Camera & Jumping Puzzle Form Change

Camera & Jumping Puzzle Form Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: AzzaCin.3691


I know there has been many posts made about the camera but we gotta keep pushing this until we get it. I think its about time that ANet added first person view. Not only is it annoying to not see over your character sometimes but also when tying to view a certain weapon or armor. Another reason for this is because of the jumping puzzles, sometimes you need to zoom in to see the ledges you have to hit to land on otherwise it’s death by falling.

On another note that would greatly benefit everyone for jumping puzzles or events that hold these is to add a skill point for jumping puzzles. I know as a Charr some of these puzzles are just so frustrating and it makes it for other players as well (just like in the mad king tower of Halloween). This skill would be for non combat and would make all characters into a small creature to reduce size for jumping puzzles.