A-net decisions which allowes you to win.

Hey mom, I won …. because others left.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Offski.4897


How does it feel to be in tier 1 and know that you get spanked with your pants on all the time and you only have a chance to win if one server (SFR) decides to stop playing? Being in tier 1 and maybe even win but knowing there is a much better server where guilds leave because of some weird A-net decisions which allowes you to win.

Hey mom, I won …. because others left.

Hey mom, I won ….. because loads of wvw guilds bandwagonned to our server.

And we are so proud of this that we can slag off the other servers and express on the forums multiple times how much better we are.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


We maybe get spanked, we maybe have a lot of PVE in the server but do you see us give up? I think our mentality is much stronger then your number game. And now other people play your server and you guys are doing so much crying its amazing.

More people will come because you have success, I will never leave my home server.

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Funny to read this Thread first Deso and SFR, were against VZ, now SFR has isolated itself;-)
Many People predicted exactly this, that is the price to be paid when a Server gets pushed and does not grow by itself.
SFR was on a good way but you “killed” it on your own, dont blame ANET for this.

Greets Myrmi

btw………heard about RG,Riot,ECL,BOON,OSC has left…….whos next? siN?

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sjaakie.1470


How does it feel to be in tier 1 and know that you get spanked with your pants on all the time and you only have a chance to win if one server (SFR) decides to stop playing? Being in tier 1 and maybe even win but knowing there is a much better server where guilds leave because of some weird A-net decisions which allowes you to win.

Hey mom, I won …. because others left.

Hey mom, I won ….. because loads of wvw guilds bandwagonned to our server.

And we are so proud of this that we can slag off the other servers and express on the forums multiple times how much better we are.

You lost all these weeks in a row from guilds who were around when they entered T1 (first time and second time). Now most of them left and you finaly got a chance (Viz that is). Deso never had a chance and probably never will have a chance, jumping on the vizuna train and pray that it is enough to stay in T1. Now that is what I call spirit, I agree, you got more than enough of it as a server.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


Funny to read this Thread first Deso and SFR, were against VZ, now SFR has isolated itself;-)
Many People predicted exactly this, that is the price to be paid when a Server gets pushed and does not grow by itself.
SFR was on a good way but you “killed” it on your own, dont blame ANET for this.

Greets Myrmi

btw………heard about RG,Riot,ECL,BOON,OSC has left…….whos next? siN?

The hate is strong in you :-)
Don’t worry too much mate, we’ll be fine. Nice to see that we have so many experts on community management, fortune tellers and doomsayers here.
We appreciate all your input.

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


You are welcome;-)

As i know for years now, the truth hurts nevermind dude.

Greets Myrmi

btw…………no hate in my post simply BIG LOVE;-)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Hey guys, as a big fan of retro webdesign at work, and retro in general, i asked Sohz of Last Pride, a member guild of Grand Cross, to build something like 1950 years boxing in USA !

War Legend versus Red Guard, here we go !

The new (you will have to google trad hehe)

Let’s get ready to rumble !


co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrAdri.4501


It’s really funny how all the vizunah trollers disapeard for 5 weeks of constant pwning, now that all organized SFR guilds are not enjoying queues, blobs and skill delays and decided to take a break, all those come back acting like idiots and saying things with any sense about SFR was going to fall and bla bla bla, you guys are just ridiculous

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


All right, so if SFR is not winning this week’s match this is ANet fault…. oO

Yes, because of how the server works. It’s wvw focused guilds that interact with eachother. There were hardly any “useless” pugs, those that weren’t in the main zerg were doing scouting, camp flipping etc.
Now add +2h on the queues we had before, guilds can’t get their raids in anymore. The basis on how the server operated was ripped apart by ANet’s decision to make the #1 EU wvw server free to transfer to.

Viz can handle pugs because of its structure, SFR’s structure isn’t meant to handle pugs. Then you flood us with them. Result known.

Another funny aspect I found reading through posts here. “Vizunah is on fire”, ye you are on fire when the other server is weak, when a strong opponent arises you are in hibernation or close to falling over (Troma’s call to arms after commanders quit due to not winning anymore/ “burn out”).


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Empyre my friend, the only thing i can say is the burn out has started before SFR comeback and really exist. But i did two thing to counter it 1) last week i asked 32 commanders with a lot of beginners to refrain their fear to try, to write their name on a gdoc and relay 2) the two call to arms. But now, definitly it’s not because we were losing. Our burned out commanders are still a little anger, tired, and still need rest to be total honest.

You better check my previous post !

“Viz can handle pugs because of its structure, SFR’s structure isn’t meant to handle pugs. Then you flood us with them. Result known.” i explained this to VS btw, SFR is made of guilds, we are totally different

And yes, some VS troller should stop, or refrain from trolling

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Funny to read this Thread first Deso and SFR, were against VZ, now SFR has isolated itself;-)
Many People predicted exactly this, that is the price to be paid when a Server gets pushed and does not grow by itself.
SFR was on a good way but you “killed” it on your own, dont blame ANET for this.

Greets Myrmi

btw………heard about RG,Riot,ECL,BOON,OSC has left…….whos next? siN?

I was gonna reply to this, but this post is just too silly

As i said above Truth cannpot be changed;-)

Do you really think, the free Transfers and any incoming of Pugs brought you to this situation?
Hunny really think about it, other Server have to deal with this for months and solve that, you just choose the easy way.
Again you blame the whole world, be honest and SFR will handle this.
Respect to all the Guilds who stay on SFR.

Greets Myrmi

btw…………..exactly for that you should respect Vizunah, you may not like their playstyle but in terms of organisation they doing fine

Empyre said the right thing SFR structure isn`t meant to handle pugs, cause?

(edited by Myrmidone.4362)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bondurant.1540


btw………heard about RG,Riot,ECL,BOON,OSC has left…….whos next? siN?

According to

[RG] Red Guard, [BOON] Boon Control, [ECL] Eclipse gaming, [OSC] Oscure brotherhood, [NoE] No Entry, [FIRE]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Genev.2450


Hey guys, as a big fan of retro webdesign at work, and retro in general, i asked Sohz of Last Pride, a member guild of Grand Cross, to build something like 1950 years boxing in USA !

War Legend versus Red Guard, here we go !

The new (you will have to google trad hehe)

Let’s get ready to rumble !

That’s really cool! Pass on my /like to Sohz

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chemsorly.3674


Hey guys, as a big fan of retro webdesign at work, and retro in general, i asked Sohz of Last Pride, a member guild of Grand Cross, to build something like 1950 years boxing in USA !

War Legend versus Red Guard, here we go !

The new (you will have to google trad hehe)

Let’s get ready to rumble !

cant… stop…laughing…

this is awesome

[RG] Red Guard, [TA] Team Aggression, [Scnd] Second Law
Staff Elementalist, Ultimate Dominator

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Like when i saw “Operation send Troma to Coma” on your stream, lamer ! i was like, wtf?

Yes i wanted to make something like this for ages retro power ! And tonight, let’s rock !

anyway you should keep the map secret, and just give streams, because people will add and make skill lag too.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Where u do that so I can put fire fields and get free points

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkened.4076


How does it feel to be in tier 1 and know that you get spanked with your pants on all the time and you only have a chance to win if one server (SFR) decides to stop playing? Being in tier 1 and maybe even win but knowing there is a much better server where guilds leave because of some weird A-net decisions which allowes you to win.

Hey mom, I won …. because others left.

Hey mom, I won ….. because loads of wvw guilds bandwagonned to our server.

And we are so proud of this that we can slag off the other servers and express on the forums multiple times how much better we are.

You lost all these weeks in a row from guilds who were around when they entered T1 (first time and second time). Now most of them left and you finaly got a chance (Viz that is). Deso never had a chance and probably never will have a chance, jumping on the vizuna train and pray that it is enough to stay in T1. Now that is what I call spirit, I agree, you got more than enough of it as a server.

Sjaakie, I think for anyone to assume they know a group of people they haven’t met or claim to know the future, is either an individual lacking a large amount of common sense or has taken too much of something…

I want to to do a shout out to everyone on Desolation (Guilds/PUGs/Everyone), great job this week everyone!

Also a special shout out to IRON, Eternal IRON, Bull and Coin for pulling an all night shift Wednesday to pull infront of SFR. Awesome job guys!

Well done to VoTF in their GvG!

// Beatrix Windrunner

Béatrix Windrunner | Squad Leader
Desolation BlackGate Gandara | Veteran Commander
Inner Sanctum [Coin]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Charmide.4891


It’s really funny how all the vizunah trollers disapeard for 5 weeks of constant pwning, now that all organized SFR guilds are not enjoying queues, blobs and skill delays and decided to take a break, all those come back acting like idiots and saying things with any sense about SFR was going to fall and bla bla bla, you guys are just ridiculous

Not as much as the return of the "gnuh gnuh gnuh bad bad blobbing gnuh gnuh it’s YOUR fault gnuh gnuh ".

Commander@Insert Coinz [CPC] – Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: CorliCorso.6254


All right, so if SFR is not winning this week’s match this is ANet fault…. oO

Yes, because of how the server works. It’s wvw focused guilds that interact with eachother. There were hardly any “useless” pugs, those that weren’t in the main zerg were doing scouting, camp flipping etc.
Now add +2h on the queues we had before, guilds can’t get their raids in anymore. The basis on how the server operated was ripped apart by ANet’s decision to make the #1 EU wvw server free to transfer to.

Viz can handle pugs because of its structure, SFR’s structure isn’t meant to handle pugs. Then you flood us with them. Result known.

Another funny aspect I found reading through posts here. “Vizunah is on fire”, ye you are on fire when the other server is weak, when a strong opponent arises you are in hibernation or close to falling over (Troma’s call to arms after commanders quit due to not winning anymore/ “burn out”).

Yes, SFR got blindsided by the influx of free transfers. We get that. We got it fifty pages ago and we got it every single page since. Nobody cares about what tools you’re given, only how you use them. You’re facing adversity, all we want to see is how you sort it out. Viz have pulled themselves out of their malaise this week in remarkable fashion yet all you do disparage them for it.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

shhh dont tell anyone – i’m hiding in bay lol – you really should do mesmer checks- basic rule 101
now lets have some fun:)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


Hey mom, I won ….. because loads of wvw guilds bandwagonned to our server.

SFR won t1 more than once before the mass transfer from piken. I.E without “loads of bandwagonned guilds”.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sacrx.6721


Hey guys, as a big fan of retro webdesign at work, and retro in general, i asked Sohz of Last Pride, a member guild of Grand Cross, to build something like 1950 years boxing in USA !

War Legend versus Red Guard, here we go !

The new (you will have to google trad hehe)

Let’s get ready to rumble !

The GvG is off. Wl contacted our guild threw member. With more notice it might of happened but tonight we not gonna have maybe even enough people on, some busy tonight going out etc. Also a little rushed after having a GvG yesterday. It sucks for sure since this could be last time to fight them. I will make a post later on this and other subjects. Shame WL could not of done it in the months we was in same tier.

Now with actually announcing it is just even more stupid. Even if we had the people it would just be major interrupted.

Red Guard – Ultimate Dominator World First 25/6/13
if carlsberg played Guardian.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sird.4536


Funny to read this Thread first Deso and SFR, were against VZ, now SFR has isolated itself;-)
Many People predicted exactly this, that is the price to be paid when a Server gets pushed and does not grow by itself.
SFR was on a good way but you “killed” it on your own, dont blame ANET for this.

Greets Myrmi

btw………heard about RG,Riot,ECL,BOON,OSC has left…….whos next? siN?

Lol and how exactly did we kill the server?

RP enthusiast

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


All right, so if SFR is not winning this week’s match this is ANet fault…. oO

Yes, because of how the server works. It’s wvw focused guilds that interact with eachother. There were hardly any “useless” pugs, those that weren’t in the main zerg were doing scouting, camp flipping etc.
Now add +2h on the queues we had before, guilds can’t get their raids in anymore. The basis on how the server operated was ripped apart by ANet’s decision to make the #1 EU wvw server free to transfer to.

Viz can handle pugs because of its structure, SFR’s structure isn’t meant to handle pugs. Then you flood us with them. Result known.

Another funny aspect I found reading through posts here. “Vizunah is on fire”, ye you are on fire when the other server is weak, when a strong opponent arises you are in hibernation or close to falling over (Troma’s call to arms after commanders quit due to not winning anymore/ “burn out”).

Yes, SFR got blindsided by the influx of free transfers. We get that. We got it fifty pages ago and we got it every single page since. Nobody cares about what tools you’re given, only how you use them. You’re facing adversity, all we want to see is how you sort it out. Viz have pulled themselves out of their malaise this week in remarkable fashion yet all you do disparage them for it.

Did Viz win any week when BT or SFR (just listing those 2 because I was eyewitness) were strong? Now think about it.

You don’t understand the point. Viz is based on pugs, when pugs leave or can’t join the zones, they have more pugs to fill in. SFR is based on small/med sized guilds that work together, to make an equivalent to Viz’s situation last weeks, SFR must have gotten more small/med sized guilds, but instead pugs were given to a structure that was formed since day 1 and is based on the exact opposite of Viz. Think about that as well. I’m simply explaining and not whining why +1000% pugs doesn’t work on SFR while it works for Viz. And at last think about it, maybe SFR doesn’t want to become another Viz?


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

grats to the mesmer that found me after 10 minutes had lots of vz chasing me

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrAdri.4501


It’s really funny how all the vizunah trollers disapeard for 5 weeks of constant pwning, now that all organized SFR guilds are not enjoying queues, blobs and skill delays and decided to take a break, all those come back acting like idiots and saying things with any sense about SFR was going to fall and bla bla bla, you guys are just ridiculous

Not as much as the return of the "gnuh gnuh gnuh bad bad blobbing gnuh gnuh it’s YOUR fault gnuh gnuh ".

Well ty for replaying that’s exactly what i was talking about, ppl without brain (yes i’m talking about you and all others that can’t or don’t want to understand whats going on)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sird.4536


All right, so if SFR is not winning this week’s match this is ANet fault…. oO

Yes, because of how the server works. It’s wvw focused guilds that interact with eachother. There were hardly any “useless” pugs, those that weren’t in the main zerg were doing scouting, camp flipping etc.
Now add +2h on the queues we had before, guilds can’t get their raids in anymore. The basis on how the server operated was ripped apart by ANet’s decision to make the #1 EU wvw server free to transfer to.

Viz can handle pugs because of its structure, SFR’s structure isn’t meant to handle pugs. Then you flood us with them. Result known.

Another funny aspect I found reading through posts here. “Vizunah is on fire”, ye you are on fire when the other server is weak, when a strong opponent arises you are in hibernation or close to falling over (Troma’s call to arms after commanders quit due to not winning anymore/ “burn out”).

Yes, SFR got blindsided by the influx of free transfers. We get that. We got it fifty pages ago and we got it every single page since. Nobody cares about what tools you’re given, only how you use them. You’re facing adversity, all we want to see is how you sort it out. Viz have pulled themselves out of their malaise this week in remarkable fashion yet all you do disparage them for it.

And go back 50 pages and you will see people saying we are trying to get them in ts to coordinate, we have a SFR academy guild set up to train them. But if these guys dont listen and flame us trying to help them then whats left? People came here not for wvw but to leech of our success because it was free. We have had pugs before these transfers and together we got to tier one. These guys were our eyes and ears on the battlefield. However the vast majority of these new folks do nothing. Our home bl haa never been dominated like it has been before the transfers, in fact SFR has never been dominated like this for 5 weeks before the transfers. Unless your on SFR then you will not know how we worked.

RP enthusiast

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Now with actually announcing it is just even more stupid. Even if we had the people it would just be major interrupted.

ok. You could atleast respect the work we have done and not calling this “stupid”, i made this for fun for everyone, and i didn’t tell them the map, juste your own stream link. You have chance i’m not resentful person. Sacrx will always be sacrx, heh

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Charmide.4891


The GvG is off. Wl contacted our guild threw member. With more notice it might of happened but tonight we not gonna have maybe even enough people on, some busy tonight going out etc. Also a little rushed after having a GvG yesterday. It sucks for sure since this could be last time to fight them. I will make a post later on this and other subjects. Shame WL could not of done it in the months we was in same tier.

Now with actually announcing it is just even more stupid. Even if we had the people it would just be major interrupted.

Commander@Insert Coinz [CPC] – Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leorcyn.1063


Did Viz win any week when BT or SFR (just listing those 2 because I was eyewitness) were strong? Now think about it.

You don’t understand the point. Viz is based on pugs, when pugs leave or can’t join the zones, they have more pugs to fill in. SFR is based on small/med sized guilds that work together, to make an equivalent to Viz’s situation last weeks, SFR must have gotten more small/med sized guilds, but instead pugs were given to a structure that was formed since day 1 and is based on the exact opposite of Viz. Think about that as well. I’m simply explaining and not whining why +1000% pugs doesn’t work on SFR while it works for Viz. And at last think about it, maybe SFR doesn’t want to become another Viz?

We perfectly understand your point.
However, you, do not understand the basics : we’re all given the same tools, you decided not to use them, please do not blame Anet for your mistakes.
That’s it.
Man up and own your way of doing things.
Accept that this is a fail in terms of competitive WvW on the long run. (and this last sentence is here so you can tell us for the thousandth time that you don’t play the same game)

And yes, if you want to be objective, VS won against SFR or BT at full force. VS lost more than VS won, but it never crumbled (not saying SFR is crumbling down, the score is quite tight considering what is happening).

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: graverr.6473


I have nothing against pugs,other guilds but it just happens tha my guild has priority.It’s ok if pugs play with us or tag along as long as i still get to play with my guild.But in the moment it becomes impossible to play with my guild the game is just not enjoyeable anymore because i want to play with them.

So what to do now?What options do i have?

This is exactly the situation of every guild onSfr after Anet opened the free xfers to the server.We simply can’T play the game the way we like anymore so we either moved on or like many probably just quit.

You can say that is our own fault because we refuse to become pugs,but that is how many on sfr liked to play in their own communities that started in games past an will still do in future games too.This is a real fact that communities mainly started in gw2 like VS and Deso will never understand or by the looks of it are trying hard not too.

Saying that i know most of us enjoy only the challange but seeing so many people here shaking hands and congratulating themselves for winning over this new sad SFR as if it was the same nr1 server makes me really lol.You will never have the chance to prove yourselves against the real SFR and that should be a motive of sadness not of joy.

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

(edited by graverr.6473)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leorcyn.1063


I’m not saying you should become a PU, I’m saying you should find strength in them.

I almost laughed at your part on the community, but I actually feel sad.
I honnestly don’t think you can call SFR a community in a matchup against Deso and Vizu, and I don’t think you can pretend that guilds on Deso or Vizu have been created just for GW2.
This thread has been fuelled by so much anger from the past, I think it’s a good sign of old guilds used to fight agaisnt each other in various games.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Charmide.4891


You can say that is our own fault because we refuse to become pugs,but that is how many on sfr liked to play in their own communities that started in games past an will still do in future games too.This is a real fact that communities only started in gw2 like VS and Deso will never understand or by the looks of it are trying hard not too.

You know a lot of ours guilds are in the same case, right?

Building a community and being part of a coherent guild are not mutually exclusive.

Commander@Insert Coinz [CPC] – Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: graverr.6473


You can say that is our own fault because we refuse to become pugs,but that is how many on sfr liked to play in their own communities that started in games past an will still do in future games too.This is a real fact that communities only started in gw2 like VS and Deso will never understand or by the looks of it are trying hard not too.

You know a lot of ours guilds are in the same case, right?

Building a community and being part of a coherent guild are not mutually exclusive.

Yes they perfectly are since i cannot play the game itself if i can’t play with my guildies/friends anymore because the are stuck in queues.I tried for 2 weeks now every day i really did but i only ended up playing 10% of the time i usually play because is just not fun to stay and wait 3 hours in the queue hoping to join the few friends that got lucky and entered a map.
Also most of our raids only last like 2 and 3 hours max on weekends,how are we supposed to play if 90% of that time is afk/autoheal in the queue ?That is not the notion of what i play games for and tbh it’s exactly the opposite.

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

(edited by graverr.6473)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sird.4536


I’m not saying you should become a PU, I’m saying you should find strength in them.

I almost laughed at your part on the community, but I actually feel sad.
I honnestly don’t think you can call SFR a community in a matchup against Deso and Vizu, and I don’t think you can pretend that guilds on Deso or Vizu have been created just for GW2.
This thread has been fuelled by so much anger from the past, I think it’s a good sign of old guilds used to fight agaisnt each other in various games.

SFR was a community of like minded guilds.

RP enthusiast

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sjaakie.1470


We maybe get spanked, we maybe have a lot of PVE in the server but do you see us give up? I think our mentality is much stronger then your number game. And now other people play your server and you guys are doing so much crying its amazing.

More people will come because you have success, I will never leave my home server.

More than 6 months of claiming to have alot of pve on the server isn’t really something trustworthy. All these months they helped you so are basicly also wvw players by now or do you want to tell them and us they still do not know after 6 months+?

Deso will maybe stay in T1 but the only thing they managed to do on their own is login to WvW. Sofar you never have been able to even compete with SFR. Lots of guilds left because they got bored of waiting times, not being able to play with the guild and not much of a competition. Together with lag problems it was enough for them to leave, and I don’t blame them, they got nothing more to proof. They kicked your kitten with eas.