Braham's Shield with Aegis

Braham's Shield with Aegis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gene Rojo.4207

Gene Rojo.4207

Hi Guys! I just have a few suggestions. Why don’t you remove the Aegis look buff on us Guardians(Shield on Top of Shield/“Current Look” See Photo below) How about try something like.. It’s on the edges of the Shield? Because look at this. It completely ruined the face of the Shield

Currently waiting for a nice revamp on the Aegis Buff.


(edited by Gene Rojo.4207)

Braham's Shield with Aegis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Curse Drew.8679

Curse Drew.8679

I agree, i created a similar thread here:

Any shield with aegis buff over the top of it doesn’t look right.

Braham's Shield with Aegis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gene Rojo.4207

Gene Rojo.4207

Yeah. Exactly I hate it >_<

Braham's Shield with Aegis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auger.1790


Agreed, it messes up the look of my guardian. Wouldn’t be so bad if the skill was optional, but all guardians are required to run around with this thing on them.