Henrika and Kiel

Henrika and Kiel

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sinned.8419


I like how after the event where you stop the crazy animals from attacking the middle camp in SSC, Kiel shows up and starts questioning Henrika about what happened and Henrika confesses to who gave her the tools to accomplish the attack. Then you see Henrika back at the resort talking about how this person promised her a way to attack the consortium. Has anyone else seen events like this? I have only seen this one and wanted to know if there was more location where this type of event plays out and drives the story?

Guild Wars 2 Machinimas and Let’s Plays found at www.youtube.com/delusionalquester

Henrika and Kiel

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

I saw that vignette also and thought it was very compelling. Just draws you into the story a bit more.

Henrika and Kiel

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Deified.7520


Yeah, these type of interactions is what the developers should try to do more often. In the LS and the open world. There are a few, but it is just so gosh darn awesome that they should put more in

Henrika and Kiel

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I saw it but the instigator event was active just outside and he was at low health. I wasn’t able to finish viewing both this event and participate in the instigator event so I had to walk away before it finished. Personally I find this kind of story content far too difficult to find. A lot of overflows don’t even bother completing those crazed events because there is no chest (as far as I know) like the instigator and the events are relatively difficult to solo. They also require you to be in the right place at the right time to access continued developments in the story content which I didn’t like. I hate RNG and GW2 turned questing into RNG and now story content is RNG. Just because it’s random does not mean it is dynamic.

Things like story are best delivered in a controlled manner so that players who are interested in them can access them in their own time, have the time to appreciate them fully and take in what’s happening and they don’t have to hope that the RNG favours them so they can see the story developments when they are in the area waiting for them (we are approaching a year after release and most players don’t wait after an event completes to see if a new one spawns or to watch the story developments from the last one – I believe a lot of players do this not because they aren’t interested, but because they don’t like waiting for something they don’t know is going to happen). I get that ArenaNet seems to value this idea of a one time event and they want to add a dynamic element to their world, but things like this offer very little value in terms of excitement or reality and they often go unnoticed or never seen by the audience that exists for them. It might be different if there was some way to escort Kiel around the island via the gold star type escort events (which you can start) which then allows players more control, but the current version is very easy to miss.

Your best bet to finding out if there are more scenes like this (and who knows if they will change them or add more as the story progresses – another thing which forces you to repeat content and needlessly stand around to ensure you don’t miss anything) is to do every event on the map and wait around for 30 or so seconds after each of them.

The attempts to make GW2 a more dynamic game are quickly turning it into a game full of difficult to access, inconvenient to explore and very easy to miss content and story.