Improve auction house filters

Improve auction house filters

in Suggestions

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


It would be nice to have more filters. I miss filtering armor by type (light/medium/heavy), having an option to show only usable items and some other things to improve AH usage.

Improve auction house filters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silver Bride.4685

Silver Bride.4685

I agree with this suggestion 100%! It is very frustrating having to filter through two armor types you can’t use to find the one you can. Also please consider letting us preview items for sale too.

Improve auction house filters

in Suggestions

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Oh, and also “save” current search, so when we go to a different tab (lets say the trasactions tab) and come back you dont lose your search.

Improve auction house filters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steelebourne.3184


I go onto the auction house to look for levels 34-35 masterwork armor. There’s 126 available (w/o type filtering). I have to slowly run my mouse over each individual one to find something without that red “unusable with your profession” label. What’s wrong with this picture? Come on, don’t be like Apple and ignore every single useful suggestion! This is an EXTREMELY basic filter that needs to be included.

Improve auction house filters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


OMG a actual good idea on suggestions!
I support this 100%