Booster Merchant/Exchange

Booster Merchant/Exchange

in Suggestions

Posted by: DocJDMD.5307


I think it would be a very nice addition to the game if Anet could implement a booster exchange merchant. I know many like myself have many many unused boosters rotting away in storage (like xp and crafter boosters). How nice would it be if you could exchange these boosters at a merchant for equal or lesser value (based off current gem cost) or 2 (75gem boosters) for 1 (150gem) booster. I know many will say that it impacts Anets source of real money from gem purchases, but I believe it could actually drive more revenue to them through an increased purchase rate of black lion keys for opening chests. Just my 2 pennies, let me know what my fellow players think and a DEV response would be really appreciated. Thanks