Additional weapon swapping.

Additional weapon swapping.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waldir.2571


I know that it has been suggested before but in different forms. I have seen suggestions about Elementalists and Engineers having a weapon swap outside of combat, I have also seen suggestions regarding having more than 2 weapon swapping for other professions. Well my suggestion kind of combines the two. Please take a look at the attached picture to get a visual idea of what could be implemented.

While I understand why Elementalists and Engineers only have one weapon at their disposal during combat (too many skills) I also don’t see why they shouldn’t be able to swap weapons outside of combat, after all we can already do this simply by opening out Hero Panel/Inventory and equipping the desired weapon. So why not make this more fun to do? I know some will argue that opening the [H] is not hard and it only takes a few seconds, However, I believe that adding something like this would add to the play style and fun outside of combat. Think about the time you spend out of combat, it is probably more than the time you spend inside of combat (depending on what you are doing of course). You don’t see many Elementalists opening their [H], popping in a Staff and then swapping back to their regular weapon just to get that extra speed boost for their party, and this is mainly because of the hassle and the lack of fun this extra step has.

Is it game breaking?
My humble opinion is that it is not. Take a look at the picture I made to see the difference in play style.

Will this help the economy?
I have a theory that it will, people seem to only buy they weapons they need (with the expiation of completionists and perfectionists) With a feature like this added there would be a bigger demand for that extra weapon set that people will want to use. You can look at it as another gold sink.

Would it be hard to implement?
I don’t know, while I know some programming I am not going to sit here and say “OMG! It’s so easy! If combat = active {no weapon} else {activate}.” It is easy to say how easy things are to implement from the gamer point of view, however this things do take time and testing.

There are more important things for the devs to be focusing on.
Yes there is, but this is a suggestions forum and that’s exactly what I am doing.

Let me know what you guys think. Would you like to have something like this added? Why or why not. Constructive criticism is welcome and as always, keep it civil.


(edited by Waldir.2571)

Additional weapon swapping.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waldir.2571


30 Views and no opinions?

Additional weapon swapping.

in Suggestions

Posted by: callidus.7085


Not a bad idea but I’d like to take it even further… Make it so you can have 2 buttons that toggle through gear setups, not just equipped weapons. When I say 2 buttons that toggle, I mean function as a previous/next gear setup button.

One more thing, although I know it most likely won’t happen, but also tie this in to trait setups at a later date (if retraiting ever becomes free, like in GW1).

Slow down and smell the pixels.

Additional weapon swapping.

in Suggestions

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


This has been told over 9000 times. You are correct and i agree with all my heart.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Additional weapon swapping.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Not a bad idea but I’d like to take it even further… Make it so you can have 2 buttons that toggle through gear setups, not just equipped weapons. When I say 2 buttons that toggle, I mean function as a previous/next gear setup button.

One more thing, although I know it most likely won’t happen, but also tie this in to trait setups at a later date (if retraiting ever becomes free, like in GW1).

I see what you are saying, my idea with the weapons is similar where once you toggle to your out-of-combat weapon set it becomes one of your in-combat weapon sets and the one you were using goes into the out of combat slot… so it kind of rotates around i guess.

i would love a feature to toggle gear but i think its more realistic to ask for something like an extra weapon swap out of combat since its very unlikely that they would allow us to change gear like that. Traits on the other hand, is something i see coming because its such a needed feature that its a no brainer.