Equipment preview options

Equipment preview options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


When previewing to look of a piece of armor or weapon in the “equipment preview” window, I would like to see a “remove clothing button”. That shows the player only in their underwear on just the “equipment preview” window.

Also a dye option in the “equipment preview” window would be useful.

Equipment preview options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Alternatively, make previewing weapons show your character in the “combat-ready stance” rather than the idle stance.

Previewing anything but two-handed weapons (and shields) is a royal PITA because they clip into your armour.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Equipment preview options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkever.9732


Agreed, many times the preview of weapons and some pieces of armor is utterly useless because they are hidden or clip into the rest of armor.
Getting the ability to remove non-previewed armor could be nice, as it would be to have a combat-stance preview. It would be nice to have special effect in preview, too: anybody that previews AC weapons will NEVER realize they glow at night, and will just think “Yuk, these sucks!!!”