Better Search Filters for TP

Better Search Filters for TP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


Could we please have the ability to search for armor types in the TP? I hate picking ‘chest armor’ and having to wade thru the light & heavy armor when shopping for my Ranger. Thx

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Better Search Filters for TP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


In beta there was an option to check for something like “useable by me”. And as far as I can remember it actually worked and the results would only show what your character could use.
What happen to that? Was there problems with it?

Better Search Filters for TP

in Suggestions

Posted by: asvir.3758


Yes, I strongly agree and was going to write a suggestion about this myself. Adding a simple tickbox to only show items that are usable by your profession would be a great start (suggested above, but I was also going to suggest this myself) as well as perhaps adding more filter options as you’ve suggested.

(edited by asvir.3758)

Better Search Filters for TP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfhound.4165


I cast my vote for this, every time I use the TP I think this.