New Gem Store Item: 1-80 XP Pack

New Gem Store Item: 1-80 XP Pack

in Suggestions

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Why not a compromise?

Say, you could only buy something like this IF you already have at least 2 characters leveled to 80 – make that a requirement so it only applies to your second alt onwards?

New Gem Store Item: 1-80 XP Pack

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toast.6459


To all the people saying “this idea is brilliant”, one question for you. Are you so pathetically lazy that you can’t even play a game anymore? I do truly hope you people aren’t of my generation, because I would be ashamed to be grouped with you.

Oh and little something for ya’ll to think about, this ain’t WoW, the game is the leveling. It’s not 80 mindless grinding levels and then some boring endgame raids you spam over and over. I would think that would be obvious, but considering this suggestion is here and even being supported, it must not be.

Are you serious? The leveling is only a part of GW2. I manually leveled 2 characters, and I have seen the maps and events twice. If somebody wishes to change his character must he do so in a few weeks? Should his friends be punished and wait for him this much? For some of us the game consists in the real challenges that happen at level 80. Please learn to respect other people’s opinions. It’s a primary skill for any “good generation” i’m sure yours is included.

That’s your problem for deciding to use the same race, there’s different stories and different maps. Your failure to notice that does not warrant an item that you can click and amplify your laziness to a whole new level.

Is this bad idea weekend or something? I honestly can’t tell.

Hahaha OMG. Where did I say the race thing)? You don’t only judge people poorly but put words in their mouth as well.

Ummm… actually each of my character is a different class with a different race. I do so because I want to see and the story for all of them. I want to get the most of the game. But I don’t think that revisiting the same maps over and over is ok.

This auto-leveling option should only be available under the next circumstances: The player has at least 1 level 80 character with 100% map completion.

How am I putting words in your mouth, unless you’ve played every race, every social class, every order you aren’t repeating anything. All you’re doing at this point is making failed excuses for why you should be able to waste your parent’s money so you can be lazy. I’m done arguing with you, you clearly have nothing logical to present. I figured as much from someone supporting such an illogical suggestion as this.