Exploreable Dungeon Tokens

Exploreable Dungeon Tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tiger.9786


Just to be clear, I love the game and am mostly fine with how the system of tokens works. The tokens you get from dungeons are soul bound to the one character that you completed the dungeon on. I understand that this makes sense but the thing is to get a full exotic dungeon set it would take around 40 something runs. I’m also ok with this because it is indeed max stat “end-game”, cool looking armor. But it would be nice if it was possible to do the dungeon on maybe our alt and be able to transfer the tokens through the bank to the character we want the gear on to mix it up if we get bored running as the same profession in the same dungeon. I’m not complaining or anything, I’ll be completely fine if tokens are never account bound. Do you think tokens should become account bound from soulbound? It wouldn’t make it easier, we would still have to work hard but with a little more fun, in my opinion. Thoughts?

Exploreable Dungeon Tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


I completely agree. The way it is, by the time you obtained every single dungeon armor piece/weapon in the game on ONE CHARACTER, newer and fresher content would already be available. Why should we have to grind more than one character? We share banks and crafting materials. Why not tokens? I still don’t like the grind it takes to get pieces, though. I think we should either get more tokens per run or the price should be lowered….I’m talking CUT IN HALF!