I am sure everyone is sick and tired of the MMO comparisons that runs rampant on these forumshowever I feel that one aspect from DAOC may not be so bad for GW2.
In other words you get a toon to 80 grant the immediate jump to say lvl 20-30 or something with /level.
Now hear me out, this is not coming from a lazy individual who doesn’t want to do the work but someone who is more interested in WvWvW at the gear and traits available to a level 80. While anyone can go out to Wx3 it is clear that a true 80 will have the advantage of gear/traits.
Add to this that most people play a toon to 20+ before realizing “meh this isn’t for me” and re-rolling something else. I have done this three time. I love the ranger but turns out at level 30 not my type of play style, engineer yeah fun but no not for me, loving the guardian. So say I get to 80 with he guardian and the guild would really love a ranger for a run well at this point I really don’t think the personal story and DE’s would really drive much people to want to level all the way through again not because it is hard but basically because it is boring.
DAOC /lvl really did not hurt the PVE aspect of the game but allowed you to get a head start while on your way to PvP (Wx3) it put you at a level that you still had time to actually learn your class so you were not a total failure at it when at max level.
I don’t know just a thought. I just know from personal experience how much it can stink to sink time into something to figure out that you really don’t like it.