Farming Zone of the Week/Month
How would people know where the ZotW is? Should they be informed? Possibly the Heralds could let them know?
It’s not actually a terrible idea. I tend to doubt it’s one they’ll go for, but I could actually see this working.
I literally cannot begin to say how much I hate, hate HATE this suggestion.
If this suggestion were a person I would punch, kick, and bite it with every fibre of my being until it was dead, then I would drag its bloody entrails into a pit of lava and toss it inside, incinerating it just to be sure.
The whole game is designed aroudn you NOT having to do this stupid behaviour which is a hangover from WoW and other lesser MMOs. You only want to “farm” because you have been programmed to by other MMOs.
Do. Not. Farm.
It’s a horrific waste of time, life and energy.
I wish Legendary weapons did not require this “farming” or, more accurately, “killing the same stuff over and over and over until you do it on autopilot, doing it so much that the hours slip by into days, you lose all sense of reality and don’t even know what day it is.”
I wish there were no items in the game that required people to “farm”, but there are. The best we can do is simply pretend they don’t exsist.
Chamone man, cha – mon! c’mon …no sereiously…
No one is forcing you to go to a zone to farm, but having the option is always a good deal.
The op is absolutley right, almost all farms have been nerfed and we are left to run cof p1 over and over. A game should have content for players of all types, whether it is causal players, hardcore ones who want to grind those T6 mats. So good idea +1.
How would people know where the ZotW is? Should they be informed? Possibly the Heralds could let them know?
It’s not actually a terrible idea. I tend to doubt it’s one they’ll go for, but I could actually see this working.
I think it shouldn’t be announced, which will spread people out on the map while looking for it. Even if at least its for a few hours the whole map gets repopulated again.
I literally cannot begin to say how much I hate, hate HATE this suggestion.
If this suggestion were a person I would punch, kick, and bite it with every fibre of my being until it was dead, then I would drag its bloody entrails into a pit of lava and toss it inside, incinerating it just to be sure.
The whole game is designed aroudn you NOT having to do this stupid behaviour which is a hangover from WoW and other lesser MMOs. You only want to “farm” because you have been programmed to by other MMOs.
Do. Not. Farm.
It’s a horrific waste of time, life and energy.
I wish Legendary weapons did not require this “farming” or, more accurately, “killing the same stuff over and over and over until you do it on autopilot, doing it so much that the hours slip by into days, you lose all sense of reality and don’t even know what day it is.”
I wish there were no items in the game that required people to “farm”, but there are. The best we can do is simply pretend they don’t exsist.
First, you need to realize something. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t like it too. People seriously need to realise this. Have you even stopped to consider while you mashed out your comments that some people actually like to farm? I have 2 monitors, I can watch something on one monitor and farm on the other. I enjoy that because it makes me feel like I’m maximising my use of time and I’m not the only one.
If the game was designed around not having to farm then by level 80 you would have your exotic armor, ascendant rings and legendary but you don’t. How do you get all this stuff, you have to farm. There is no way around it, unless you sit for hours and flip on the TP.
Like you said, there are items in this game that you need to farm, you can sit there and pretend they don’t exist all you want and that’s fine. Some of us are willing to farm for them. Does CoF P1 directly affect you in any way? I thought so, well then this won’t either.
I literally cannot begin to say how much I hate, hate HATE this suggestion.
If this suggestion were a person I would punch, kick, and bite it with every fibre of my being until it was dead, then I would drag its bloody entrails into a pit of lava and toss it inside, incinerating it just to be sure.
The whole game is designed aroudn you NOT having to do this stupid behaviour which is a hangover from WoW and other lesser MMOs. You only want to “farm” because you have been programmed to by other MMOs.
Do. Not. Farm.
It’s a horrific waste of time, life and energy.
I wish Legendary weapons did not require this “farming” or, more accurately, “killing the same stuff over and over and over until you do it on autopilot, doing it so much that the hours slip by into days, you lose all sense of reality and don’t even know what day it is.”
I wish there were no items in the game that required people to “farm”, but there are. The best we can do is simply pretend they don’t exsist.
Um, no?
I don’t play WoW. I have attempted on no less than three occations. The longest I managed was one week. The MMO I stuck with longest was CoH and UO. Now that we have some background I think you can understand that I’m not into farming. It just isn’t something that has come up for me.
So when was the first time I feel that I really farmed something? In GW2 because I wanted a quiver. The only way to get a quiver was to acquire teir 6 mats. I could buy them, but I didn’t have much gold at the time, so that left farming.
It’s simple as that, if you want to craft high end equipment you HAVE to farm, period. You can spout all the rightous indignation you want, but it is a thing, and there is currently no way to get around it. Either farm the mats, or farm the gold to buy the mats someone else farmed, or farm the gold to buy the end product builts with the mats someone else farmed or bought from someone who ultimately farmed them.
To expand on the OP’s idea and make it more visible to players where the boost is occurring, perhaps making it into a ’bonus’ achievement so that players can just open their hero panel and see what is currently getting the boost.
How would people know where the ZotW is? Should they be informed? Possibly the Heralds could let them know?
It’s not actually a terrible idea. I tend to doubt it’s one they’ll go for, but I could actually see this working.
I was thinking it could be announced on the start up screen under the latest news. Having the heralds announce it though is another good idea.
There was also the suggestion that the players need to go find it themselves each week.
You only want to “farm” because you have been programmed to by other MMOs.
I wish Legendary weapons did not require this “farming”
I wish there were no items in the game that required people to “farm”
Well, i would like a legendary so…. i guess i should just ask arena net nicely? Believe it or not, but giving out legendaries takes the “legendary” out of legendary.
If these items were so easy to obtain, and everyone in the game had one… well i know i wouldn’t be playing very much at all.
As an added point, i really don’t mind farming. Sure i can’t sit down and do it for hours upon hours a day, but i should have the option to if i want.