Guild Wars 2 Halloween Diorama Contest

Guild Wars 2 Halloween Diorama Contest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avari.8954


As always there are many countries who aren’t allowed to enter the contest, like South Africa. I understand there are certain countries who have laws against these things etc.

But, if those countries aren’t allowed to win any of the physical prizes, at least allow us to compete for the digital items. (if there is some law against that as that as well I’m sorry i didn’t realize)

I for one could not care less about winning the physical items, yes that would be nice, but I would much rather win one of the in game items. In this case the in game t-shirt.

In guildwars there were the minipets and tonics and I would have loved to have the chance to win one of those.

My suggestion is to make it possible for ALL countries to have a chance at taking part in this contest. If we happen to be in a country who cannot win some of the physical prizes, so be it, then we could at least attempt at also getting one of the special in game items.

Or give some or one of the main fan sites in one of those countries, say two in game items and let them host the Diorama contest that you judge who wins.

Just make it a fair chance for ALL of your players to be able to win one of those in game items and not only the select few who are lucky enough to live in one of the countries allowed to compete.