NPC Trebuchets

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: omphin.1752


Truth be told that man for man being on a treb is the most efficient way to make progress for your WvW team. The problem is its way too boring. Who wants to sit in the same spot pressing 2 for ages? Not I, yet i do it cause its the best way to help my team.

What I suggest is this. Create a new type of Trebuchet with about 50 casts on it (number can be altered). for this trebuchet it might cost more supply, prehaps 120. You aim the treb where you want it to fire, it has 50 casts so try to get it right asap. Then you hit the auto cast button and leave the trebuchet and an NPC takes over the shooting for you, where you had the treb aimed and with the force/distance from your last cast.

Regardless of if you keep the types of trebuchets currently in the game while also having these new trebuchets it would free people up from not having to sit pressing 2 all the time. Maybe the casts would be slower or faster thats up to Anet to balance out. Any ideas on how to improve this idea are welcome.

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


Only problem I’m seeing is people glitching the AI system.
For example a Mesmer pulling a trebuchet npc a certain way resulting in the npc not being able to walk back, negating the system.

Other than thing I think its fine, as lnng as regular siege doesn’t get this feature.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Truth be told that man for man being on a treb is the most efficient way to make progress for your WvW team. The problem is its way too boring. Who wants to sit in the same spot pressing 2 for ages? Not I, yet i do it cause its the best way to help my team.

What I suggest is this. Create a new type of Trebuchet with about 50 casts on it (number can be altered). for this trebuchet it might cost more supply, prehaps 120. You aim the treb where you want it to fire, it has 50 casts so try to get it right asap. Then you hit the auto cast button and leave the trebuchet and an NPC takes over the shooting for you, where you had the treb aimed and with the force/distance from your last cast.

Regardless of if you keep the types of trebuchets currently in the game while also having these new trebuchets it would free people up from not having to sit pressing 2 all the time. Maybe the casts would be slower or faster thats up to Anet to balance out. Any ideas on how to improve this idea are welcome.

give the treb a supply pool which can be refilled, firing the treb will cost supply. run out cant fire anymore. Simple

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: omphin.1752


Only problem I’m seeing is people glitching the AI system.
For example a Mesmer pulling a trebuchet npc a certain way resulting in the npc not being able to walk back, negating the system.

Other than thing I think its fine, as lnng as regular siege doesn’t get this feature.

The NPC would be part of the trebuchet, just a visual explanation as to why this trebuchet fires itself. I also like the other suggestion that you can add more supply to add more charges to the trebuchet and top it up

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Poison.3059


I thinm it’s a great idea as standing on a treb for half an hour or so is not fun for anyone.

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fella Feller.4936

Fella Feller.4936

Great Idea. Treb duty is the pits.

The Tally family of Desolation-
Victor(Ranger), Astral(Ele), Martial(Warrior), Erroneous(Mes), Ticker(Engi), Ravin(Thief)
with special guests Hematophagia(Necro) and Grace Burns(Guardian)

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: omphin.1752


So to Recap:

These New Trebuchets would have about 50 casts on it (number can be altered). For this trebuchet it might cost more supply, prehaps 120. You aim the treb where you want it to fire, it has 50 casts so try to get it right first time if you can. Then you hit the auto cast button and leave the trebuchet and an NPC takes over the shooting for you, where you had the treb aimed and with the force/distance from your last cast. The NPC is just a visual and cannot be pulled interupted from doing its job

Only the person that placed the Trebuchet can alter its aim and power, but everyone can add supply to increase the charges. Perhaps 10 supply would add 5 charges/casts. Alternatively this treb can be used like a normal trebuchet if desired, which would be benefitial if opponents are trying to place siege to take out these trebs.

Regardless of if you keep the types of trebuchets currently in the game while also having these new trebuchets it would free people up from not having to sit pressing 2 all the time. Maybe the casts would be slower or faster thats up to Anet to balance out. Any ideas on how to improve this idea are welcome.

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: omphin.1752


Please Anet, try to implement this trebuchet if only to test how it would fare Vs the regular trebuchet