Gaming references found in the SAB.

Gaming references found in the SAB.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Hobie Kytty.5691

Hobie Kytty.5691

The alligators and turtles reminded me of Frogger which I don’t think was mentioned yet.

Gaming references found in the SAB.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Josh you think in future worlds we’ll get a better primary weapon than the stick?

Yes. Every skill slot has 3. So there will be two more primary weapons.

Maybe a set of nunchucks? I previewed the model thanks to a code linked from reddit, so I know they’re there!

Sure you are not confusing them with Vanquish’s Sword-chucks?

Nope these were blue and white and were very simple nunchucks, not the more exotic looking flaming swordchucks.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer