More emotes, please

More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I feel like the amount of emotes is very small. Now I’m not generally a digital RPer, at least not in the truest sense. I like to make my armor look cool, I like to mess around and do certain things based on how a character would, and I like my emotes. In particular I am missing the /drum, /guitar and the like from GW1, and I’d like to see some /flirt or /joke type of commands from the races as well. We have some pretty decent voice overs for the race/gender combinations, so hearing them make silly comments or awkward flirts would be great. Maybe even add a few that are profession-based as well as race and gender. Amongst others, I’d love to see more suggestions of expanded emotes, if there are any more out there.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

I would really like:

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Requiem.8769



More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I don’t particularly think we need a /afk since there appears to be no afk-timer, I usually just /sit or /sleep if I’m going to be away from my computer for more than a few minutes. I like everything else so far . . . though I’m not sure what /flip would look like, do you mean for your character to literally do like a standing backflip?

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


Definitely need more emotes! At least simple text ones, that don’t animate. It’s a pain typing them out, hah.

I would also like to know why all of my back equipment and weapons disappear when I emote… It totally rips me out of the immersion. Would love for this to get changed.

More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I would also like to know why all of my back equipment and weapons disappear when I emote… It totally rips me out of the immersion. Would love for this to get changed.

This equates to not coding the emote actively, instead they’re a separate set of coding that stand alone all by themselves. I like to call it wall flower coding, lol. I would like to see it revamped, also. Older games did it so we have the coding to draw from, it would be nice if we weren’t taking the lazy way on some things. More emotes and better all around emotes.

Heck, with things like flirts and jokes, they wouldn’t even need an animation. I just want some audio files that play with some funny and silly things.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Yes! Please more emotes for RP!

GW2 lacks soo many RP features that other, even older, MMOs have.

More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


Yes! Please more emotes for RP!

GW2 lacks soo many RP features that other, even older, MMOs have.

That even GW1 had, is what surprises me the most. I know it’s a new game running a new engine, but it feels like a lot of that kind of coding could have been copy/paste and tweek a little.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread: