Bring back Kurzick and Luxon culture!
I would like to hope that their customs and cultures were in some way preserved. I really loved both the Kurzicks and the Luxons and I would love to see the essences of their cultures in a Canthan expansion. If they’ve been completely absorbed into mainstream Cantha then I will be very sad
They will never come back. Not in a Cantha Add On. When at all, then as part of the canthan people living in divinities reach, but there is nothing about them.
Usoku, the last emperor of cantha has crushed totally both sides. Those who survived, are now part of the imperal canthan army today either, or were forced to leave cantha being banned out from their homelands.
The concept of them being still there doesn’t even fit to the whole main story, that is all about unifying races for a strong bond to fight against the dragons…
Then to have there again two human sides that battle against each other would be totally kitten where humans have at the beginning more than enough problems with the centaurs and later on more and more with the minions of zhaitan and the other dragons everywhere….
Its more fitting for a cantha add on to see some completely new joinable organizations and forces for building up to them a good reputation.
Something like:
- Canthan Empire
- Ministry of Purity
- Cult of Leviathan
Something like that or so, working similar to the 3 orders of Tyria Vigil, Durmand Priory and Order of Whispers, which will change the outcome of your canthan personal storyline …
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
There was something like that in the preview weekend for Factions. There were Kurzick and Luxon tribes that had come to Kryta to settle, and eventually the Lionguard kicked them all out (except for a Kurzick/Luxon couple, who wanted to live together in peace away from their idiotic families who absolutely hated the other).
Doing something like that again, where the refugees attempt to set up camps in the Tarnished coast/Ring of Fire/Southsun Cove could easily be a stepping-stone to an expansion back into Cantha.
Heck, they could even be corralled into the (finally fixed) Great Collapse in Divinity’s Reach. There are so many story options available with Cantha that it’s…well…pretty crazy.