Find a better way to "fix" retaliation than nerfing Guardians.

Find a better way to "fix" retaliation than nerfing Guardians.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Digby.8160

Sir Digby.8160

I posted this elsewhere, but I wanted to make sure it would be seen.

I don’t post often, and I usually am even keeled when I do post. I am not one to arbitrarily complain about changes, but in this case I feel that the “solution” ANET has provided was a kneejerk reaction, and sloppy at best. For me it is not about relearning 3 buttons. That part is irrelevant in my eyes. It is the fact that the cool down time changes have ruined the synergy of the weapon itself. I used to be able to keep a steady combo and reliable damage on my opponent allowing me to control mobs, and flow from one attack process to the next. Now, because of the altered cool down times, and the displacement of keys I end up spamming the “1” key for long periods of time to little, or no effect on mobs while I wait for the other skills to recharge. In the meantime I have lost momentum, and my opponents are having a field day with me in that moment of pause.
Let’s face it, Guardians were already struggling in the DPS department in the environment prior to this change. We don’t do reliable burst damage outside of the Whirling attack that requires close quarters, and is not effective from range. Our choices for ranged combat are limited (As they should be) so our one big advantage was steady damage from Greatsword. Now even that is gone.
If ANET is reading this. (They should be) I would seriously reconsider this choice. This is a case where the solution is worse than the problem. You have essentially made the Greatsword an unusable option for serious players. Our one small competitive edge is gone. Now our only option is to play a strictly support role, and just hope we are in a group. Soloing has gone from something I never minded doing, and in most cases enjoyed to a tedious chore. PVP itself has always been a challenge for Guardians. Our lack of DPS even before the nerf was obvious.
The other area of contention I have is that this nerf has eliminated an entire build for the class. To have a successful symbol build that takes advantage of the symbol boosting traits you need to have reliable, useful symbols to take advantage of. Having a 20 second cool down on our most useful symbol pretty much nullifies any advantage you would get from this build as all of your symbol benefiting skills have just been cut to 50%. I have to assume that whomever adopted this change did not test the practicality of it, or think about the repercussions of such an action. Either that, or they just simply don’t care. I would hope that it is not the latter. I would like to think that is not the case.

This is a problem with a solution. Just not THIS solution. You can still make things right and fix what you have done. There are other ways to correct retaliation. You can simply have the damage output calculate by the number of hits taken. This will still keep the synergy of the weapon while only rewarding extra damage to those who are taking more hits. This makes far more sense than rearranging all of the skills, and screwing the cool downs up. Right now, if you are reading the forums, and Reddit you will know you have kitten off almost all of your Guardian players with this ill timed choice. It’s not too late to do the right thing.

Find a better way to "fix" retaliation than nerfing Guardians.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957


I have heard that combat in GW2 is supposed to be active. I doubt it now though. With so long cooldowns it is slowly becoming lame combat, where you just run around enemy auto attacking it. Guild Wars 1 combat was alot more active imo.

Another thing is that everyone should be abl to reorganise weapon skills on the bar however he or she wants to. You hear A-Net?

Find a better way to "fix" retaliation than nerfing Guardians.

in Suggestions

Posted by: montes guest.9081

montes guest.9081

I agree.. except the button mapping… I hate it. I’ve already died in a low level area due to specifically to the Idea that my skills don’t do enough Damage and the fact that I’m fumbling too much with a re work of buttons…. and now I have to go to the hospital to untangle my fingers.

I also feel like upping recharge times makes for a boring build. I wan’t to feel like I am doing something more than 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5… repeat (I realize there is an auto attack but I was being dramatic) If there is a real need to have less damage then make the skill do less damage don’t add a longer time to wait between recasting. Definitely don’t do both.

This was really hard to type with my fingers the way they are.