Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mian.1945


Having thieves running around in your spawn point because the Defenders won’t aggro is annoying. A thief can currently teleport straight in through the front door of your spawn point with no hacks because the defenders don’t see him. The spawn area is so large plus perma-invis problems means you have to pull a whole bunch of players off the field to kill him. Then he’s just back a few minutes later anyway.

Currently their aggro radius is way too small. Pop it up to 3,000 so they blanket the doors and interior, then pull the front ones back a few steps so they are not affecting too far out into the actual WvW area.

Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

They just need to add a small ridge so that players can’t jump up into other bases. So once you’re out, you have to WP to get back to spawn. Although Im not sure why stealth works against legendary defenders to begin with. Also, aren’t you invincible in spawn?

Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Hmm, gives me an idea… use a thief to get a mesmer into spawn point then portal bomb with like 40 players. Amirite?

(edited by Valot.7954)

Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Did anyone test this theory? I’m currently at work so not able to get a group together. :-P

Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

Hmm, gives me an idea… use a thief to get a mesmer into spawn point then portal bomb with like 40 players. Amirite?

and do what? die because you’re fighting invicible players? good plan.

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]