Legendary skins

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


So basically the idea is that once someone attains a legendary; they also unlock a skin version of it or something so that alt characters could run around and show off what they’ve achieved thus far. Say a warrior gets Twilight and then makes a ranger. He’d be able to also have Twilight’s look for whatever greatsword their ranger may use.

This would be included in the same place as say.. those new Zenith skins would be in. This place seemed the best for this sort of thing since it’s an achievement to get the legendary

This Idea keeps that the player must first ATTAIN the legendary before being able to skin whatever else into looking like the legendary. Since its already like an account achievement to have a legendary; would seem understandable to make them account bound themselves; or at least a skin version or something.

The exchange is to remove them from being able to be on the Trading Post as that will present well… it’d make them cost way more than they do now. Since being able to buy an Account bound item would be a silly prospect.

Leave your thoughts and comments on this idea; I think it’d be a cool idea to have skin versions of the cool weapons one unlocks after hardwork.

P.S. Dontain is the original thinker of the idea; just figured I’d toss it up here. and all that fun stuff.

(edited by Ddublu.7504)

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


I support this! But only 1 skin per character, so people that makes one incinerator (for example) should not be able to wear it off hand and main hand.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guy Bigsock.2136

Guy Bigsock.2136

So basically the idea is that once someone attains a legendary; they also unlock a skin version of it or something so that alt characters could run around and show off what they’ve achieved thus far. Say a warrior gets Twilight and then makes a ranger. He’d be able to also have Twilight’s look for whatever greatsword their ranger may use.

This Idea keeps that the player must first ATTAIN the legendary before being able to skin whatever else into looking like the legendary. Since its already like an account achievement to have a legendary; would seem understandable to make them account bound themselves; or at least a skin version or something.

The exchange is to remove them from being able to be on the Trading Post as that will present well… it’d make them cost way more than they do now. Since being able to buy an Account bound item would be a silly prospect.

Leave your thoughts and comments on this idea; I think it’d be a cool idea to have skin versions of the cool weapons one unlocks after hardwork.

P.S. Dontain is the original thinker of the idea; just figured I’d toss it up here. and all that fun stuff.

Perfect idea!

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theugotzd.9843


This idea is AMAZING! Once I get a legendary(If I ever do) I could totally make a level 2 character and run around with twilight!

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


I support this! But only 1 skin per character, so people that makes one incinerator (for example) should not be able to wear it off hand and main hand.

It would look really awkward having only 1 skin per character. Like why should people that want to dual wield Incinerator have to pay double the amount of mats that a person would that just want say.. Twilight or something?

At least to me it seems understandable to allow a player to have to spend equal amounts of mats to look good with dual legendaries as it would for someone with a 2 hander legendary.

This just may be me but still xD

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sedoks.3576


I totally agree with this idea, but I think there should be one limitation. When you get for example Incinerator you should be able to only use it once on your characters, but if you make another Incinerator you should be able to use it in both hands.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


I support this! But only 1 skin per character, so people that makes one incinerator (for example) should not be able to wear it off hand and main hand.

It would look really awkward having only 1 skin per character. Like why should people that want to dual wield Incinerator have to pay double the amount of mats that a person would that just want say.. Twilight or something?

At least to me it seems understandable to allow a player to have to spend equal amounts of mats to look good with dual legendaries as it would for someone with a 2 hander legendary.

This just may be me but still xD

Because thats how it works now and alot people have actually 2 incinerators… I only have one, but still, its like getting 2 legendaries for the price of 1

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArtemusHunter.9521


So basically the idea is that once someone attains a legendary; they also unlock a skin version of it or something so that alt characters could run around and show off what they’ve achieved thus far. Say a warrior gets Twilight and then makes a ranger. He’d be able to also have Twilight’s look for whatever greatsword their ranger may use.

This would be included in the same place as say.. those new Zenith skins would be in. This place seemed the best for this sort of thing since it’s an achievement to get the legendary

This Idea keeps that the player must first ATTAIN the legendary before being able to skin whatever else into looking like the legendary. Since its already like an account achievement to have a legendary; would seem understandable to make them account bound themselves; or at least a skin version or something.

The exchange is to remove them from being able to be on the Trading Post as that will present well… it’d make them cost way more than they do now. Since being able to buy an Account bound item would be a silly prospect.

Leave your thoughts and comments on this idea; I think it’d be a cool idea to have skin versions of the cool weapons one unlocks after hardwork.

P.S. Dontain is the original thinker of the idea; just figured I’d toss it up here. and all that fun stuff.

I like the idea, but if it was ever actually added to the game, I think the closest we would see is you would have to actually equip it, but before its equipped you would be given a pop up saying something like,

“The item you are about to equip is a Legendary Item and will add the skin of -Insert Legendary here- to you achievements tab section. It will also soulbind the item.

Do you wish to continue?"

or on the off chance they have a heart,

“Do you wish to add the -Insert Legendary here- skin to your Achievements Panel?
(note this will not soulbind/account bind the item).

[Add to Achievements] [Equip Now] [Cancel]"

But there is also a third route they could take..

“Do you wish to add the -Insert Legendary here- skin to your Achievements Panel?
(note this will account bind the item and turn it into a skin with no stats).

[Add to Achievements] [Equip Now] [Cancel]"

Two of them could be very possible. But you also have to take in the fact, yes fact as it is actually going to happen, that legendaries are going to be able to change stats on the fly when out of combat.

That means that either special conditions have to be applied to the newly made legendary weapons/possibly legendary armor, or they make it so only the original weapon can change stats on the fly and not the reskinned weapons/possibly armor.

Or, they just don’t do any of this and go with whats already been talked about.. lol

IGN: Floyd Hunter

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


I guess but like… still. it means certain classes would have to put in double the effort than other classes. Like a Thief would need to spend twice the mats that the average Warrior would.

This is based on how usually Warriors run Twilight or something. Unless they like half the cost of 1hand compared to 2hand; which I guess is okay since technically the two combined would equal that of one 2hand legendary.

Still though it’d be better for it to work the other way; where your allowed to skin it as many times as you want on a character. Remember that they’d basically act like skins so wouldn’t give any stats; JUST the looks of the legendary.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArtemusHunter.9521


That second option btw would make it so you could put the Legendary back on the market.

but making the skin available on attaining the weapon seems a bit much. you should have to use the item, not just obtain it via gold and then all of a sudden the skin is unlocked for all alts. Of course, maybe a special condition could be made if you actually made the skin yourself so that when you obtained it via the MF, you could then unlock it for alts via AP panel..

IGN: Floyd Hunter

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


It would throw the market out the door if you were able to get the skin of a legendary and then resell the legendary itself. There should be a downside to it; which would be it is account bound and all that fun stuff. You could make the weapon itself soulbound or w/e it is now. But allow the copying of just ITS LOOKS for your alt characters.


Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


Guys, to me “Legendary” means some unique thing that has an epic lore of destiny about it. It is UNIQUE, what is unique about an item you can clone as much as you want??

I don’t support this idea.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: sHINNEN.2871


A way to solve the dual legendaries would be a new recipe, in which if you combined two of the same legendaries you’d get a shiny version, for example blue flame Incinerator or something.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


Guys, to me “Legendary” means some unique thing that has an epic lore of destiny about it. It is UNIQUE, what is unique about an item you can clone as much as you want??

I don’t support this idea.

You would still have to put in the effort to make the legendary first. This idea allows you to then show your achievement for having made one through all your characters.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Osi.3504


I disagree, why? It would overkill the game with legendary skins, I would prefer them just making Legendary weapons account bound so you can swap them to different characters if you plan to play them a lot.

Allowing every character to have one of every skin is overkill since you’ll never take the time to swap weapons and keep them on every alt which means you’ll see a legendary weapons 99% of the time which will KILL anyone caring to own a legendary because it’s as common to see as a vendor item which means no one will spend 1000g+ to buy one which means the economy will die off slowly since just about all items to be forged is to eventually get a precursor/legendary item.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Guys, to me “Legendary” means some unique thing that has an epic lore of destiny about it. It is UNIQUE, what is unique about an item you can clone as much as you want??

I don’t support this idea.

You would still have to put in the effort to make the legendary first. This idea allows you to then show your achievement for having made one through all your characters.

Last I checked you actually can do that already in game…

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


Precursors would still exist in the TP. I’m suggesting of removing the Legendaries themselves. everything that’s needed to build them would still easily be sold on the TP. I’m pretty sure the TP doesn’t revolve strictly around building a legendary.

I still don’t view it as overkill since it’d allow a player to show his achievement across any character at any level; following weapon proficiency restrictions of course. Again these would only be vanity effects from the item.

Also if everyone is just doing whatever they can to get a legendary then eventually they’d become “common” anyway. This Idea bolsters having to spend at least SOME time and effort to achieve the honor of having a legendary. And that honor should be able to be represented throughout an account.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Osi.3504


You don’t understand the economy well, the reason certain skins and armors are highly desired is because they are “rare” or “unique” aka not a lot of people have them, I think that is the larger half of people buying any items than people who actually “like” that skin for it’s sole appeal. Honestly the current legendary items are ugly and don’t make much sense to a lot of the very cool looking weapons. I mean a shortbow that shoots unicorns… really? Most people that go for that is simply doing it for the legendary reasoning. The more people have of items the less people want them. So when you make legendary items COMMON aka give them to every character just because you unlocked the weapon one one toon. Then a lot of people won’t care to get them anymore, that means a lot of items lose value, like Ectoplasms, T6 materials, yellow/exotic prices are solely based on ecto, and the higher ones are based on getting precursor items, without any desire of legendary weapons (no demand), there will be no reason to forge a precursor, and if there is no reason to forge them, prices on exotic weapons and rare weapons will be vendor price. lol

Edit: Legendary items are somewhat common now, but because people play alts you don’t see them therefore making them much less common in general than they really are. I think the best change they could do would be just making them Account Bound and take it as far as that.

(edited by Osi.3504)

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


I still don’t see how this changes the rarity or effort put in to get a legendary… seeing as normal players have what… 5 character slots 2-3 of which are actually in use by them. Also not all legendaries are usable by each class. the three greatswords are only usable by Warriors, Mesmers, Guardians, and Rangers.

So any of the other four would still have to find their own legendary to use. So it wouldn’t be shown on all their characters. Heck they probably won’t be shown on more than say.. 2 of a person’s character.

I guess that having them Account bound would be enough but making skin versions of them accessible is a much easier solution. Besides those mats are used in other important crafting; such as Exotic gear and the like. Also if one really wanted to be a kitten then they’d try to make all of the legendaries; doing the whole ‘gotta catch ’em all’ type of thing.

I honestly don’t see this as making them less rare since one would have to put the effort to even get one instead of paying for the legendary itself.

Edit: Either way I suppose making them Account bound would definitely be good enough to be added in at least. However having a skin version would still just be full of awesome ;D

(edited by Ddublu.7504)

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArtemusHunter.9521


I still don’t see how this changes the rarity or effort put in to get a legendary… seeing as normal players have what… 5 character slots 2-3 of which are actually in use by them. Also not all legendaries are usable by each class. the three greatswords are only usable by Warriors, Mesmers, Guardians, and Rangers.

So any of the other four would still have to find their own legendary to use. So it wouldn’t be shown on all their characters. Heck they probably won’t be shown on more than say.. 2 of a person’s character.

I guess that having them Account bound would be enough but making skin versions of them accessible is a much easier solution. Besides those mats are used in other important crafting; such as Exotic gear and the like. Also if one really wanted to be a kitten then they’d try to make all of the legendaries; doing the whole ‘gotta catch ’em all’ type of thing.

I honestly don’t see this as making them less rare since one would have to put the effort to even get one instead of paying for the legendary itself.

Edit: Either way I suppose making them Account bound would definitely be good enough to be added in at least. However having a skin version would still just be full of awesome ;D

The skin version of it though would diminish the value of the legendary altogether though. Think about it: Yeah its hard to make one. That’s the whole point behind them, they are legendary! If you want to show off your achievement, log into the character that is using it and swing your weapon around.

Or better yet, dance with it.

I understand you want to be able to get a legendary and have it on all characters you own that can use it, but currently that’s already in the game. They don’t need to add that system because, when you get right down to it, you could just go and craft them for all your characters.

It would be time consuming, yes, but to ArenaNet and NC Soft, thats a good thing. That means you are playing their game more, and for a lot longer than simply putting several hundred dollars into a game once to buy a legendary just to unlock for your account.

I’m pretty sure they would rather have you play their game longer. Besides, they are going to make it easier for you to make them when you can craft Precursors.

IGN: Floyd Hunter

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Seriously guys, transmutation…

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


Seriously guys, transmutation…

That’s not Account bound or anything like we are talking about.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Seriously guys, transmutation…

And BAM! They don’t get updated to ascended stats and you canæt change the stats of the legendary whenever you want to

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: karzonator.5394


So basically the idea is that once someone attains a legendary; they also unlock a skin version of it or something so that alt characters could run around and show off what they’ve achieved thus far. Say a warrior gets Twilight and then makes a ranger. He’d be able to also have Twilight’s look for whatever greatsword their ranger may use.

This would be included in the same place as say.. those new Zenith skins would be in. This place seemed the best for this sort of thing since it’s an achievement to get the legendary

This Idea keeps that the player must first ATTAIN the legendary before being able to skin whatever else into looking like the legendary. Since its already like an account achievement to have a legendary; would seem understandable to make them account bound themselves; or at least a skin version or something.

The exchange is to remove them from being able to be on the Trading Post as that will present well… it’d make them cost way more than they do now. Since being able to buy an Account bound item would be a silly prospect.

Leave your thoughts and comments on this idea; I think it’d be a cool idea to have skin versions of the cool weapons one unlocks after hardwork.

P.S. Dontain is the original thinker of the idea; just figured I’d toss it up here. and all that fun stuff.

Dontain thought it up? Sorry, not gonna happen.

Good idea though

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Seriously guys, transmutation…

And BAM! They don’t get updated to ascended stats and you canæt change the stats of the legendary whenever you want to

So like… exactly the same situation that converting all legendaries into skins would be? They’re not going to give you an ascended weapon on every character because you got one.

Seriously guys, transmutation…

That’s not Account bound or anything like we are talking about.

Transmuting is account bound…

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


Seriously guys, transmutation…

And BAM! They don’t get updated to ascended stats and you canæt change the stats of the legendary whenever you want to

So like… exactly the same situation that converting all legendaries into skins would be? They’re not going to give you an ascended weapon on every character because you got one.

Seriously guys, transmutation…

That’s not Account bound or anything like we are talking about.

Transmuting is account bound…

1) You wouldn’t be converting legendaries into skins. You’d still have the legendary on like.. the dude you decided to make it on. It’s just that you’d also be able to show off you put the time, effort, and probably money to make one while not on your main character.

2) Yes transmutation stones or w/e are account bound, but using one doesn’t actually change anything since you can’t just send it over to another character and transmute it down to something that they can use at their level, keeping the legendaries look the same of course.

P.S. To my understanding legendaries are soulbound after being equipped right? So yeah currently you can’t give the legendary weapon’s looks to an alt.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


You can make soulbound items account bound with transmutation stones.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


You can make soulbound items account bound with transmutation stones.

So if you transmuted a legendaries looks onto another exotic or better weapon; you’d be able to move it around from character to character? >.>

Like I stated before; I’d be happy with them being account bound; then I’d at least just have to remember to move it around like you would BoA’s in WoW.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


Oh just had someone that supported this idea give a good reasoning to why adding Legendary skins would not change anything.

Since a player can only be logged into one character at a time; it’d still be only ONE person with the legendary; at least visually speaking. So there really isn’t any change at all. I suppose it’s still true that a player would then not have to make a legendary again for each character they want one with or whatever. But it doesn’t increase the number of legendaries out there since its still the SAME player using the legendary.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ddublu.7504


Bumping this so that more people see it. Also going to try to condense the post so far in this reply:

Idea: Basically by creating a legendary; the player will also earn an account-wide skin version to be used to show off their achievement of making a legendary on any of their account’s characters (with weapon limitations of course).

+ Allows players that wish to dual wield Incinerator/Frostfang to not have to spend more time and effort than those that are able to just get a 2hander legendary.
+ Gives the player the ability to show off on all of their capable characters.

Reason against:
~“Makes legendary weapons less rare and also will ruin the Trading Post economy because there will be less demand for materials”

1) This idea wouldn’t change anything about how rare a legendary will be since it’s still limited to that one player’s account; as well as those characters they have that are capable of using the legendary.

2) Yes, generally less people will need to buy mats from the TP; but in all honesty who really does that? I suppose the rich as kitten people would, but still.

One last thing. Since Legendaries are currently eligable to be sold through the TP; either the legendaries would no longer be sold on the TP, OR they become soulbound to that character the moment they equip it; and must equip it on at least one character to gain the skin version off it.

Legendary skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Again, transmute onto a white → item is account bound.
If you want it legendary again on the new character, use a splitter.