Insufficient Legendary Weapons
I reckon if we gather the mats needed for a Legendary we should be able to design our own.
Failing that suggestion, I’m pretty sure they’ll add more as they go along.
I would like a back-story to these weapons though since, you know, they’re Legendary.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Simple answer, not everyone can get what they want. However as for you I think you’re missing a couple legendary weapons you could use like; Flameseeker Prophecies, and The Predator (come on a rifle that shoots lasers? Sounds pretty engi to me) that could be nice.
I’d like at least 2-3 legendaries of each weapon type. right now the ones that are the most insulting are:
-unicorn long bow
-flower clown gun
Not to mention some classes don’t even have an option that matches them for legendaries:
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
There is currently a legendary for each weapon type, 2 for greatswords.
I do however agree that more “dark” or “vicious” type legendaries would be apreciated, as a lot of them have opted for the more silly route. Also, being limited to 2 legendaries due to the gifts of exploration does put a dampener on certain legendaries; have yet to see anyone even considering making the underwater ones for instance.
Lots on the wiki too, at least 20..
small correction, 3 for greatswords, the two you’re thinking of can combine.
More choice would be nice……………but maddening at the same time lol. Gonna take me forever as it is to get 1……..and my guardian wants Sunrise and The Flameseeker Prophecies.
Though being spoiled for choice is always nice xD I’m sure they’ll add more legendaries in time. The number available at release is pretty impressive tbh.
I reckon if we gather the mats needed for a Legendary we should be able to design our own.
Failing that suggestion, I’m pretty sure they’ll add more as they go along.
I would like a back-story to these weapons though since, you know, they’re Legendary.
Design our own weapons? I can totally see how that does not lead to a bunch of players with genitalia shaped weaponry.
Anyways, I too think that they are planning to add a bunch of more weapons as the game matures.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
I’d love to see more variety, it’s a real shame that the greatsword was given so much attention – though that’s not surprising considering the abundance of warriors/guardians and the mentality of ‘lol gr8sowrd is so cool xD’ that tends to plague most MMO’s these days.
More legendaries will come later. Chill.
Simple answer, not everyone can get what they want. However as for you I think you’re missing a couple legendary weapons you could use like; Flameseeker Prophecies, and The Predator (come on a rifle that shoots lasers? Sounds pretty engi to me) that could be nice.
Saying “not everyone can get what they want” is an non-constructive waste of time. I don’t use a shield or rifle often enough to invest legendary time into. Arena net wants to make us happy, they have made that crystal clear. I am mentioning something to improve on.
There’s already a boatload of Legendaries in this game. I can’t even think of another one with this many options outside of single-player games that have an “Ultimate” weapon for each type. If you’re bent on using two legendary pistols, make a second legendary pistol. I don’t see anything like WoW’s “Unique” gear mechanic that isn’t allowing you to have more than one.
On the number of Greatswords… well that’s just because they were easier to design around because they have a gigantic area of space to mess with while creating one. Honestly even though Greatswords got a lot more love in terms of number, every other legendary also got a lot more love than those in any other game. I’m kind of iffy about the My Little Pony bow (why wasn’t it My Little Kitten?) but even that has visual design that shows love and attention.
Maybe they’ll add more. Maybe they won’t. Currently there are double the number as what WoW has and even though there aren’t two of everything there’s still an incredible amount of variety given the weapon options of each profession.
well i am guessing that as time passes by, with the release of new expansions, DLCs etc there would be more and more “legendaries” added into the game.
I haven’t delved too much into legendary weapons other than shield sword right now. But is it just me or does any one think there should be two handed axes in the game?