Hide any piece of armor

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Okra.8376


Please create an option to hide any piece of armor, not just head and shoulders. I like running around without a shirt on as a warrior, but it makes me kinda squishy as-is.

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


How about no?

At least hiding your helmet is backed up by the choices you make at character creation: Warriors can choose to have no helmet.

It makes literally no sense to allow people to run without armor. That’s no different from allowing them to run around in town clothes.

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: EroticAndHeretic.7398


I’d say no too.

Plus, the heavy classes have an armor that is almost shirtless, at least for the males: the “named” exotic armor.

By the way, being able to hide gloves could make some sense. And maybe boots (some norns are barefooted).

But running around just in underware would be pointless.

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


By the way, being able to hide gloves could make some sense. And maybe boots (some norns are barefooted).

Also many asura and sylvari NPCs as well as the human elementalist trainer NPCs around Queensdale are as well.

As I said in the other thread I linked to, the ability to hide gloves/boots would be welcome.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Okra.8376


Great to hear there are some practically-topless options out there for me.

How is it pointless to be able to disable a shirt option? Barbarians are a huge part of the ridiculous pan-fantasy genre from which MMOs developed. Conan didn’t need a shirt. Why does my little plant man need one? If I try to run a dungeon without chest armor, I get kicked for having different priorities.

It would be great for my character (and those of a number of others) if we had the option to hide or not hide any piece of gear we like. In my case it’s a shirt, in somebody else’s case it’s gloves, or boots, or whatever. Why get finnicky over which piece you can hide and which you can’t? The current limitations are defined by personal (and popular) taste, so let’s make it optional on all of them. Anyone who wants to run around naked is probably already doing it.

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZenonSeth.5739


Conan didn’t need a shirt. Why does my little plant man need one?

I fully support the “Shirtless Plant Conan” initiative.
However, I don’t support the "Shirtless Xena Initiative.
Shirtless options for males-only should suit your needs fine, right?

Are ye laughin’ yet?

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud.7613


People will just go nude and it will beat the purpose of the entire gear system for me, helmet is good enough.

Hide any piece of armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator.1056


Like uknortherner said, this topic is being discussed in the next link:

Please, feel free to join them!

Thread closed.