So, let’s face it. The Arah story mode was pretty epic, up until the boss fight with Zhaitan. Button mashing 2 and killing adds isn’t as epic as actually going toe to toe with the elder dragon himself. While yes, going toe to toe with an elder dragon would seem like suicide….this is a fantasy game, where we do stuff we can’t do in real life, and surmounting the odds of something impossible.
Obviously they already have the fights probably being worked on, but maybe some of our ideas can get pushed in before they release the dungeons!
Jormag, Primordius, Kralkkatorrik
Jormag – I don’t have many thoughts on this boss fight other than using fire to combat it him or something. It would be cool if Eir got the final blow so she could be a hero among her fellow Norn.
Primordius – I believe what would be awesome for this battle is we get to Primordius’ lair which is a bunch of platforms all suspended in lava. Primordius swims around in the lava and pokes his head up to attack every now and then. Obviously he will have destroyer adds spawning as well. Once you get his health down to around 30%, he creates a lava whirlpool in the room. All the platforms begin getting sucked into the middle of the whirlpool where Primordius is now sitting. Once the platforms reach the inside of the whirlpool…its about 10 seconds before they get sucked under the lava. This is so melee can still fight in the battle, but they have to do dps, and then jump back to a platform that is getting sucked down to the center again, or risk being pulled into the lava. Only problem with this theory is that, if someone goes down, there is no reviving them because they are in lava XD If that wouldn’t work, just make a circular platform around Primodrius, and have it constantly spinning because of the whirpool’s current.
Kralk – I think a good idea is to have this fight be similar to the fight in the book. Hold off the adds at the choke points. Bring one of those brain mind control devices like Snaff had, because the one Glint attached to him is probably still on him. So you have 4 people in the group at 2 different choke points trying to defend the 1 person in the party attempting to mind control the boss. Mind controlling the dragon is through a mini game of sorts, and once you finally achieve it, the player takes control of the elder dragon model and can fly it to the ground. Then the party jumps on him to do damage but Kralkk will swipe every once in a while since the mind control will be weak. Once you get him down to 10%, the next time the dragon lands to the ground, Rytlock finally gets what was taken from him so long ago, and thrusts the magical spear, made my glint, into kralkkatorik’s chest!